As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

An hour or two is too strict. We expect the game to have 30-40 hours of content for normals. Let's say that's 5-6 playthroughs. 5-8 hours per playthrough is fine, take you a couple of days or one really long sitting.

Keep the Marathon length for that 'epic' feel.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

RTSs, MOBAs and shooters show that you can make money with games that have short match lengths. You could have a story campaign to get your 40 hours play time. AoW 3 is kind of like that: I wouldn't call individual matches short in an absolute sense, but compared to Civ, they are. Of course that wouldn't be recognizable as Civ in any way. (Though if you want to show the rise and fall of civilizations, it would be much easier to do between missions.)

Yeah, when Civ wants to evoke "one more turn" BR and MOBAs want to evoke "one more match" in a similar way. I think the problem is that RB as a community is an oddity: most people will play only a couple games, and we play hundreds.

Lol, they put the industrial era heavy cavalry unit onto the same tech as the industrial era ranged unit. So many interesting choices to make!
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

The Inca unique improvement is different from what I thought it'd be. I thought it was a road across the mountain, a nice way to pass mountain ranges. Meaning it was nice flavor but also useful if the map had a large mountain range that you might want to cross to attack an enemy. Instead it's a teleportation device, taking you instantly from one place where you built it in a mountain range to another, however far away it may be.

(February 26th, 2019, 08:51)AdrienIer Wrote: The Inca unique improvement is different from what I thought it'd be. I thought it was a road across the mountain, a nice way to pass mountain ranges. Meaning it was nice flavor but also useful if the map had a large mountain range that you might want to cross to attack an enemy. Instead it's a teleportation device, taking you instantly from one place where you built it in a mountain range to another, however far away it may be.

So the aliens did contact ancient humans!

[Image: 2upn01.jpg]
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

(February 18th, 2019, 13:31)Cheater Hater Wrote:  Is there a way you could condense a 4X into an hour or two (or even less) and still have it be satisfying?

It's called Rise of Nations, and it's awesome. (though MP between two good players will usually get called in 20-30 minutes even) It's technically an RTS but it has always felt more like a 4x/Grand strategy game to me, particularly the Conquer the World campaign mode.

A more traditional 4X example would be Space Tyrant.

Wow eek This expansion managed to break the game even more than it already was.  banghead

Yep this is worth the price of an entire game Firaxis. Maybe next time get testers who can actually play games. rolleye

Fancy feature creep and just adding stuff without a real test. banghead

I have a sinking feeling that with the new pillaging mechanic, city states are go to be banned in upcoming PBEMs. Just played a game to see how far you can take the new pillaging mechanic and abuse city states. It is not even close to any kind of balance. Declare on a science city state with a few mines, boom, a couple of free techs. Don't capture the city, make peace and let them fix their district and mines, then declare again after the 10 turns of enforced peace. Another couple of free techs. Need to upgrade your army, find a coastal commerce city state and get a couple of grand in gold.

Was this their replacement for removing chop overflow? Because this is way worst. Games will now be decided by who neighbors what type of city state.

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