Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Politics Discussion Thread (Heated Arguing Warning)

Couldn't find a direct source google-fu is not up to searching in French either. But per Reuters: "Of the 34 billion euros ($38.71 billion) the French government will raise on fuel taxes in 2018, a sum of only 7.2 billion euros is earmarked for environmental measures."

Worse than Romania, election fraud? Whats interesting is evrery single time same 'party" winner.

DEMs base is not as good as the GOP during midterms so anything that inflates turnout is good for DEMs. This is very true for a state like CA were DEM's base is minorities. It also doesn't help that bill was passed in 2016 after the GOP handed the DEMs a free pass for doing stuff like this after passing laws that deflated turnout. I'm also pretty sure that DEMs know that some numbskull is going to abuse ballot harvesting which will force them to change the law back. This also really doesn't matter because the bottom for the GOP in 2024 is going to drop out due to demographics. They just wanted to accelerate the bottom dropping out and use the fact the DEMs have incumbency now, not the GOP, to get to 2024.

GOP's leaders don't really care about the future because of the seniority system rewarding short-term thinking. If they did the neo-cons would have threw in the towel after losing latinos by 30% to Gore (who was running a "blacks are a pocket vote no matter what we say or do and other minorities aren't big enough to care yet so let's run a Democrat Southern Strategy campaign", following Clinton) with Elian Gonzales and the GOP wouldn't be just rolling over like they are doing now.

ECJ has ruled that Article 50 is unilaterally revocable. lol That ruling make no sense because it says that you need permission to extend and canceling>extend. I'm guessing that ECJ considered that not allowing revoke gives the EU too much of an edge by giving them a ticking time-bomb but it's supposed to be unfair to prevent nations from leaving.

I predict EU will refuse to re-negotiate and May's deal is the worst of both worlds. So the only logical options are Remain and Hard Brexit (probably WTO rules with special rules for NI due to Good Friday agreement) and there will be a second referendum so UK can choose. Even if the Brexiteers lose that they destabilized the EU due to the ECJ ruling. It may be a pyrrhic victory for Remain.

Well it looks like SD might get in because C+L+V+S failed in Sweden. lol If Lofven actually cared ether V is at fault or V is not at fault. If V is at fault they shouldn't count like SD so it's really S vs Alliance not V+S vs Alliance and S should support Alliance. If V is not at fault C&L are bad faith actors and M is totally unacceptable, because M is further to the right and even more hostile to S. But if M is unacceptable letting SD doesn't change anything because M is already unacceptable. Still caring about SD implies V is at fault* and S should support. Lofven doesn't want to do the right thing--he just wants to use SD bleeding off votes from Alliance to be Prime Minister forever.

*Edit: SD matters because unacceptable party enters-->M is acceptable-->C&L is good-->C&L cannot be at fault, otherwise they are not good-->V is at fault

Crystal Ball flaked out and put AL at Tossup. Oh well. I would put CO at Lean D if the current governor runs because he's moderate (which will bleed off some GOP votes off of Gardner which he cannot afford), big enough to win primary and him not needing to care about his turnout due to Trump being on the ballot in a state he can appear to plausibly win it. I wonder if Inside Elections will put AL at Lean R and CO at Tilts D. I don't care about other outlets due to lack of age or putting everything at tossup (Cook).

The only other thing I disagree with strongly is GA at Lean R instead of Likely R. DEMs claim close in 2018 but they maxed out their minority turnout while the GOP will benefit from the presidential year there.

As expected, S failed. smile Lofven didn't even get V's support. The gap between V and C+L is big enough that someone must be at fault. So the only logical options are S supporting Alliance if V is at fault and SD supporting Alliance if C+L is at fault (Lofven would be using the exact same language for M as for SD which would get SD on board).

I can't even tell what country you are taking about ?.


It's Germany.

I think.


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