do nuclear weapons work in civ 6? What are the effects.
[SPOILERS] How do you make this thing work: Krill randomly mashes some buttons
I've never used them in a game, but the process is something like this:
1) Research Nuclear Fission & hook up Uranium 2) Complete the Manhattan Project project 3) Build the weapons as a project in a city 4) Build Missile Silos (using Military Engineers), Bombers or Nuclear Submarines 5) Deploy nukes from those for fun and profit. Nukes can be deployed by bombers in the atomic age, the other weapons (and nuclear fusion devices) become available in the Information Age, by which point it might be too late.
Sending units to their death since 2017.
Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China) (March 21st, 2018, 09:19)Krill Wrote: do nuclear weapons work in civ 6? What are the effects. I don't know how much to trust Wikia, but they appear to be pretty powerful:
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
Production cost is also quite significant. They can also be intercepted if the target city has a SAM unit, I believe.
Sending units to their death since 2017.
Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)
I think RtR nukes have been used in a few games.
Nukes seem like a good idea for this game, if it's being taken long and it's relaxed. I'll have a look at them. Sorry about no report. Nan is in hospital after faceplanting into a bollard and has a broken jaw. But I'm off until Monday night so can get something down.
So a report. Got a bit of time, but I'll try to organize my thoughts for now as I've been playing without much of a plan.
First of all, completed Colonialism last turn and revolted into these cards. Trade Confederation out as I'm now sending over half the trade routes internally for roads, Medina Quarter in a bit late but I'm pushing for a size 15 city somewhere for the Urbanization policy. Comparing the two tech tress, I think I'm falling behind in culture generation compared to science, but I still need to grow both significantly. Feudal Contract is in place to build a unit or three, but looking at the game I don't think anyone is preparing to make the first move right now, and everyone is focusing on building. Raj is in because with COlonialism I got up to 10 envoys in Zanzibar to Al's 9 and I'm not in a position to use Charismatic Leader due to envoy situation. I need 5 Envoys for Suzerainity of Kumasi, I will have 4 total in 2 turns from natural production and an Acropolis completing. That's enough to knock Pin off his perch there, and if I need more I'll be focusing on Acropolis builds. I finish the Campus project eot150 in CS and EF, that should allow me to take Darwin T151. This picture is from T147. Pin will take Darwin naturally on T153 unless he finishes a project with overflow points into the next GS, so I don't think he will do this. This actually fulfills the quest for Zanzibar as well, which puts me 2 envoys up on Alhambram there. I took Bi Sheng and immediately regretted it, James Watt will likely fall to Pin unless I complete a lot of projects and buy him. But he would be a damned nice GG to have. CS, completes the Project then one of the Banks to give half the eureka condition for Economics. Then building the Amphitheatre before the Zoo for more Amenities if the game continues peacefully, otherwise, Muskets. VV is the only core city that does not have 3 districts. Only location for an Acroplois is adjacent to the Mids. More likely to build a CD but just need to speed wait to place another one with a discount in a few turns. Building this musket so I only need to upgrade 2 muskets and 2 catapults to get the eurekas for Replaceable Parts and Siege Tactics with one use of Professional Army. Need to earmark some gold for that on the next card switch actually. If war looks more likely, swapping VV to whatever needs an Encampment to be built. Second Campus Project. Need a Harbour afterwards, but have to wait until next turn to place it. Need this workshop after that for Industrialization, and after reviewing build times the Harbour is likely to wait. Despite CS already being size 11, I think EF is more likely to reach size 15 as a light house would give additional housing,plus a single grassland farm and crab improvement shoves up housing to 16 so would not have a growth malus unlike CS from size 13. Dependent on timings might even end up in a position where I have to buy the lighthouse, it would be worth 4 base food per turn. Scom is finally out of the housing cap and still has no tiles to work. I've just left it on the university because it saves me thinking about anything. I just don't care for Kandyland. MS is now converted to my religion, leaving just EF, VV and SS as pagans. This is the Bank to complete Economics, so I think that once I complete that Banks, I need to have the eureka for Replaceable Parts (three muskets) and at least one other immediately researchable tech, probably Ballistics (2 Forts, I have the Military Engineer. Once the Bank is down, then it is likely I'll build a bombard if I need militarym or I will consider building that Campus. Probably that Campus TBH, I could send a Builder to clear the marsh on growth to size 9 and then place the Campus due to instagrowth to size 10. Lighthouse because I wanted one. Then Workshop for Industrialization. And boats if needed for war. Which means Boats ASAP really. Encampment 4 of the CD? New growth. Xbow needs to be pushed to complete before Feudal contracts expires with Conscription and Darwin completes Ballistics. No good tiles to grow onto, but at size 7 could place a Campus otherwise probably best to just build an Encampment and Military Builder chops the Acropolis for completed District number 25 which should complete eot150 or maybe eot151, so that the 4th version of each district type is discounted. That means I would have the 3rd and 4th Harbours and Entertainment District, 4th Commerical District, Encampment, Holy Site and Industrial Zone to place. Then build a granary because of growth and Become a barracks town. And mine everything. Quick trade route sent from HP for an internal road here, and a trade route sent from AA to CS for food because growth just sucks as does Housing. This will be the 4th placed Harbour and gets built after the Aqueduct. Once it gets to size 5 or so it'll be making a good level of production around 20/turn, but it's worth noting that the DoF with Pin is about to expire and it is right in location to be taken. I don't think that DoF shenanigans are really enough to get green expansion off the ground, and this is the other side of the coin from beating up newbies. The ED is being built although I should probably have dumped the overflow from the Acropolis into that granary. Probably going to have to buy it now. Doofus. Niter is hooked next turn, but with the niter donated from Lisbon (I can't see where Lisbon's source is?) I can build Muskets anywhere. I never did harvest that wheat. When I harvested the marsh at BA, it immediately grew one pop size, then grew end of turn and lost all the excess food. So fuck harvesting at low pop sizes. I need to place CD #4 here once it's discounted (and then place the 5th at VV). The GE is here because I thought about placing the CD now but it's unnecessary given the delay in discounting the CD. Builders are on their way to pave over everything they can do. I now have two catapults so complete ME. I'll put 4 turns research into Economics to get that to half way, and then I'm boned. Envoys wise, no one is competing for Lisbon because it's just not worth it. Merchant Confederation would be worth 18GPT. Raj is worth 4 Science, Gold, Faith and Culture per turn. So 12GPT isn't really worth it. Lack of Science City States also hurts. I need to get 3 Muskets. 1 built, 2 upgraded gives the eureka for RP. Darwin will give 1000 beakers. Economics will be researched to half way, and when the Bank is complete in MS to trigger the eureka, I can trigger Darwin to pop out the few remaining science for Economics, and finish Rep Parts and leave roughly 400 beakers to be allocated. Ballistics is 845, so I could dump the remainder into that, but I would need to figure out what I'm researching for about 3 turns after pushing Economics to half way. I could just finish Square Rigging without the eureka and push to Industrialization. I need to upgrade to an Ironclad and build a coal mine to get the eureka for Steel anyway. If I can build another musket or two before triggering Darwin I should probably go for it, probably in CS. I need to consider that it may make more sense to not carry on with Conscription, OTOH if I do complete Rep Parts I need it to unlock the card to make them buildable. If no one else is planning an offensive action, then I probably don't want to even dump Darwin into Rep Parts. And I'll need to build Amphitheatre and Archeological Museum to give the inspiration for Natural History. Christ on a crutch so much to figure out here. Score is more scary. Pin is up 5 techs and 4 civics. I know that I have Metal Casting and Castles 1 turn from completion but that still means I'm down 3. Darwin is probably enough to make me about equal if I can hit every eureka Pin can. Pin is up 35 science per turn though so he is just going to reclaim that lead. My science is dropping as I'm growing cities and not working specialists, but still, I'm not close to Pin. Alhambram is in a similar position to me, but minus Darwin. Culture is actually not horrendous. Pin is at 130, I'm at 108, and in a few turns I will have a further 17 culture from envoys and new Acropolis, so I don't think that lead is growing, might even be shrinking. Pin is up 4 civics though, but two of them must be Reformed Church and Divine Right, so he is perhaps only up two. Alhambram is at 84. Truth be told, I'm slightly annoyed that he decided to throw Envoys at Zanzibar and not Kumasi, because his culture sucks and even if his tech is good he will not be able to get the cards he needs to maintain military production via modifiers if he doesn't improve his culture. Retaking Suzerainty of Kumasi would have helped him with this and he must know that I have enough envoys from Acropolis production that I won't lose Zanzibar, so all he has done is turn 2 envoys into, at best 2 gold per turn from Merchant Confederation? Now some overview shots: |