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[SPOILERS] Charriu and Zalson are fighting the honorable post count war!

Here is how that plan works:

T0: settle in place, work pigs, build worker, tech hunting
T9: finish hunting. start bronze working. worker complete
T10: start warrior, switch tile to sugar, worker moves to pigs
T11: worker pastures pigs
T14: pigs pasture complete. work pigs
T15: worker moves to mine grassland hill 1SW of capital
T16: grow to size 2, pick up plains forest, worker mines
T17: warrior out, start worker 2
T18: swap plains forest for sugar
T19: mine completes, swap sugar for mined grassland hill
T20: worker moves and farm corn
T21: bronze working completes, start wheel.
T22: 2nd worker completes, start warrior. swap to sugar tile, worker 2 moves to the corn.
T23: corn farm completes, swap to corn.
T24: workers move to chop different forests (to be designated)
T25: add grassland mine. swap to settler. workers chop.
T27: 2 chops into settler
T28: workers move to chop the same forest
T29: workers chop forest
T30: wheel comes in, settler 1 out, chop and overflow into worker 3. second worker roads/moves to improve food at second city.

worker 3 gets out turn 32. i figure that the other 2 workers will chop in the direction of the second city.

do we want fishing or pottery? Fishing into pottery? I think the terrain determines that; we can basically chop out a workboat for the capital at any time, since it produces 3 hammers @ minimum (we will never not work the pigs). (3+20)+35% = 31 hammers.

I think we do fishing into pottery for the pre-req bonus. Fishing will take us at least 6 turns, pottery with just agri bonus will take 10 turns, pottery with both bonuses 9 turns... Hmmm... Getting the clams up at the capital lets us share food with another city though...

So when it comes to it, we'll need to compare the benefit of fishing vs benefit of pottery 6 turns sooner.

Or maybe we do a workboat instead of worker 3 and go fishing instead of wheel?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Quote:So why choosing civ before leader. I felt that I have more good leader options then civ options that I want to play. Between China and Mao I don't think that either one would be taken early by others.

Thank you for sharing your reasoning.

As for me doing all the work: you're the person playing the turns; I'm just your peanut gallery.

I also, strangely, find that I really like doing this kind of prep. It's like walking through your moves ahead of time. It's relaxing.

EDIT: and hahahahah for your posting that I'm doing all the work as a write another detailed micro plan.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

(June 26th, 2018, 15:34)Zalson Wrote: As for me doing all the work: you're the person playing the turns; I'm just your peanut gallery.

But please don't throw those peanuts that hard. lol

(June 26th, 2018, 15:34)Zalson Wrote: I also, strangely, find that I really like doing this kind of prep. It's like walking through your moves ahead of time. It's relaxing.

Ah the Joy of Planning. Isn't that the reason, why we all are playing Civ. wink

(June 26th, 2018, 15:31)Zalson Wrote: do we want fishing or pottery? Fishing into pottery? I think the terrain determines that; we can basically chop out a workboat for the capital at any time, since it produces 3 hammers @ minimum (we will never not work the pigs). (3+20)+35% = 31 hammers.

I think we do fishing into pottery for the pre-req bonus. Fishing will take us at least 6 turns, pottery with just agri bonus will take 10 turns, pottery with both bonuses 9 turns... Hmmm...   Getting the clams up at the capital lets us share food with another city though...

So when it comes to it, we'll need to compare the benefit of fishing vs benefit of pottery 6 turns sooner.

Or maybe we do a workboat instead of worker 3 and go fishing instead of wheel?

Yeah fishing before pottery looks very appealing. Even wheel instead of fishing looks good. But I agree we do not have to decide right now.

I'm also testing out my new reporting style in PB39 and I think I will change something. The micro section is very tedious to manage and does not give a good overlook. I might do it in a google spreadsheet, so that you'll have a better overlook of things.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

6. Couerva & OT4E: Shaka of Rome
5. shallow_thought & Hitru: ___ of Persia
4. Magic Science & Mr. Cairo: ___ of Inca
3. superdeath & masterjason: ___ of Zulu
2. RFS-81 & haphazard1: Pacal of ____
1. Charriu & Zalson: ___ of China
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

(June 27th, 2018, 13:59)Zalson Wrote: 6. Couerva & OT4E: Shaka of Rome
5. shallow_thought & Hitru: ___ of Persia
4. Magic Science & Mr. Cairo: ___ of Inca
3. superdeath & masterjason: ___ of Zulu
2. RFS-81 & haphazard1: Pacal of ____
1. Charriu & Zalson: ___ of China

Thanks for the summary:

I expect Magic Science & Mr. Cairo to take a leader with Pro, just because of the Terrace. Superdeath & Masterjason will likely take something with Agg. I will give my opinion about the players and their civ/leader combos when they are done.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Like I already said I'm adjusting my report template as my initial template is just not good to manage on my side and not that great to read for you. The micro section is now gone. Everybody who's interested in it can have a look at my google spreadsheet linked in my initial post.


What happened last turn: Here I summarize important things from the last turn and give my opinion
Diplomacy: Any offers I made or received to/from anybody
Tech: My thoughts about the next techs to research
War: Troop Movement, strategic thoughts etc.
Economy: Anything especially noteworthy on the economy.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Oh and we have our first enemy in the post count war - Coeurva. But fear not with this post we are back in the lead. party
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

6. Couerva & OT4E: Shaka of Rome
5. shallow_thought & Hitru: Genghis Khan of Persia
4. Magic Science & Mr. Cairo: ___ of Inca
3. superdeath & masterjason: ___ of Zulu
2. RFS-81 & haphazard1: Pacal of ____
1. Charriu & Zalson: ___ of China

Interesting, I bet that Superdeath & masterjason would have picked Genghis Khan, too.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

6. Couerva & OT4E: Shaka of Rome
5. shallow_thought & Hitru: Genghis Khan of Persia
4. Magic Science & Mr. Cairo: Mao of Inca
3. superdeath & masterjason: ___ of Zulu
2. RFS-81 & haphazard1: Pacal of ____
1. Charriu & Zalson: ___ of China


What do we want to do now? Toku?

Eternal War against Magic Science?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Or Mehmed?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

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