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Politics Discussion Thread (Heated Arguing Warning)

(June 30th, 2018, 12:17)AdrienIer Wrote: Rightwing politicians want UBI to replace all other welfare.

I think that even those who support UBI would agree that it is at best a necessary evil. It's not a particularly good policy in itself, but it's used to prevent worse things.

So I'm interested to see if a completely different approach works: to increase the wages of the citizens by protecting them from direct competition of labour from foreigners, and protecting them indirectly with tariffs. One existing example is Trump's economic nationalism.

I'm not certain, but I think he has a good shot at accomplishing it for the US. If it works, it'll be a better approach to the problem.

It would be interesting to see this board play Mock Congress. How would y'all go about formulating a compromise if you were forced to? (On immigration, say.)

(June 30th, 2018, 16:32)TheHumanHydra Wrote: It would be interesting to see this board play Mock Congress. How would y'all go about formulating a compromise if you were forced to? (On immigration, say.)

Vastly increased funding for border security in exchange for a path to citizenship for at least Dreamers, if not every illegal immigrant currently in country without a criminal record.

If I'm not mistaken the GOP has tried this one before, but it will never happen with the current congress, since the house GOP can't even compromise with itself, let alone the Dems, and the Dems see no reason to compromise with the GOP since it's quite publicly tearing itself apart.

But really, the reason this will never happen is that the current status quo suits the needs of the corporations and industries that fund both the GOP and Dems. Illegal immigrants provide a cheap source of labour for the agriculture and construction industries throughout large parts of the USA. If the supply is cut off, or they become citizens and want to be treated as such, those industries suffer.

Are you suggesting that private/corporate funding of elections has negative consequences ? What a shocker.

At this point, levying more taxes on corporations and using it to fund social welfare on the people they have exploited, and rehabilitating the environmental damage they have induced, and cutting them out of access to political power, is the compromise. As is amnesty for people without documents.

When Enlightened Centrists start negotiations from a pre-existing position of compromise, that is how you get a Heritage Foundation healthcare plan.

(June 30th, 2018, 17:38)Nicolae Carpathia Wrote: At this point, levying more taxes on corporations and using it to fund social welfare on the people they have exploited, and rehabilitating the environmental damage they have induced, and cutting them out of access to political power, is the compromise. As is amnesty for people without documents.

When Enlightened Centrists start negotiations from a pre-existing position of compromise, that is how you get a Heritage Foundation healthcare plan.

Just to be clear, I was suggesting how I thought the GOP and Dems in congress could compromise on immigration, in response to TheHumanHydra. It does not represent my own personal views.

(June 30th, 2018, 16:32)TheHumanHydra Wrote: It would be interesting to see this board play Mock Congress. How would y'all go about formulating a compromise if you were forced to? (On immigration, say.)

Why is compromise on immigration needed? The establishment of both parties are essentially united on wanting an illegal underclass (because of donors as Mr. Cairo pointed out), and just want to stall anyone trying to reform the system. Of course, at times they have to throw their supporters a bone or two, as well as make some noise politically about the issue, but they don't want any real change.

(June 30th, 2018, 18:26)Mr. Cairo Wrote: Just to be clear, I was suggesting how I thought the GOP and Dems in congress could compromise on immigration, in response to TheHumanHydra. It does not represent my own personal views.

Another round of Reagan amnesty? Really?

Maybe this time they should make it extra extra clear that it's unlawful to hire illegal immigrants.

(June 30th, 2018, 12:17)AdrienIer Wrote: Rightwing politicians want UBI to replace all other welfare.

How is this supposed to work? There will inevitably be a bunch of people that misspend all the money given, and then run out of money for food, housing, the schooling of their children and so forth, and then try to get more money.

(June 30th, 2018, 22:12)ipecac Wrote:
(June 30th, 2018, 12:17)AdrienIer Wrote: Rightwing politicians want UBI to replace all other welfare.

How is this supposed to work? There will inevitably be a bunch of people that misspend all the money given, and then run out of money for food, housing, the schooling of their children and so forth, and then try to get more money.
...I don't want to depress you, but Costco stocks up massive amounts of baby formula for the midnight rush each month when the EBT money gets deposited. I hope I don't have to spell out all the ramifications of that.
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