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[SPOILERS]PB46: (In Search of) Fine Foreign Dining, by Hannibal of England


Why have crossbows been changed? There is a short answer, long answer, and I’m pretty sure there is also a nonsensical answer as well.

The answer is straightforward: Nerf to China, if they are no longer unique in having access to collateral Xbows, and merely have “better” and easier to access Xbows.

The long answer is somewhat convoluted but it’s based off changes to Castles and the workshop hammer on Engineering, concern that Machinery is starting to become too much of a one size fits all tech choice, difficulty with naval invasions (of all descriptions, not just attempts to raze coastal cities, capture islands, but also taking and holding a beachhead), the naval changes, and the Xbow crowding out the role of the Longbow. And the CKN enabling strategies that no other civ can follow that are…stronger.

There are two scenarios where Xbows will have major changes to the game IMO: attacks off boats into cities (no other unit provides collateral as siege can’t attack off boats), and in SoD v SoD battles. I’ll go through the SoD battle effects first.

The main concern seems to be that as Xbows provide collateral, they can both replace catapults in SoD stacks, and supplement what catapults are already present in a defenders stack (defender being the invaded player who has cultural control of the area being fought in). I’m not sure why or how this is considered a problem: A strength 6 unit that can take combat promotions will occasionally get odds on other units in SoD stacks when catapults will not, and the Xbow can therefore kill a unit that a catapult would probably die to, but…this is actually a narrow range. After knights exist, and then muskets, collateral units are going to die before an SoD is down in health to a range where Xbows can kill and live, and as WE now require Construction/HBR/IW/Iron, then really the Xbow never has a position in the game where it will just straight up kill a stack by itself. Then the Xbow hits 4 units total (1 attacked, 3 collateral) and the catapult hits 6 (1 attacked, 5 collateral), plus the Cat can do more damage to actual units. And you need catapults for cultural defense, so a player needs catapults around anyway to be able to turn a decisive win on defence into an effective offensive attack. So I don’t think it’s fair to say that Xbows replace catapults in SoD combat.

Do Xbows supplement cats? Well…collateral can be wasted, if catapults have already dropped units below the damage that Xbows can do, and if the collateral drops onto units that you have odds on, it can cost you XP (ie if the Xbow collateral hits catapults and you have units in hand to clean up the cats anyway, do you want it?) So if there are “too many” catapults used, Xbows can be superfluous. So there is this narrow range where swapping over to from cats to Xbows can kill a few units and the collateral matters, but I don’t think it’s always useful.

What about smaller stacks? 4 through 8 units? Not a true SoD, but what happens if an invader hits brings a stack of this size into your culture? Do Xbows change the calculus at all? I think this is a straightforward “Yes”, but only in the sense that it probably means you figure out how many cats you need to make the stack killable, and then swap the last one or two cats you would use for Xbows. But even then it depends on terrain, what units are available. It makes it a good idea to keep Xbows as city defenders so you have the flexibility (which is where to concern for the longbow comes in).

With naval operations: The Xbow is the only unit that can provide collateral off a boat, but it does not exist in the ancient era. It requires Machinery and Construction. The Xbow starts to be buildable just as players are reaching for Optics and Caravels or an Astro bulb plan; a GE rushed Machinery does not give access any more. You still need iron (and usually IW) and now also need Construction, so that’s Maths, Masonry and Construction. Realistically, the Xbow exists in a world where every player can build war elephants; every player can make amphibious war elephants if they want to invest in the civics and buildings.

What this means is that the idea of Xbows marauding off 4 move galleys, crashing into archers in small little 20% culture defence cities is not reasonable. Crashing into CG2 longbows behind walls is the more reasonable scenario, softening them up for CR2 or C2/Amphib swords and maces. Or the stack of galleys, carrying hundreds of hammers worth of units, run into fast triremes and get sent to the bottom of the ocean, that’s also reasonable. Or find that players have built castles in coastal cities for 100% defensive bonuses that you can’t strip away without landing siege.

The increased tech cost of enabling Xbows gives players significantly more time to produce naval defenses including a navy, or putting in trade route enabling Castles that don’t obsolete until Corporation. Engineering is now a worthwhile beeline target because it also opens up the additional workshop hammer, whereas Guilds doesn’t. Xbows can be used on defense, they can take CG. Even with collateral, Xbows max out at causing 40hp worth of damage. A 60hp Xbow with CG2 behind a castle with fort has 170% defense bonus against Xbows, and the melee bonus wipes out the swords innate city attack bonus. And then there are the benefits of promoting longbows up the drill line for less collateral damage, and it is easy to see that there are methods of defense against Xbows off boats.

The important thing to keep in mind is this: Yes, the Xbow now gives collateral. It requires more tech than the CKN, it hits fewer units with collateral than a CKN, can do much less collateral damage in total to each unit than a CKN, and has fewer free strikes than a CKN. Because it requires more tech, it leaves a niche for the longbow (just grab Feudalism for a basic strength 6 city defender).

At no point does the base Xbow do anything that China couldn’t already do. The Xbow changes do not open up new strategies that have never been available before: anything the Xbow can do, the CKN can do better. The Xbow changes enable all of the other civs to do something similar, not better, and not new.

If this game highlights players losing coastal cities due to raids from Xbows off faster galleys, that is not an issue with the Xbow. It will be an issue with naval mechanics (and, I’ll just state this now, probably to do with players making mistakes because they don’t under those mechanics). But this is another reason why the Xbow has changed: it does allow players to be punished for not defending coastal cities. It is easier to fit collateral and hitters onto limited boat transport capacity so it is possible to run around and take lightly defended islands, but it is not enough to take cities that have good defenses. And those defenses have been made, not so much more accessible, but less economically damaging to put in place.

All that said: if there are problems with fast galleys being a pain to deal with, but the later era boats are OK, we can just nerf the galley to have a base 0 movement points but start with Navigation 1 and 2, so it caps out at 3 movement with circumnavigation. Then leave the trireme at 1 base MP and start with Navigation 1, and triremes should be able to run down galleys and provide a better naval defense. Might have to change the tech requirements for triremes to something like Maths, Sailing and IW rather than MC though.

The nonsensical answer is because I want to make it easier to attack by making it easier to defend. You can figure it out.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Oh noes.

My decrepit, 12 year old laptop is broken. And I'm going to Harlech in Wales tomorrow until Friday (or until the rain pisses me off and I get bored).

Joey, can you play any turns that come up until Friday? Or are there any lurkers willing to log in, move a scout and hit enter, and post a screenshot? I already know the first bunch of moves, I just haven't posted them to eke out as many page views as possible (I'm scum, I know). I'll still have internet and can post, just don't have anything portable to play civ on.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Turn 0 discussion

The orders for settle in place are simple: Build work boat. Work grass forest. Research Bronze Working. Screenshot F9 demographics and F8. It's just the scout move that makes me think.

The plan is to scout around the capital, taking into account the terrain revealed on T5 from capital border pop. We are searching for that hypothetical super second city site, because if we don't see it, then ahead full on the whipped worker into granary plan.

That means the scout needs to either head north or south, check out the coast, and then rotate around the capital culture. I am unsure which direction is better to move in, but we do have an option to settle in place first, and then evaluate scout moves. This is normally considered unwise...but we have to get all of this knowledge before we choose the unit build on T9, so we only have 10 scout moves to get maximum information.

Joey, do you have any concerns regarding scout moves? Do you prefer north or south?

Link for city labourers and shit:
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Hmmm... if SIP reveals a new food tile, then we should scout in that direction. Otherwise, south would be slightly preferable over north as the wheat and rice would be shareable food tiles.

I can move the scout Friday night / Sat morning.

Another way to look at it though, is TBS going to give us a triple food capital if we move the settler that way? And we only have so many turns to scout, and we would not see new tiles.until T2, leaving us only 7 turns to scout to the north. I dunno if I'm being stupid here, but I don't think that we want to rush out a settler to share tiles that we need the capital to work. The value of a quick to settler comes from working new high yield tiles, not sharing ones that are already worked. I think if we put a quick granary in, and then went for a whipped lighthouse, at that point we would then be looking to split off the rice and occasionally the wheat, but that means we would settle to share food with the fourth or so city.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

2MetraNinja: Mao [EXP/PRO] (26th pick) of Ethiopia (7th pick)

This pick is pretty straightforward. I reckon 2MN chose Ethiopia in a rush (as he was on holiday when he made it, and had not had long to look at his start). Which is fine, because he gave himself an easy opening for a Currency bulb, and sentry onto land units for easier scouting (my understanding is that as sentry is not a legal promotion for boats, he can't get sentry on his boats for free but he might not know that. Stacking sentry on boats would actually be a pretty sound reason to pick it actually, if the start techs worked). On the return he had an option to pick PHI, but rejected it. Fair enough really, he doesn't need PHI to enable a Currency bulb and PHI will fall off late game anyway. So he picked EXP/PRO for the more balanced early game speed with the automatic out of the Currency bulb and the cheap markets, and hopes for easy happiness. He builds all of that into a potential Classical era rush (because he does not have to take any time for Currency he can go HBR or IW) as one opportunity for expansion, and has a second one with draftable Oromos which come with Drill 1 through 4 for free. Minimum 3 first strike chances and 3 first strikes, -60% collateral damage, and whatever promotions he gets from XP. Possible Henge build just because of speed actually, and could actually take a shot at Mids as well as another out. If he managed to get Mids via Maths chops and normal production whilst preparing for a Currency bulb, he probably blows the entire game wide open.

The thing about PRO now is that it doesn't not synergise with a single UB, it's just the promotions that combined with certain units might give a bit of synergy. IMO that makes me value PRO less...but that's really poor on my part. 2MN has picked a leader that speeds up reaching the vertical growth limit, and on reaching the horizontal expansion limit. Then he put that leader with a civ that gives him a way to bleed food into gold, to give him leeway if he needs it to reach Maths or Alphabet, and he wants to turn some of that food into gpp to enable the Currency bulb anyway. 34 turns working a merchanat gives him an extra 100 gold and puts the brakes on his expansion. Judge it right, that's going to be the skill. Start too early and it will harm his expansion, start too late and can lose 10 turns worth of wealth builds, growth into whipped market happiness and free intercontinental trade routes.

He has two windows of opportunity for aggression, and whatever other window he can create with the quick starting Mao. That's more than most people seem to have achieved in this snake pick. 2MN got unlucky with his first settlering dying to a wolf in PB38, I'm hopeful he doesn't have the same problem this game. He will make things happen with this pick and it will give other players something to react to. I'm hopeful that I can see his actions coming and use this to my advantage.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

TBW: Shaka [EXP/AGG] (27th pick) of Rome (6th pick)

Reasonable Badgame player of cheap Forums and AGG Preats. Good access to Amphibious on preats, decent starting speed and barracks will pop borders. Probably the most dangerous naval raider in terms of speed, and from reading Badgame pitboss threads I reckon that TBW is decent, not irrational, but will make decisions that would not be considered usual for a given position on RB. Not that I know the guy.

Rome as 6th pick seems reasonable, and if he views the start picks as faster than other (like we do) then Rome has to be considered reasonable. IW can be researched by T55 given the right priority, but in reality takes longer here. No one ever seems to care about the UB and I see why. I'm wondering about Xbows off boats because Amphib preats will not need much collateral to land to get decent odds on anything other than CG Xbows/Lbows. All the same, it's not much better than what player can already do, and stop him with navy and he is irrelevant. Just don't let him land.

There isn't much to say. It's Shaka of Rome. Barracks to pop borders, IW as first Classical era tech and then run to Currency, kill something or be irrelevant.

Addendum: actually, there is something worth discussing

It is worth noting that AGG Rome is the only leader/civ combo that is actually difficult to manage in terms of a rush.

A standard sword based attack can be withstood with axes, walls and archers without a great deal of difficulty. Even with one promotion, an unpromoted axe just needs to sit behind walls and have fortification to get odds on defense (doesn't really need fort, walls alone is enough but fortification is what really breaks the attack). AGG Swords? OK, then you really do need fortifcation bonus to get the axe above the bonus from either shocl or CR1 promotions on the AGG sword (6.6 due to C1, innate city attack plus shock means the axe needs to get +35% combat bonuses above the +75% the sword has to get above 50% odds of victory. So AGGswords are harder still, but do able. Given that Gav will run to MC, and superdeath has Boudicca (so is slower than us), I'm not unduly concerned by having to deal with AGG swords invading across land (boats are different).

AGG Preats are a completely different matter. 7.7 strength with no promotions, but promote it to CR1 and both axes and archers reach the point of not managing (at all). For the archer: +30% innate anti-sword bonus, +50% from being in a city, +25% from a hill (plus further +25% from the hill itself), +50% from walls, +20% from CG1, +25% from fortification gives +225% bonus against preats. But the Preat has an innate +50% and a further +20% from CR1, dropping the archer to +155%, or a mere 7.65 versus the Preat at 7.7, so basically it's a 50/50 battle due to the archers free strike. The Axe is is the only solution: +50% against melee, +10% from C1, +25% from fortification, +50% from walls, +25% from a hill is +160%, which drops to +90% once the Preat bonuses are taken into accout. 7.7 versus the axe at 9.5, is the only way to defend. But then the preats walk past and pillage roads, what do you do? Attacking into a preat on flat land? That same axe ends up hitting the preats promoted to shock (which were kept unpromoted at the start of the invasion for this purpose), and only has 35% bonus for 7.25 against 7.7, so you need 2 axes to deal with every preat. It's a shit show.

AFAICT there are only three ways to manage being a neighbour of AGG Rome: Be AGG yourself (shock axes work a bit better, but this isn't fantastic), persuade AGG Rome that they can't kill you (the metagame defense and doesn't really work, because AGG Rome is taken precisely because the preat rush is always touch and go, based off geography and tech paths, or, my personal favourite: Rush Rome before they rush you.

This brings me to the interesting part of the post: There are no real counters to preats attacking a city, they can even beat drafted rifles (CR3 preats beat most things in a city), they have to be taken out before they reach the city. The best defence I've thought of, the best one that works in a general sense, is the standard Cats and HA because they work across all three defences: HA with barracks and stables can take C1/shock, and will get odds on preats on flatland (~66% odds of winning plus a further 7% withdraw against C1 preats, but against C2 preats it drops to 37% win and 12.5% withdraw, so 50/50 that the HA doesn't die), and AGG makes this achieveable in the sense you could build the infrastructure in the time frame a true Preat rush lands in. None AGG? Ha, Rome is up 3 preats before you start your first HA. Second defence, Rome has to be prepared to be outmanoevered if they are fighting HA, which brings us to point 3: if AGG Rome is slow to preats, then they might get HA rushed. So I'll hold that HBR is the standard reply to a preat rush, using axes to hold out at first.

How fast can a preat rush land? This is an interesting question given the changes to tech cost scaling. The minimum research are BW, IW, Wheel, which is what is neededto hook iron, and then Pottery, Agri and Hunting (you need to whip the preats after all. Need food reources hooked and Fishing alone would not power a rush, Rome needs granaries and barracks. Given that we are reaching Pottery and BW eot29, none FIN Rome should be able to reach the same tech level around T32 (depends on seafood commerce and rivers). Hunting pushes that back to T36 at he earliest IMO. IW is a further 320 beakers! That suggests T60 is a not unreasonable time to discover IW. Have a settler and two workers ready, and then start production T65. T75 to start murdering people? That feels like a fair timeframe for a true Preat rush.

How fast can we reach HBR? I do not know, but I reckon with FIN on a straight beeline we could match the time to IW. Construction? Definitely not that fast unless we went Writing>Masonry>save gold and bulb Maths>research Construction, in which case we would finish Writing around T40, bulb around T60 and would need to research at an average of 40bpt, but we actually could match T75 at a push. I really do not think that makes sense though. But it is interesting to note the relative speeds, and the effect that FIN and seafood has on the tech pace.

Ultimately, Rome can launch at attack at any point, but this is probably the most devastating timeframe to attack at, and the hardest the defend. A later attack opens up the possibility of reaching Construction, for more and more players.

Rome's power is almost entirely on the Preat. If that rush doesn't work, then I don't see TBW doing anything else other than being a meal on someone elses menu.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

C1 doesn't add to defense modifiers like that. A C1 Axe with full fortification, walls, and hills bonus is a 5.5str unit with a +150% bonus, not a 5str unit with a +160% bonus. At any rate, a C1 Axe needs at least a +60% bonus (e.g. walls + 10% fort bonus, or hills + shock + 10% bonus, etc) to break even with a C1 CR1 Praet, while a regular axe needs at least a +75% bonus. In both cases, note that a lvl 1 axe cannot get odds without at least having walls in the city!

My understanding is that C1 is not multiplicative with the other modifiers. I don't have the game in front of me to check, but I have verified cyneheards combat calculator is right in the past, and that treats combat as additive on defense, but combat promotions remain on the attacking unit.

Tl'dr that is not my understanding.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

If someone wants to play T0 tonight, as I will not be able to play until 1200 GMT Friday, this is what needs to be done:

1) Set the password to "Hug". 2) Screenshot F8. 3) Screenshot before moving. 4) post the two screenshots the here and 5) log out without ending turn.

TBS said don't trust anything outside BFC, so let us all be paranoid. I would be grateful to any lurker that wants to speed the game up.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

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