Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] Island hoppers

burned 2 yuris cities that were lightly guarded, one of them which was the shrine city. He has 4 destroyers that I can see so I cannot try to burn other cities at this time sadly. Commodore's research overflow seems to have stopped but now we are both at AL so need marines and bombers and battleships. He also moved his big fleet out of the northern area?! I did see his wood ships heading NW to diverting my fleet to the southern area as well to meet him. Need more blimps. I didnt realize that the mining inc incorporated city only gets the +gold?! Should have incorporated at the capital if I had known. Oh well.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Several more thoughts and questions? Why do ppl consider sid sushi to be OP? It seems that mining inc is much more briken? Yeah you get food but eventually you hit the health and hapoy cap while mining gives you hammers which is seriously needed with the industrial age. Right now its giving 26h and with coal plant thats 52h:t even in a fishing village. I think i will whip the core cities down to 13, including cap, so i can build coal plants in them without health penalty. The lucky cities wuth fresh water can stay at 15. Then i always wondered why coal plants give 4 unhealthy not 2. Need to spread corp faster though and maybe i xan eventually adopt emancipation
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

I posted my thoughts on the brokenness of different corps in the lurker thread since they're potentially spoilery. As for why coal plants give 4 unhealth instead of 2, if I understand the question correctly, the coal plant itself causes 2 unhealth, but any source of Power for the city - coal plant, nuclear plant, hydro plant, Three Gorges Dam on the same continent, or any combination - causes a one-time penalty of 2 unhealth separately. One thing that frustrates me about the game is that you can't "decomission" a Coal Plant (the way you can sell buildings in civ games where they cost maintenance) after building 3GD, so it sits there contributing its 2 unhealth even though it isn't needed. (At least, that's how I remember it working; it's been a lonnnnng time since I played a game of Civ where I had a chance to build one of the things....)

ok thanks. Commodore put his 30 Ds in the southern area. I have 45 but seems like not enough. Indust in 3 turns.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

got industrialism but have a problem since it obsoleted ivory and big cities are unhappy. time to whip up Broadway in the big hammer city.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

got hit hard and commodore burned down the moai city, losing gold really hurts. looks like he still has 20 infantly with 15 damaged units to attack? defending will be tricky
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

right now I am definitely on the backfoot. Due to heavy whipping, my econ is trash. Despite this, the only way i can win is to spread mining to more cities to beat Comm's production. The process will be to spread the corp to my core cities first, then have each core city spread to the former whipping post cities. I do need to build all the gold multipliers in the smaller cities so I dont go bankrupt, and the core cities will build units to hide the infra bulding.

EDIT: Also if Comm doesnt move that stack to the south in 2 turns, he will regret it.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

he moved his fleet out and I killed a good portion of it but I couldnt get to all his galleons and transports!!!!!!
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

at least 1 can 1 turn rushmore to get WW out of my core cities.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

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