Oh. Hmm, this might take a bit.
So information for me on this turn:
Japper dows Emperor K
Japper foregoes the Great Admiral for Emperor K?
Chevalier comes with an alliance
Expiry dates of DoFs are:
3 turns until Arabia expires. He has frigates and did a massive upgrade round.
16 turns until DoF with England expires. He has GAs but is busy with Japper I suppose.
So Arabia will be free to fight me, England will be easy prey as will be Indonesia.
America could be eaten by Arabia.
Chev is competent in war, as is Emperor K by now.
Emperor K has 1000 gold left.
Longterm Chevalier has more development and has a much better plan then the others have.
Basically Chevalier is puffing his chest and saying do not attack me. Let´s ally.
So much stuff at once. Let´s make a list.
Points in favour of an alliance:
Chevalier is the strongest civ (this will benefit everyone else)
Emperor K can be dealt with. Only 1000 gold but a GA.
Emperor K is busy thanks to Japper
I can land troops on the english islands unopposed thanks to my city.
I could continue to conquer against Japper after Emperor K or turn my experienced troops around.
England will be easier for me to conquer then America for him.
My front is better concentrated against Emperor K, I am wide open to counterattacks to Chev.
I could settlerpush for 14 turns. The timing would be good.
Points against:
Chevalier is the strongest civ (better to take him now?)
Chevalier knows his shit. Frigates in defensive position, fortifications.
Emperor K is busy thanks to Japper (no stab by England when I am busy with Chev)
England will have 12 turns to prepare.
Chevalier is broke. No positive income.
Japper foregoed the GA and now it goes to England. I fight a GA there.
With no upgrades anymore Chevalier is a sitting duck.
I am not going to play the turn atm. I am sitting on the fence here.
I would love a dedlurker right about now.
Milstrength is:
Me: 1400
Chev: 900
Everyone else 300-400