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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Quote:That's what's up. It gives me the feeling that India isn't going to attack me afterall, atleast not yet. What it also means is that Whosit and Athlete will be stuck in war for a while.. which is kind of good and kind of bad. Had we defeated India, then it'd be good because it gives me time to catch up. However, since India IS alive, they're well on their way to run away with the game again.


So what does everyone think about Sullla's ranking of civs in order to win things?

IMO that was pretty much dead on with my thoughts

I'm kinda with Sullla. Seems a neat summary. smile

Although I think Plako/Broker have a potential strong opening... if they can make any headway against Rome with their tech advantage, then I think their position gets a lot stronger? Just taking back the two cities that Rome had off them in the last war might really help their chances?

regoarrarr Wrote:So what does everyone think about Sullla's ranking of civs in order to win things?
I think he's overestimating slaze's position a bit - he doesn't seem to fully realize just how weak the Incan economy is right now. I'd also rank plako above Whosit right now, though that's at least partially based on a more complete picture of the military situation than Sullla has. Like Bob said, if they can take a couple cities off Rome they'll be in much better shape.

I also wonder whether placing the Ottomans that high implies that there are no near-term plans to divvy up their lands with slaze? I had them slated as the next to go out, myself.

I agree with Rego (and Sullla). About Plako yes he has a nice economie and currently a slight tech-advantage(thanks to whosit running after the aestethic-literature & Great Lib) but his production is far too weak. He can't afford to lose many troops and moving against romes core would be costly.

Slaze is in a stronger position as Ottmans as he won't have (angry) India as neighbour wink. Regrowing pop in a well developed land is easy just look how fast India recovered from their whipping.

Rowain Wrote:Slaze is in a stronger position as Ottmans as he won't have (angry) India as neighbour wink. Regrowing pop in a well developed land is easy just look how fast India recovered from their whipping.

this is the bit for me, IS incan land well developed - Spulla had fast workers and a detailed worker macro that gave them their quick recovery, however the incan will lack both in my opinion, no fast workers as they are a UU and i have yet to see slaze show too much in the way of economic savvy.

Slaze posted a bunch of pics of his land on March 31. Take a look and you can judge the development for yourself.

Well Spulla's unit positioning sure demonstrates the weakness of Jowy's city placements, doesn't it! He seems to be looking at possible threats to all five of those cities in the next few turns, plus the numerous possible permutations of stack splits.

Jowy Wrote:It gives me the feeling that India isn't going to attack me afterall, atleast not yet.

Of all times to feel that way, it just has to be exactly 1 turn before India pours through his borders... lol
Hopefully he didn't shuffle his troops away from his borders.

EDIT: Forgot to comment about HRE
DMOC Wrote:I think the best way for us to play out this game is to keep up our expansion along with a respectable military, but stay on the defensive (offensive wars are bad for your economy). That should cruise us to a second place finish behind India.

DMOC has given up on winning this game and is thus going to be turtling for the rest of the game? Can't say that is going to be very exciting for us lurkers... frown
Hopefully Nakor will object.

Profane Wrote:DMOC has given up on winning this game and is thus going to be turtling for the rest of the game? Can't say that is going to be very exciting for us lurkers... frown
Hopefully Nakor will object.

When dantski signed peace my comment to India was:

From a lurker POV this is a mixed blessing. On one hand we can expect a lot of informative, educational posts on the them 'How to manage an empire' from you OTOH the remainig 200-250 turns will be very boring 'watch Sullla/Speaker stomp everyone into the ground (first ecomnomical and than military wise)'.

The one still entertaining part is Whosit with his posts and wars

Jowy Wrote:Lasted longer than I thought considering I've completed just two games of civ4, on noble and prince difficulties respectively.

I think this puts Sullla's critical analysis of Jowy's performance into context somewhat. Any smoke decisions clearly justified by inexperience!

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