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Turn 34 (2640 BC) - Part 1
It's a good thing I fortified that quechua on the forest where I plan to plant city #2 next turn.
Even with the forest and full fortify bonus, that lion has ~0.9% odds to kill the quechua and the settler it's now guarding.
King's Landing finishes a quechua, which moves to fortify on the way to the currently planned city #3 site to the west, and Hot Pie completes a chop and is ready to start the sheep pasture at city #2 the moment it is planted. Gendry will finish a chop next turn. Overview of King's Landing:
Worker #3 will be ready on turn 36, and I'll catch the overflow in a settler this time. I'd have the worker next turn if I hadn't screwed up.
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Turn 34 (2640 BC) - Part 2 (C&D)
Our scout continues to look around Charriu's capital.
There's still no sign of his second city. I do note, however, that his whip last turn led to a barracks showing up this turn. We'll have to watch this development closely.
11000 soldiers showed up since my last login.
Score tally: - superdeath gained 3 points for planting city #2 this turn (1000 soldiers), which claims 5 new land tiles.
- yuris125 gained 6 points for a technology researched in 10 turns; this has to be Bronze Working (8000 soldiers). That's quick, but he's probably working two flood plains cottages already.
Someone produced a warrior (2000 soldiers).
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Currently falling behind on reporting , but I'll get back to it later today. I have a turn to play in the meantime.
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Turn 35 (2600 BC) - Part 1
I needn't have worried about losing the settler -- the defending quechua wins flawlessly on defense.
The defending quechua wanders off to investigate the nearby southwestern peninsula. It should return before barbarian warriors should become a threat.
Oldtown is planted at this location. (That's the other major city in Westeros by population, even if not much has happened there in the books or TV show.) It starts on a scout; we'll be producing enough quechuas, and I really want to know who is to our west, since we can't count on one of their scouts coming our way. I considered building a work boat later, but that costs twice as much and isn't guaranteed to make contact, and we don't have Fishing anyway. There will be a time for scouting work boats, but now is rather early.
Gendry completes a chop, and our third worker is due next turn.
Oldtown costs 2 maintenance. I can drop science to 50% this turn, not lose anything to rounding, and still get The Wheel next turn.
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Turn 35 (2600 BC) - Part 2 (C&D)
Our scout rounding Academia still doesn't find Charriu's second city.
Total rival soldier count dropped by 1000.
Score tally: - JR4: +3 points for +1 pop in their second city. (Yeah, I'll be doing the math for this as long as I have the time.)
- wetbandit: +3 points for planting city #2, which claims 8 land tiles.
- WilliamLP: -3 points for a 1-pop whip in his capital (dropping it to size 3).
- yuris125: -7 points last turn for a 2-pop whip in his capital (this covers the soldier decrease). +4 points this turn for planting city #2, which claims 7 land tiles. He and I are the last players to plant second cities (we're both Protective and not Expansive or Imperialistic, that's not unusual).
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Turn 36 (2560 BC) - Part 1
The Wheel is in. Next up, Pottery for Protective terraces . I raise science to 100%; Pottery is nominally due in 7, and will actually be about that as working the eventual sheep pasture and lowering science to cover maintenance should roughly cancel each other.
King's Landing completes worker #3, Lommy.
(TIL that Realms Beyond has a limit of one video per post.)
I hope his fate is better than in the show/books! He's off to chop another forest.
Gendry starts on a road next to King's Landing. That road is going to serve double duty to hook up copper and speed our next settler by one turn.
Our scouting quechua sights land off the coast.
Those are likely islands -- the expected distance to rival territory to the south is too far away for that to be the main landmass, I think. Those look to be roughly equidistant between start positions; I expect Erwin et al. to have us fight over those.
Our other quechua is going to camp on the hill next to the river mouth where we're planting city #3.
May 7th, 2018, 02:31
(This post was last modified: May 7th, 2018, 02:39 by Dark Savant.)
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Turn 36 (2560 BC) - Part 2 (C&D)
Our scout still can't find Charriu's second city.
It must be to the northeast of Academia.
Total rival soldier count increased by 1000.
Score tally:
- ipecac: +3 points for +1 pop in city #2 (now size 2).
- JR4 (played after me): +6 points for a technology researched in 4 turns, which must be Fishing (fast and not worth soldiers). Also, -3 points for a 1-pop whip in city #2, which I'm taking to be for a granary.
- WilliamLP: +3 points for +1 pop in city #2 (now size 2).
- yuris125: +3 points for +1 pop in his capital (now size 3).
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Turn 37 (2520 BC) - Part 1
King's Landing, having caught the worker overflow in a settler, now swaps to a quechua due in 2. Growth to size 4 is also due in 2.
Gendry completes our first road. Lommy starts another chop. Hot Pie will complete the sheep pasture in Oldtown next turn.
Our scouting quechua reaches the end of the little peninsula.
There is enough seafood for fruitful eventual island cities. That island is large enough for two cities -- a source of potential future conflic with whomever is off our coasts? (It's expected to be the same rival in either direction.)
I don't know what that lion is doing camping there (it was there last turn too) -- don't animals usually move if they can?
Our other quechua camps on the hill next to our intended city #3.
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Turn 37 (2520 BC) - Part 2 (C&D)
Our scout finally finds the borders of Charriu's second city.
I'll try to get vision on it, if that bear doesn't get in my way.
Rival soldier count increase by 6000.
The only other player with a score change this turn is Charriu, who received 3 points for +1 pop in city #2, and 6 points for a technology researched in 10 turns. That's probably Pottery. Charriu spent a turn in anarchy and his second city lacks a river connection, but even with that 10 turns is quite slow for Agriculture. He could, with a bit of overflow, manage Pottery in 10 just fine. Animal Husbandry is too expensive for him to reach, and nothing else makes much sense.
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Turn 38 (2480 BC) - Part 1
Gendry moves to the copper hill to connect our copper. I think this is important, possibly together with researching Archery next, as we have Shaka as a neighbor who already has a barracks.
PB38 spoiler:
The sheep pasture at Oldtown is now done; it will grow to size 2 in 3 turns.
Science is at 80% this turn (no rounding losses).
Overview of the homeland:
Also, that bear does get in our scout's way.
Rather than risk losing it, I have it run two tiles to the southeast.