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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Playing the next turn, but I have a few questions.

Whipped Crydee for a LB. Landsknecht next?

Changed Ylith to a Granary, or do we want Culture there first?

Switched Land's End to a Library, like to change that to a Settler next turn and whip that for 2. Should be the settler for Athlete.

Changer Rolan (making 212 bpt) to a Landsknecht (2t) so it can start Taj Mahal right once Nat gets in. It is our best production city.
We could hire a engineer before growth there (no health)...

Do we whip Stardock now for 2pop for a Library?

Will you be able to finish the turn and look into these things?

Question - why is our chariot on a forested hill? We need him on a road so we can get Carida from Whosit!

EDIT: On second thought it might be because of korea's borders.

Crydee - actually it needs a university. We have enough defensive military for a while.

Ylith - granary is fine. Nice to have a fish tile to work.

Land's end - sure. I wish we could get the Moai there.

Rolan - if we want maximum overflow on the Taj, it's best to build something that will overflow into the next turn a lot. As such, I switched it from a Landschkent or whatever it is to a chariot, and juggled the tile build. We now have 29/30 for the chariot, and we can max out at 40 prod so next turn we will have a chariot with 1 turn left and then, with Lib + Nationalism, we will have about 39 hammers of overflow. On top of that, we will get a size 16 capital that can also work that forest. Right now, I am seriously considering chopping that forest. Nakor, we have a worker north of Rolan that could do the chopping - why not? We could easily build a health building with a Golden Age anyway.

EDIT: The worker farming at La Mut could also move over to chop the forest southeast of Rolan. La Mut can stay at size 10/11 to make a worker, methinks.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0655.jpg]

Stardock - no, keep it growing.

I also juggled some tile builds so that we're focusing on growth over production. Our focus in the next few turns should be GROWTH since this is the age of teching. I can't imagine that any wars outside of Inca/Rome/Korea will occur.

Last thing - take a look at domestic advisor and see if there's any cities that need happiness, since we have lots of HR military.

Last thing - please no inifinte NAP with Korea. That's the same thing as no NAP.

The Chariot is there because of Korea's borders, indeed. lol

Don't think we need more workers now since Whosit will give them to us. bow

I don't agree on you about Korea. An NAP with no end and a 15t warning before the war starts is what we DO need right now. We need to focus on tech, growt and then war. When we have our south border secured (or have a 15t warning before an attack comes) we only have to worry about Dantski (our most likely first target) and naval assaults.

DMOC Wrote:Rolan - if we want maximum overflow on the Taj, it's best to build something that will overflow into the next turn a lot. As such, I switched it from a Landschkent or whatever it is to a chariot, and juggled the tile build. We now have 29/30 for the chariot, and we can max out at 40 prod so next turn we will have a chariot with 1 turn left and then, with Lib + Nationalism, we will have about 39 hammers of overflow. On top of that, we will get a size 16 capital that can also work that forest. Right now, I am seriously considering chopping that forest. Nakor, we have a worker north of Rolan that could do the chopping - why not? We could easily build a health building with a Golden Age anyway.

I don't think you will get 39h of overflow... shhh

Why do you think that, Square Legs?

DMOC, I signed a NAP with Korea untill t210 with a cooldown time of 10t.

Did you read Slaze's post?

Can't overflow more hammers than the cost of the item you just built. Max overflow for a chariot is therefore 30 hammers at normal speed.
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My bad, you're all right.

Nakor did you switch the build to something else?

Okay, a NAP until turn 210 is fine. MUCH better than no NAP.

Thanks Krill, didn'r know that!

Not yet, but the game is paused, so you can still do that.
Off to bed now.

I'll get stuck in the pause screen if I do, so I'll keep checking CivStats for an available time. Really don't want hammers to go to waste.

EDIT: Nevermind, I can unpause the game, methinks.

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