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No, that at least is completely wrong. The damage he did do came as a result of me having to attack into him. If I had paused and taken a defensive stand after razing the city it would be a completely different scenario.
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I don't see where you are coming from to suggest that it would be vastly different if you had taken out that first city and found 3 in its place, then tried to sit back and defend for a bit. Sure, you might have gained a bit of advantage relative to what actually happened, but the overall situation doesn't seem to change much. As I see it, you would still need much more land to compete with and overcome other rivals, such as Krill or TBS, as an overriding consideration. It seems likely your plans would still have revolved around making use of your SoZ to gain that territory from your weakest rival. Said rival would still have been Superdeath and he still would have stiffened his defenses and ultimately sacrificed his economy to stop you, and/or take revenge, once alerted to the threat you posed. Are you trying to suggest one of these statements is not true?
I just figure it would have been cannier to pass up on the cheap shot and signal friendly rather than hostile intentions while you build up. That way when the hammer does fall, it does so to much better effect.
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The overall situation would be me with several more cities, luxuries and food resources and having gained the space losing 0 hammers.
It depends on the type of player superdeath is (he's new so IDK). If he reacts to a border city being razed (and cease fire offered) with stopping everything else he's doing and and trying to ruin my game, then no, it's not worth it. But it was a size 1 recently settled city -- not his capital or anything. If he cuts his losses and looks elsewhere it turns out well for me. If I make him my eternal enemy then it's less good, but still not game-losing as he's in such a weak position.
But that's in 7/10 outcomes. Considering the mess I got myself into after it failed I will concur that I should have waited. But I do not agree with you that it's a bad move in the 7/10 cases where I raze the city. It's a lush area and I'd border BGN too at that point.
June 25th, 2018, 08:09
(This post was last modified: June 25th, 2018, 08:09 by Rusten.)
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Crucial turns coming up now. With superdeath curmbling under multiple DoWs I was finally able to claim the area. Currently at 16 cities with 2 more to follow over the next 2 turns. While not impressive, it's enough to keep me in the game. 3rd in land area before borders pop and the new cities are settled. My crop yield and MFG is still low from heavy whipping, but I now have the land and resources to improve it long term.
Operation economic rebuild towards guilds is next. If I can play without outside interference and build forges+courthouses and launch a GA in ~12-15 turns then I'll be in good shape. Recent times have been rough, but I can see a path to victory still. The main concern is that mackoti is teching fast. It all depends on how soon he gets knights+gunpowder (should be real soon) and what he does with it. If he decides to attack me then my game is probably done for, but he'll have more resistance than elsewhere so I don't think he will. Can only see it happening if he's very horny for the SoZ+shrine.
TBS immediately attacking was another possible concern but I sent him a wheat for wheat deal which I got in return in addition to open borders, so that's very good news.
I'm not sure where BGN stands, but I have xbows in 4 turns so he doesn't worry me as much.
Next two cities are on the "chariot T91 sign" and "filler".
Also, the amount of iron on this map is ridiculous. Had I known I would've teched IW sooner for the increased production alone. I think I counted to 8 sources in my territory.
June 26th, 2018, 10:34
(This post was last modified: June 26th, 2018, 10:39 by Rusten.)
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The war with superdeath did become a bit of a slog, but at least it resulted in these important guys:
10xp units without civic swaps (3 promos). 13xp (4 promotions) mounted units. 17xp mounted units with civics. Possible gamechanger later. Not far away from a 3rd GG.
Shrine is raking it in. Unlocking grocer+bank will be big here.
And the Moai Statues are made in time for my GA.
I've also got a size 11 GPP farm which finishes the NE shortly.
So as mentioned I just need some free time to grow my cities now.
As long as I can keep general parity with my opposition then the extra promotions could provide the advantage I need.
The only true thorn in my side is mackoti.
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Considering switching to building wealth and delaying forges in most cities until my golden age. I'd then have OR to boost their production.
Think it's worth it to reach my threshold techs sooner.
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Not much to say at the moment, I expect (or hope at least) for a quiet period.
Most cities are set on wealth while I make my way towards Feudalism, guilds and banking. Result being 200 BPT while breaking even.
Torn on what to do regarding civil service. On the one hand I will be using vassalage long term, but OTOH 7 turns (minimum) in bureaucracy during my golden age wouldn't hurt. Chain irrigation is also useful for this map. But skipping it for the time being does save me a lot of beakers.
Golden age is ~10T away. Think I will pop it immediately despite many cities still being quite small. Need to adopt OR+vassalage+HR. Theocracy can probably wait.
An alternative is to go OR+vassalage after feudalism and delay the GA a fair bit. I'll need to check how many turns of anarchy a double swap is with the current empire size. I imagine it's 2 turns, in which case it's not worth it to swap outside of GA.
Further expansion is tricky. Mackoti to the west, TBS to the east, BGN (Boudica of the Khmer) to the north and my main ally to the south. Best case scenario would be to dogpile somebody. Of the ones mentioned I think BGN is the most likely target. Weakest position and a natural land target. The Khmer UU doesn't really worry me as I can simply get some WEs of my own. He's also already attacked me once trying to snipe a border city and did not accept or reoffer a fish-for-fish deal I offered him.
June 30th, 2018, 08:54
(This post was last modified: June 30th, 2018, 09:07 by Rusten.)
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I made the mistake of reading the politics thread in the OT forum. It holds some "interesting" opinions.
I now fully appreciate this safe space. Peaceful monologues can cleanse the mind.
Signed a peace treaty with superdeath as I don't think I can claim anything more. Was a bit surprised to see him accept. It got rid of 1-2 unhappy faces in my empire from war weariness. Sending all my axes and catapults on his final city would leave my empire wide open to a dtay counter attack (or even TBS). I'm OK with what I've got ATM.
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I have the option of rushing a (very likely) GS to bulb towards Astronomy during my upcoming GA, but that means no Civil Service. I know that mapmakers on these forums like having some sort of island in play. It's not guaranteed, but my land % makes it very likely. There's room to make something in between naufragar and TBS.
The main problem is that TBS already has galleons and he's likely to grab any nearby location if there are any. Again, worst possible neighbours at this point in time.
Think I'm better off focusing on harmonious development and getting Astronomy at a more leisurely pace. My next war is unlikely to have a navy in play anyway. At least if it's started on my terms. My empire is very inland.
In other news my graphs are booming. Predictable result of multiple size 1-3 cities with 6-10 food surplus and granaries. Long may it continue.
Preparing windmills and workshops for my GA. Probably exiting slavery for good then.
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So what are your plans going forward, since you are wedged between TBS/Dtay/Mackoti?
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. ![[Image: noidea.gif]]( In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.