No rush. Take your time and enjoy the weekend.
Theocracy doesn't come into play for a long time. Sending a missionary to selected civs should be worth yes.
CHA goes well with aesthetics+literature due to the ease of getting 3rd XP level units. If we build the SoZ we can unlock the HE early (possibly without even going to war). That opens up options.
Quote:I think Missionaries are important if we found an early religion. Not to spread to our cities but to foreign lands.Yes, OR is the main draw actually. OR+monarchy is a natural swap. OR also means that we can train missionaries without meditation/a monastery. These games are very heavy on infrastructure, largely due to the innate defenders advantage and spacious maps.
It's a given to me that the religion happiness doesn't matter to us ;
Civics can have their use (especially Theocracy, which requires that awkward tech but OR as a standard civic is excellent) ;
Shrine has the most upside. Shrine needs missionaries. 1 per player, let them do the dirty work.
Theocracy doesn't come into play for a long time. Sending a missionary to selected civs should be worth yes.
Quote:Would you expand on that ? It's not obvious to me.Meditation can potentially ruin astronomy bulb. Possibility of ruining machinery bulb if we need early CoL.
Meditation opens up the Philo bulb, which can screw... what bulbs ?
What's with CHA and Aesthetics ?
CHA goes well with aesthetics+literature due to the ease of getting 3rd XP level units. If we build the SoZ we can unlock the HE early (possibly without even going to war). That opens up options.