So this is what happened. He did retake his city. I had an Archer, and Axe, and some Impi in it. I had lost to culture tiles in its first ring but my mind was so focused on my own attack I didn't really think about the possibility of him attack me.
He lost 2 Cats and that's it from his attack, which was mainly done with HAs. Just promoting all the Impi in that city would probably have made it costlier, but oh well.
I wonder if that Sentry HA of his could see my Knights? Prey is not on a hill, but I don't think it could have seen the tile with the Knights.
Fortunately, my Knights were in range of his stuff, unfortunately I had upgraded 4 Impi to Pikes the turn before in preparation for the attack, which would have been able to take out 4 of his HAs. In any case my Knights were flawless, as were the two surviving Impi.

One of the Impi I promoted up to Shock, which should defend against his Pike before a Knight(?). One of my uninjured Knights is also promoted to Shock. I had a brain fart and forgot I could promote my Knights after they attack, so I ended up using all their xp before the attack, which wasn't necessary for most of them, so they're a little more hurt than they ought to be, hopefully I don't get punished for it.
So then I moved with my main slow-moving stack towards LlI, and some of my other units towards Street, to hopefully retake it next turn. It only has 1 turn of resistance, which is super obnoxious, so my Maces wont be able to attack it next turn. Hopefully my Knights will be able to do the job, other wise he'd be able to whip walls in there, and I'll need to wait for collateral, and it'll be a massive pain.
Last turn I had 1.5 times the power of AT, I lost a city and some units, he lost a bunch more units, and now I'm at 1.7 times the power. So I think overall, even if I don't retake Street next turn I still cme out on top, especially since Street provided me with a decent number of units while I had it thanks to whipping. I am kinda surprised in retrospect that I lost those tiles, since it was my Holy City and pumping out a lot of my own culture. I think he must have founded a city nearby to start putting culture back in those tiles? I don't know.
However, overall, I am pleased. I took out a lot of his Cats and his mobile units. I out-tech and out-hammer him, Charriu and Jowy are busy so I "have" all of AT to myself (might not be a good thing lol). I can now only hope that Pindicator quickly turns on MJMD who appears to be running away with the game, getting Lib this turn

And with a huge GNP.
I need to hopefully roll over AT, and use the capture gold to tech up to Rifles quickly. They're the next big thing, and I don't want to fall too far behind. I imagine that MJMD would rather take out Pindicator, who's more of a threat than I am (atm at least), but I don't want to appear weak either.
That being said, my objective for this game now is to successfully conquer AT. I haven't really done a lot of that in my previous games, which is kinda funny to think about considering how many I've played. So I want that experience, especially in this era.