As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

I like them actually doing something with diplomatic visibility, though. I wonder how it will play out in multiplayer? Accept no delegations from the Mongols seems a given, although apparently no one bothers with those anyway. Do you lose the visibility of a trade route once the route is cancelled? If so, it doesn't really seem like those two abilities mesh all that well.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(December 19th, 2017, 16:04)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Do you lose the visibility of a trade route once the route is cancelled? If so, it doesn't really seem like those two abilities mesh all that well.

I think you gain visibility with a trading post when a trade route is completed or for the Mongols, when it is started.

Added: Also, do you lose the delegation when war is declared?

(December 19th, 2017, 16:04)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I like them actually doing something with diplomatic visibility, though. I wonder how it will play out in multiplayer? Accept no delegations from the Mongols seems a given, although apparently no one bothers with those anyway. Do you lose the visibility of a trade route once the route is cancelled? If so, it doesn't really seem like those two abilities mesh all that well.

You lose the visibility from the trade route but I think you keep the visibility from the trading post, so Mongolia can start up a trade route and then immediately declare war for the bonus.

Also, a nice tidbit from the livestream: EVERYONE gets a combat bonus from diplomatic visibility, it's just that Mongolia's is twice as strong as normal (+3 for the standard boost and an additional +3 from Mongolia's ability). That should be a nice buff to France.

Another piece of information: the polder has extremely strict placement limitations, 3 adjacent flatland tiles. Hills, mountains, and other polders don't count. They can be built in lakes, though, which will probably consistently be the place to look for.

(December 14th, 2017, 03:33)TheArchduke Wrote: Trade routes comes with markets and lighthouses. How exactly were desert size 1 cities a problem? Aren´t settler and district costs a bit prohibitive for that?

This is the thing that worries me the most. It probably will slow down the early game quite a bit. I'm assuming they had playtesters who liked this change, but right now, I really can't see any upside to it. To me, the campus district feels like a tax I have to pay before I can build the science buildings. Now, it's going to be the same with the commercial hubs.

I'm happy that the Netherlands are added, though. What do you call it when you're happy that the country where you've been living for 6 years is added to civ? Expatriotism?

Q Blast's plan wouldn't work because Trading posts take time to appear.

Not for the Mongols. They get insta-trading posts as soon as they start the route.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Someone posted a list of all the currently known "Era bonuses" (used to unlock Golden Ages). Anyone else afraid this expansion is getting a little too civ 5-ish? You seem to get rewards just for doing stuff that any remotely competent player would do anyways... It smacks a little bit to much of civ 5's "so you got culture from your palace: here's your choice of a free settler or 4 free monuments!" thing to me. There's also the governor system and the many references to "Tall" play by the devs, I hope I'm wrong...

The trade route change to first level buildings is fine, off-map sources of food, gold and production were having a bit too much of an effect for my liking.

Districts do generally need some sexying up though, aside from encampments and holy sites they are quite bland. I am thinking that there will be a whole new system of bonuses centred around districts eventually, maybe second expansion. For a small change, commerce and harbor districts could grant envoys on completion, campuses could grant a wildcard policy slot for 5 turns, theatres could grant a one-time assortment of GPP akin to the carnival project, and entertainment just needs its cost to be cut by a lot.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(December 23rd, 2017, 16:59)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Not for the Mongols. They get insta-trading posts as soon as they start the route.


The district discount mechanism's mysteries have been unveiled! Source post on CivFanatics: The explanation there is somewhat opaque. After reading the post I had to scratch it out with paper and pen to wrap my mind around it, so I re-stated it in the spoiler thread for my duel vs. TheArchduke with some further explanation and examples from my current game.

SPOILERS FOR TheArchduke ONLY, as this this is my thread for our duel: Sorry TheArchduke, you'll have to wait to see the specific examples but I'll cut out the spoilery parts and put it in the "Expanded Civilopedia" thread when I have a chance.

Teaser: it's not always advantageous to place districts ASAP to lock in costs, in fact it might be better in many cases to wait!

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