Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Shallow Old Human Tourist Hit the beach!

Turn 14

Oh, wow! I think our settling priority might need changing again... This plains hill looks like a great Moai site. And this body of water looks pretty big - 6-7 tiles wide, and continues to the north and south (according to ropey camera flying so take with as much salt as you prefer).



Turn 15

Not much going on this turn, so I'll update the dotmap overview. Here's a blank for anyone who wants to do their own. I've added the camera-flying-waterway-guesswork to get an idea of the lie of the land. It'd be nice if we had backlines to the north, but I don't think we can rely on that.

Our dotmap develops. Hitru moved A one north - between the sheep which speeds up the snowball considerably, and seems to have city C settled by t40. Apparently we don't need any workers, so we can just keep on building settlers. smile (Oh, okay we need two workers, and we might build some more before city C - it's not set in stone yet - but this way we might get to four cities before someone gets their second...)



Hmm, pictures are broken for me. But if I copy paste the link into a new tab that works.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Still broken? I was still fiddling with them as I posted, so they might have taken a while to upload...

Working now
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

The next in our increasingly irregular opposition research feature, these players *could* win this game:

With a fair wind

Gavagai - Mehmed (Exp/Org) of Egypt (War Chariot/Obelisk)

Gavagai has played twelve games at RB, he won a couple of them, including stomping me in PB30 (with some help from OT4E and 2metraninja). But mostly he just plays for the love of grinding an opponent beneath the hooves of his War Chariots. His threads are pretty entertaining too.

With a fast starting leader and a strong Agri/Wheel civ he should get a nice early conquest and use ORG to push into contention. I expect a top 10 finish. Would swap combo.

GermanJoey - Charlemagne (Imp/Pro) of Mongolia (Keshik/Ger)

Joey seems to have mellowed over the last year, failing to rage in any tech threads and accusing zero other players of cheating. This might be the new normal, but its possible that his great performance in pb37 meant that he didn't want to derail the game. Or perhaps he got krill's chat details and saved up all his vitriol for someone who would really appreciate it. Long story short - I'm still bitter about pb18 and I hope we start on opposite sides of the world so we don't have to interact at all.

He's got a fast expanding leader and a 2-mover loving civ, so he's going do just fine. Top ten finish. Would swap combo.

Commodore - Kublai Khan (Cha/Cre) of Rome (Praetorian/Forum)

The storyteller of rb has actually got a job as a storyteller (or something) so we haven't had the benefit of his yarns for a while. This is excellent news for the threadviews war! A tough competitor who doesn't suffer noobs but has never really shone in his 20-odd games, except in his prose. His lone pitboss win came when paired with dtay and neighbouring a retep who got crippled by barbarians. Kublai is a nice easy leader, cre looking good on this map, but cha devalued by the plentiful happy resources. I expect amphibious praets to feature heavily in this game.

I expect a top ten finish as he crushes one opponent but then gets surprisingly bogged down against someone else. Would swap combo.

spacetyrantxenu - Hatshepsut (Cre/Spi) of Greece (Phalanx/Odeon)

Xenu has distinguished himself as a warlike warrior who likes a bit of war. Last time out (pb18) he withstood being neighbours with plako for an age and made some lasting enemies before finally succumbing. Cre and Spi don't seem a great fit for satisfying the blood god, but do make life a lot easier if you're playing casually. I'll guess he's going to play a nice peaceful game this time.

Greece is a pretty average civ but I expect Xenu to end up in the top ten. Would swap combo.

Boldly Going Nowhere - Boudica (Agg/Cha) of Khmer (Ballista Ele/Baray)

Boldly medaled in pb18, helped by good neighbour luck early on, then hindered by terrible neighbour luck later (hi Krill!) If he could have agreed an amicable border with said neighbour he'd likely have won the game (to be fair, many have failed to agree an amicable border with Krill). Selecting Agg/Cha makes me suspect he learned the wrong lesson from that though, and he is going to commando the world into oblivion. At least he'll have fun.

Top ten finish. Would swap combo.

Turn 16

I forgot to mention that the worker finished farming the corn last turn, she'll start on the rice next. Our first warrior completed and could uncover that fogged tile next turn, or could more safely travel via the trees to the plains hill to see it on t19, or could head south to the grass forest hill to see it t18. Any strong opinions, given that there's a couple of lions out there somewhere?

Over in the west our scout discovers... More food! Every time I do a dotmap the next turn reveals something that obsoletes it! smoke Do we move to the plains hill next turn to get another great view of the sea, or do we move N-NE to allow quicker progress up to the hill NW of the ivory?



Turn 17

A wolf! Least dangerous of all animals! Dance I decided that our scout would check out the coast because I thought there was a flat tile to the north of this hill that would let us keep moving quickly. And the wolf only has a 0.34% chance to kill. It's a bit of a shame that it'll suicide on us - fog busting animals are handy for stopping warriors spawning near us a bit later - but there wasn't anywhere to hide and keep scouting. With the crabs we also have another Moai candidate... Not as much food as down south, but still a very nice watery city.

Civilization grew to size 2 and started on a worker which will finish at the same time as Bronze Working, allowing us to chop-chop-chop our way to two settlers by t31. smile I'll be interested to see how competitive that is - how many civs are planning to start with two workers before the first settler...



Turn 18

Our lupine friend ran away. smile Unfortunately I don't think we have backlines to the north - it looks like the land keeps on going. frown I'm not too upset about that though - I want to have multiple neighbours, since that'll make it more likely we have at least one weak enough to eat.

Camera flying implies hills and trees to the north of our scout.

In the east our warrior uncovers absolutely nothing. I want to move to the plains hill next turn to get that last bit of fog, which could give a lion a 10% shot at killing him. A bear will get 64% though, do we take the risk?



Turn 19

Oh, hang on a minute, perhaps that camera flying was talking nonsense. That looks like some coast - perhaps those are backlines after all. I believe we want to get the scout back to the capital to help cover settlers on turn 30 so we have about another five turns to explore up here.

In other news lots of score increases last turn and this, almost all from capitals growing to size 2. Only Naufragar, Adrien and Donovan Zoi haven't grown yet. Looking at power scores I'm going to stick my neck out and reckon that Aretas has built an archer. eek Let's hope he's just on the other side of whoever our closest neighbour is. Demos.


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