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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

(February 15th, 2019, 10:53)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: I think the real problem is Civ5 being left unfinished by Trip. We would lower our standards if this was the first 1upt game not the second.
the second 1upt game is civ:be.

P.S. I wonder will Firaxis make a civ6 spin-off like civ4:colonization & civ5:be.
me on
An ideal strategy game would tone down efficiency challenges, while promoting choices and conflicts
No gods or kings. Only Man.

(February 16th, 2019, 07:43)Hail Wrote:
(February 15th, 2019, 10:53)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: I think the real problem is Civ5 being left unfinished by Trip. We would lower our standards if this was the first 1upt game not the second.
the second 1upt game is civ:be.

P.S. I wonder will Firaxis make a civ6 spin-off like civ4:colonization & civ5:be.

BE doesn't count.

I'm sure they will make a spin-off for Civ6 because they same motivation: keeping the plebs occupied while the team leaders start the next game. This is why they are spin-offs not sequels and don't count. They are designed by a "B" team.

(February 15th, 2019, 04:54)rho21 Wrote: I'd reckon about 3-4 days of developer time split between at least a modeller, an animator and a UI coder. But yeah, it's entirely possible those specific disciplines had a little slack time. Even if not, I suspect that from a business perspective it was worth it for 2K. I still get to snark at the patch note though.

Ok, the UI coder would actually have something better to do, I give you that lol They should just steal the CQUI design and polish it.

(February 15th, 2019, 03:28)TheArchduke Wrote: I do not think the issue is really 1UPT, I get what they are trying to do there. The Stacks running around in CIV IV were a MM hell especially in MP.

I didn't live long enough in my Civ 4 MP game to see how much bigger this problem gets there, but I agree. Maybe if you play SP on low enough difficulty, you can get away with just smushing doom-stacks into one another, but forcing players to choose between playing optimally and fun isn't good. 1UPT isn't great either, though. I wonder if there is some way to separate the strategic and tactical maps, like Age of Wonders does, without slowing down multiplayer or forcing players to auto-resolve most battles.

(February 14th, 2019, 12:09)LKendter Wrote: 1 UPT really broke 5 & 6 for me.  I still haven't gotten around to learning 6.

I still enjoy Civ 3 / 4 more.  SoD were so much fun.  smile
I still want to finish some more Civ4 Epics.

I'm not gonna say I'm the world's biggest SoD fan. Simming fights for pitboss always sucked and individually attacking with each unit in the stack was tedious. But good lord, the AI is able to handle it so much better and its so less tedious than trying to organize a carpet through a chokepoint. 

There has to be another system that combines the best of both worlds. Something like armies, that lock in and combine all the units in the stack into a single attack power.

(February 14th, 2019, 16:56)Japper007 Wrote:
(February 13th, 2019, 20:16)Singaboy Wrote: Are you guys buying this. In my country, it costs $45, which is way overpriced for an expansion. No way, I am going to buy that now.

The pricepoint puts me off big time too, I could buy entire games at that price. I'd maybe consider it if the new mechanics were actual additions and not just "spend more turns doing the same thing you were already bored with in Vanilla" . I'm not hyped at all for the expansion, Rise and Fall actively making the game worse certainly doesn't make me confident enough to spend 30 euros.

All the new systems really come across as a lot of bright lights and loud sounds meant to distract the player from how boring the base game can get. They're essentially giving you sub-games to play while you wait for something actually interesting to happen in the main game. Frankly, all expansion packs are guilty of this - of course they need something as a hook to get people to buy the expac, but all the new mechanics always come off as feeling extremely detached and isolated from the main mechanics; bolted on haphazardly instead of integrated naturally and with care.

Making a tediously drawn out, brainless grindfest to claim an 'epic scale' and then filling it with minigames in place of real content is a cardinal sin of modern computer game design.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(February 17th, 2019, 15:02)Bacchus Wrote: Making a tediously drawn out, brainless grindfest to claim an 'epic scale' and then filling it with minigames in place of real content is a cardinal sin of modern computer game design.

The worst for me is something like Beyond the Sword, where the base game is already insanely in-depth, and everything they add just clutters and degrades the core mechanics. I'm sure Espionage and Corporations and Religious Victories were fun for some people, or interesting to break down on a mechanical level I guess, but it was extremely clear what little care and attention these new mechanics were given right from the outset.

Yeah, Inca game finished in industrial. I am unsure who could actually play on towards Modern somehow.

(February 18th, 2019, 00:03)TheArchduke Wrote: Yeah, Inca game finished in industrial. I am unsure who could actually play on towards Modern somehow.

Those that go for a science win for example.

If you got double the empire score of the next AI, this is only an issue of pressing end turn 150-200 times.

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