Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 25

Cat is RED
Queen is RED
Olive is GRAY

Blue is up.


Pointy 3

CARROT, UNICORN and RACKET, in that order. I'm not sold on RACKET but I don't see anything better.

For the +1 I like AMAZON. I don't think UNICORN was originally meant for Hobbit, despite the fantasy theme connection. With STREAM blue there is potential that the Hobbit clue was referring to the movie instead of the race, which naturally leads to streaming and AMAZON. If it did mean the race of Hobbits, then I have no idea where we should go next.

unicorn, carrot and plastic. Not sure of plastic.

I'd rather choose Amazon as the third word though, and then reconsider
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Fairly certain:
UNICORN - Pointy-horned horse
CARROT - The shape is basically a cone

Longer shots (roughly in order):
SUIT - Diamonds are Pointy in cards; decent risk of it being Red though.
LITTER - can be picked up with pointy sticks
SHAKESPEARE - The art of waving a pointy stick about?
MINT - are the leaves particularly pointy? I'd have said that they are mostly round, but do come to a point at the end.

One thing I'm not sure of is whether UNICORN is an overlap with Hobbit after all, and the implications for our +1. If we don't think it's an overlap, I'd say AMAZON for the last Hobbit word (but no-one else seemed to like it), whereas if we do, then what? We assume that we've only been clued six words total so far?
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

RACKET AND CARROT are looking like sure bets. 


UNICORN could be the third word as those creatures do have a characteristic pointy big horn.

There is definitely something called a BAT in cricket. I`m not sure if it`s actually the "racket" you hit the ball with or some other expression. Maybe someone knows more about cricket than I do?

None of those words really fits with the first clue, though. I have no idea what to make of the fourth word from Hobbit.

Okay, I think it`s safe to point to our two top choices:

Point to Carrot
Point to Unicorn

Carrot is BLUE
Unicorn is BLUE

So far so good. You all seem to like AMAZON. I`m a bit skeptical to that but what other words fit Hobbit? I don`t have any better suggestions.

How do you feel about going RACKET - AMAZON next? If you want to guess AMAZON first that`s fine with me.

I didn't see Pointy -> RACKET myself. I guess this is because you score points in various RACKET sports? It certainly seems at least as good as any of my other ideas.

In CRICKET you score runs, often by hitting the ball with a BAT. But the language is so different compared to RACKET sports I don't think there's a good link myself.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Er...what about INDIA?

The shape of the country is pointy.
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