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Singaboy and Sullla's team thread

I have played my turn, but need to zzzz. My report will come in tomorrow morning.

There is one explanation for the income. They might be running projects. Very well possible for England. Remember how your income got inflated by running a commercial project.

Turn 86:

Well, first thing I notice is another good request from Rome for 100 gold. Not too sure how much gold I have sent to Rome by now, luckily I am making enough gpt due to Marco Polo. 

Attention is on Quanzhou initially with wonder charging and harvesting of the copper. Petra is at 251/400 which means that two more charges will safely net the wonder with a maximum overflow of 5 (which disappear if previous wonders are anything to go by). The second builder is harvesting the copper for 180 gold which is reinvested into a water mill much to Sulla's displeasure.

[Image: NJn5CWe.jpg]

At Shangdu, the water mill, that is purchased, results in an additional envoy to Seoul (now at 2 envoys). I have the option of sending a third envoy to Seoul later once I get a campus. The additional hammer at Shangdu will add to the overflow into the walls. With the Eureka kicking in for construction, research is set on it. machinery and stirrups are now both 1 turn short of finishing any time I would like to get crossbows and knights. I will add a few more chariots first before heading for stirrups. Maneuver will be an option once CS kicks in as I will not be using Limes for a while.

[Image: QNJV4vJ.jpg]

As for the remainder of the turn, the settlers are getting close to their destinations. Quanzhou ramps up production again via tile rearrangement. Petra will hopefully add more hammers to finish the temple on T92 as I will need to invest one turn production into Jebel Barkal which has been planted. Charging will commence next turn.

At Hangzhou, I am producing walls for another turn to get them to 78/80 to then finish the campus as soon as possible. An overview of production and invested hammers shows:

Hangzhou: 19.8 hammers, walls 39/80 (T87 78/80) -> campus 52/117 -> archer/chariot
Shangdu:   15.4 hammers, granary 54/65 -> walls 30/80 (T88 64/80)  -> archer/ chariot/trader
Quanzhou: 17.6 hammers, temple 17/120, Petra 251/400, Jebel Barkal 0/400 -> granary/builder
Shanghai:  8.4 hammers, walls 38/80 (T88 72/80)  -> quadrireme
Beijing:     12.1 hammers walls  at 75/80, granary 46/65 -> builder
Kashgar:   4.4 hammers next turn at 6.6 walls 37/80 (T88 58/80) -> granary

I indicated the potential production after the current projects. I also indicated the walls' status for each city at T88, the turn I will most likely switch off Limes.
I would like to start some naval units using maritime card for +100% in order to generate some overflow at Shanghai. The production capacity is rather low at the moment, but should increase once the hills to the west are part of the city. The question will be what to produce in Kashgar after its walls production. The city will need a granary for more housing and surely some tile improvements to get off the ground. The two new cities could both be set on galleys/quadriremes with the +100% cards in play. They as well as Quanzhou could add the walls later on.

As for missionaries, I hired a new missionary at Quanzhou to quickly convert the new cities. The missionaries in the east are in place to convert the next city and in the Ocean. By the way, Sulla, I checked and it seems a missionary can also only move 2 tiles inside the water each turn. So, your galley can take position accordingly to protect it. As long as your galley is on the tile that my missionary will move to during my turn, it should be safe.

A quick calculation shows, that with the additional 5 city conversions and Petra, China's gpt should increase to roughly 70.

[Image: fG2PGcs.jpg]

That was a waste of money. duh I'm sorry, but it was. The Construction boost was due to come over in one more turn from Rome anyway; what was the urgency to get a water mill so quickly? 320 gold traded for +2 food and +1 production is a poor conversion rate indeed. If you want to spend that kind of gold to speed up a city's development, then spend 100 more and rush-purchase a 7 charge builder instead. I understand it's your gold and I've certainly been borrowing an awful lot of it this game, but I strongly disagree with that decision.

For what it's worth, Woden can't be running a district project for income because he has no Campus or Harbor districts. It must be something else.
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When I check gpt for Nubia and England, I get 22 and 85 gpt respectively. England has all those dockyards, so that explains a lot. Not sure why you see Nubia with a lot more gpt.

Hello! Secret lurker here, reading only your thread. It’s amazing!

About the gpt going up, I’ve noticed that the amount of gold you can trade per turn is actually more than the amount you produce, when you have a high treasury.

Some numbers:
- 20 gpt, 300 gold in bank >> you can trade for 30gpt, as the 300 in bank over 30 turns could add 10 per turn, inflating how much you can trade.

So those big jumps in gpt might actually be big jumps in gold stored up by the other players. I haven’t actually tested this for certain, the best way to try would be with one of those merchants that adds lots of gold in one go, and checking the tradable amount before and after.

Anyway, looking forward to the Great War coming up! ^^
(And also looking forward to reading the other’s threads in a few months!)

If that were true it would be strange indeed as gold reserves are much more volatile than gpt. What happens if you actually make the trade then the gold reserve gets spent? The other player will no longer have the gpt to support the trade.
I don't remember any other game where you can trade more gpt than your actual gpt but it sounds as another thing easy to test, trying to figure this weird WB they have in Civ6.

You have the same problem with trading gpt: What happens if your trading partner removes conscription and rush-buys a bunch of new units?

There's no way to know how many UI bugs might lurk in there. I wouldn't be too surprised if civ 6 managed to somehow allow you to propose a deal that the other player physically can't accept, for instance.

Maybe I' m wrong but I seem to remember in Civ5 (or maybe another franchise altogether) something like being able to make a trade for gpt and the total sum that that gpt amounted too being "locked" in your treasury so that you'd be able to make good on the deal without cheesing it.

Still, Sullla does track this kind of C&D even in his solo games (since C&D is less involved in later games as opposed to Civ4) so he would have picked on something like this; him being baffled by could be anything from the new patch to yet another leftover from the previous mod/cheat/incident.

Between Cornflakes and Japper, the turns are getting draggier. I suggest to take them out of their misery sooner rather than later. With both having abysmal amount of cities, that shouldn't be so difficult.

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