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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

Big news. We've signed peace with HRE. Here is my message to India and Mali afterwards:

Quote:We've signed real peace with HRE and can now concentrate fully to Whosit at least for the next 10 turns. This probably means Whosit has essentially given up.

We don't have NAP yet agreed, but we've made preliminary commitment to sign one. I think most flexible alternative they seemed to agree was indefinite one with 15T cool down period. Any opinionson this? Dantski, what is your position currently? If you're afraid HRE might attack we could probably suggest clausule that gives us opportunity to cancel NAP immediately, if you get attacked. If you've plans to attack please let us know well in advance so that we could cancel the NAP.

Whosit doesn't have much. There is 2*pikes in the Carida and pike+2*Xbow+cat in his capital.

I've unloaded the galleys near capital and I also sent our mounted stack there so that they can reach both Carida and capital in 2-3 turns. 1-movers are moving towards Carida and unless he gets lot of troops there we should capture it 3-4 turns.

NAP negotiations with HRE are stilll underway. We've suggested one with 10T cool down period. They seem to prefer one with longer cool down time.

I've chatted with slaze. Apparently Athlete is attacking him next turn. I sent this to India+Mali:

Quote:Athlete is probably attacking slaze next turn. It seems that this betrayal is too much for slaze and he is seriously thinking to quit the game frown. I somewhat understand this. Athelete's betrayal was really ugly e.g. Slaze even gave 15 units to Athlete that are now attacking him. slaze told that his border on athlete side is almost empty and he would had to do another grazy whipping round to survive that would leave him way behind others and still he would lose some half a dozen cities.

Should we do something to assist slaze? It might make sense to slow down Athlete's too fast progress and partially also convince slaze that he has a fair shot to pay back at athlete later in the game so he could find a reason to continue.

We've also got world map from India and our mace stack could attack carida in 2 turns. Our Knights are also around to attack at the same time. Carida has now 3 pikes. That is ideal for our maces wink. We can also threaten his capital so he shouldn't be able to transfer much from there to defend Carida.

Thought I would post some of my NAP negotiations today.

Finally hammered it out to a NAP to turn 210 at which time a 10 turn cool down automatically activates unless an extention is negotiated.

They started with

Quote:Let's try to get this done then.
Sorry, DMOC doesn't want a running NAP, he has bad experience with them.

I suggest we sign an NAP untill t240 with a cooldown time of 10t.
No Right of Passage for hostile troops and no gifting of units for an attack on either party.

How does that sound?


Our official response. Last clause was added to prevent a Jowy type gifting. That would really tick us off smile

Quote:I have had a chance to talk to Plako and we have a counter offer. We feel that 70 turns is an eternity and with our past history would like to start with a smaller time frame for trust and relationship building.

Our suggestion is a NAP to turn 200 with a 10 turn cool down automatically initiated at that point unless an extension is negotiated effectivly making this a 30 turn NAP which is still a considerable amount of time.

This NAP will include a ROP clause where neither side will allow troops to use thier territory to attack the other and if necessary close thier borders to civs that attempt to do so.

This NAP will also include a war by Proxy clause where gifted troops can not be used against either party.

Korea considers Byss,Cardia and Imperial Center part of the Korean Empire and any attacks on those cities will be considered an attack on Korea. Recieving any of those cities as gifts and not returning them immediatly to Korea will be considered a hostile action. We make no claim to any of Romes cities on the central island.


Nakors response still too long we ended up hashing it out in chat

Quote:Hi Broker and Plako,

70 turns is indeed an eternity, but 20 turns is a very short period.
Can we agree on a NAP untill t215 with a 10t cooldown OR a NAP untill t210 with a 15t cooldown?

We can agree to your added clausules.

Nakor for HRE

PS: Do you know what's up with Slaze? In the forum he says "I quit"...

Here is the final chat.

Quote:me: hey you ther?
2:29 PM Nakor: yes. just a few minutes
me: it was 30 turns btw smile
its turn 180 right?
give or take
Nakor: almost, 179 I think
2:30 PM me: How about Nap to turn 210 cool down start then and ends 220 unless extension negotiated. that is 41 turns
2:31 PM Other clause is thanks to Jowy gifting in India war smile
Nakor: We can agree to that offer.
And don't be afraid, we won't be receiving any main land cities should Whosit decide to gift them
2:32 PM t210 it is then and a cooldown fro 10t
let's renegotiate around t200 when we know more about where the game is going
me: Yeah that sounds good
I have the opposite reaction to Dmoc I like shorter floating naps
2:33 PM had bad experience with long solid ones smile
can live with medium
Nakor: same here, but that's why we are playing in teams
same here
well, gotta go. before I go, have yuo heard from Slaze?
me: Not directly
2:34 PM I hear he is less than happy at the moment
Nakor: and therefore he quits? what has happened?
me: he quit?
Nakor: that's what he posted on the forum
me: didnt hear that
Athlete did the mother of all backstabs
Nakor: Athlete?
2:35 PM me: yeah
Nakor: he declared? didn;t see that in the game
didn't Slaze gifted him a lot of units?
me: Sent slaze an email and marched in from what I heard
2:36 PM Nakor: what a game this is....
well, guess we'll have to find another replacement for Inca if Slaze really quits...
2:37 PM me: Yeah he is attaccking with slazes troops
Nakor: bad....
but then again, it's a game. he must have his reasons.
me: thats the mother of the backstab negotiated slaze to help athlete with India then turns around immediatly and attacks with gifted army
2:38 PM Nakor: bad bad bad
me: Ice cold if you ask me
Nakor: indeed. playing for the win, I guess
well, gotta go! talk to you later
me: not something I would do
talk to you later
Nakor: me neither!

We've had a chat with slaze and apparently he is good to go again. We've promised him some help after Whosit has been taken care of. possibly also Dantski is willing and maybe even India could be convinced to help. It should be in their best intrest to stop Athlete as soon as possible.

Carida is almost certainly falling next turn. Whosit has currently just 3 pikes there. He probably gets either X-bow or castle there before we can attack. It there is X-bow, slaze throws in his guerilla III longbow otherwise we just attack with Hwacha and maces.

I rethough our tech path because of coming peace and decided to go towards Education. Broker has still veto right as long as this turn is rolling wink.

We're building also Pyramids since they're still available and most of our current cities has been farmed for slaving purposes we could run a handful a specialists in them. I'll probably 6-pop whip it in 4-5 turns.

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I'm surprised you guys are doing as well as you are after losing those cities to Whosit. Good job smile

antisocialmunky Wrote:I'm surprised you guys are doing as well as you are after losing those cities to Whosit. Good job smile

Thank you although we've been quite lucky. Getting GLH was crucial and against some other neighbours we couldn't have done warring this well.

Whosit concentrated too much on Wonders and non-military techs and HRE played their part of the war really passively. Naturally also the role of slaze pressuring Whosit has been very important.

Carida is ours. Pretty nice city smile.

slaze attacked with Guerilla III longbow 1st. Unfortunately it didn't retreat, but it did lot of damage to CG X-bow decreasing its health to 1.4. Here is Broker's short description: "Lost Hwatcha and 2 axes as expected. Maces won at 72 ish 80 ish and 98".

Imperial Center is next. Bombarding Castle down will take ages so we probably bombard until we've sufficient forces to take it and then attack. That is probably somehwere ~5-7T from now.

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