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[SPOILERS] Charriu and Zalson are fighting the honorable post count war!

Or Izzy?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Just keeping the post count up.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

(June 27th, 2018, 17:59)Zalson Wrote: 6. Couerva & OT4E: Shaka of Rome
5. shallow_thought & Hitru: Genghis Khan of Persia
4. Magic Science & Mr. Cairo: Mao of Inca
3. superdeath & masterjason: ___ of Zulu
2. RFS-81 & haphazard1: Pacal of ____
1. Charriu & Zalson: ___ of China


What do we want to do now? Toku?

Eternal War against Magic Science?

I expected this might happened so I planned starts with and without Exp the last two days. I already have a plan for both and I will post them later, when I have more time to write them down. Tokugawa looks just as strong for me now as did Mao, so I'm happy to take him. To be honest I might have taken him even if I could have Mao, it was a close race.

(June 27th, 2018, 18:00)Zalson Wrote: Or Mehmed?

Looks nice too. Especially because I like the Org trait. But with the Chinese and 3 other very good offensive leaders and civs I want to have the protection from a Pro trait.

(June 27th, 2018, 18:01)Zalson Wrote: Or Izzy?

Eh, no Spi for me as of now.

(June 27th, 2018, 18:01)Zalson Wrote: Just keeping the post count up.

Yes, keep those posts coming. We need every post and comment in this post count war. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in this Pitboss, we shall fight on the IT and Tech thread, we shall fight with growing post length and growing post count in the organize thread, we shall defend our thread, whatever the cost may be. We shall never surrender. lol
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

So looking at the trait distribution. If I take Toku, we have

Agg: 4
Exp: 3
Imp: 1
Pro: 2
Cha: 1
Fin: 1

Seems like a pretty aggressive game. I'm pleasantly surprised that Exp was taken so often.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

So here is the new plan with Tokugawa as leader. I changed the plan today. On paper everything should work, but I will have to verify it ingame.

T0: Hunting, start worker, work the sugar
T9: Hunting is finished, start BW
T12: Worker is finished, start Warrior, worker goes to pig
T13: Pasture on pig
T16: Pasture finishs, work the pig
T17: Worker to river hill
T18: Build mine, pop 2 work pig and sugar
T19: warrior finishs, start another
T21: BW finishs, start the wheel, mine is also finished
T22: start a worker, pop 3 pig, sugar and mine, worker to forest S of city
T23: Make chop suey
T25: Finish chop
T26: Worker #2 finishs and goes to corn, start a settler, Worker #1 goes to next forest
T27: Worker #2 starts farm on corn, Worker #1 chops
T29: Wheel finishs, start Fishing, chop finishs
T30: Worker #1 goes to next forest
T31: Farm on corn finishs, worker #1 chops, city works pig, corn and mine, worker #2 can start on other projects
T33: Settler finishs, start worker #3, chop finishs
T34: Fishing finishs start next tech
T36: Worker #3 finishs

With this setup my settler is finished in T33 with 2 workers, 1 warrior, 11/15 of a warrior and pig, corn improved and a river mine. The next worker could be finished by T36.

Worker #2 can start on the road towards our second city on T32.

Notice that by changing Fishing with The Wheel we could not start on roads that soon, but we would be able to chop out a workboat on T34 instead of starting a worker. For this we need to decide on T21 which way we want to go.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Well, the only reason to mine the riverside hill first was for the extra EXP hammers. If we're going Toku, we should do corn before mine; the yield on the corn is 5/0/0 vs 1/3/1... right?

I cannot confirm until this evening.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

T0: Hunting, start worker, work the sugar
T9: Hunting is finished, start BW
T12: Worker is finished, start Warrior, worker goes to pig
T13: Pasture on pig
T16: Pasture finishs, work the pig
T17: Worker to river hill worker to corn
T18: Build mine, farm corn pop 2 work pig and sugar
T19: warrior finishs, start another finish warrior, start worker
T21: BW finishs, start the wheel, mine is also finished
T22: corn farm finish & swap to it from sugar start a worker, pop 3 pig, sugar and mine, worker to forest S of city,
T23: move to chop
T24: Worker 2 out
T25: Start Settler, Worker 2 moves to chop different tile
T26: Worker #2 finishs and goes to corn, start a settler, Worker #1 goes to next forest Worker 1 chops into settler, worker 2 starts chop
T27: Worker #2 starts farm on corn, Worker #1 chops start a warrior, worker 1 moves to chop
T28: swap back to settler, receive chop from worker 2, worker 1 starts chop
T29: Wheel finishes, start Fishing, chop finishs swap back to warrior, worker 2 moves to riverside mine tile
T30: Wheel finishes, start fishing Chop into settler with worker 1, worker 2 starts mine.
T31: Farm on corn finishs, worker #1 chops, city works pig, corn and mine, worker #2 can start on other projects settler out, wheel in, fishing or pottery started, start worker 3, worker 1 moves to city 2.
T33: Start warrior at capital to grow to size 3. Grassland hill mine comes in.
T34: Swap back to worker, worker 2 goes to help city 2
T36: Worker #3 finishs
T38: Worker #3 out. overflow into workboat
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

I think we might want to think again about Mehmed...
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Different yields:

Plan A: Size 3 on T22
Plan B: Size 3 on T34

Plan A: 2 warriors, 1 settler (T33), 2 workers (T12,T24)
Plan B: 1 warrior, 1 settler (T31), 2 workers (T12, T25)

It looks like the way Plan B shakes out we are trading 11 turns of size 3 and 1 worker turn for 2-turn earlier settler. So that's like 11 hammers or 11 food for 6 foodhammers (we get the city 2 turns earlier).

I'd be interested in how your math works out; I haven't taken a look at that. But plan A seems better? It just seems so wrong to not improve the corn.

My plan gets us:

260h and 52 food by turn 36. How much yield does yours get?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

(June 28th, 2018, 11:30)Zalson Wrote: I think we might want to think again about Mehmed...

Ok, what are your arguments in Mehmed vs Tokugawa?

(June 28th, 2018, 12:03)Zalson Wrote: Different yields:

Plan A: Size 3 on T22
Plan B: Size 3 on T34

Plan A: 2 warriors, 1 settler (T33), 2 workers (T12,T24)
Plan B: 1 warrior, 1 settler (T31), 2 workers (T12, T25)

It looks like the way Plan B shakes out we are trading 11 turns of size 3 and 1 worker turn for 2-turn earlier settler. So that's like 11 hammers or 11 food for 6 foodhammers (we get the city 2 turns earlier).

I'd be interested in how your math works out; I haven't taken a look at that. But plan A seems better? It just seems so wrong to not improve the corn.

My plan gets us:

260h and 52 food by turn 36. How much yield does yours get?

I tested both plans and played both till turn 38. I had to put a turn of revolt somewhere in plan A and did another turn of warrior. These are the numbers I had at turn 38:

Plan A: 1 + 13/15 warriors, 1 settler (T33), 3 worker, pig, corn and riverhill improved, 3 pop, 7/26 food, 3 chops, 57 beakers into pottery
Plan B: 2 warriors, 1 settler (T31), 3 worker, pig, corn and riverhill improved, 3 pop, 6/26 food, 3 chops, 37 beakers into pottery

So the delta from A to B is
-2 hammers
+1 food
+20 beakers

We both miscalculated the beakers and both our techs once turned up one turn early, so no big deal. I also felt like it's wrong to not improve the corn first, but in the end it does not make that much of a difference. I like plan A more right now, because of the +20 beakers.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

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