As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Gaspar & Noble make their triumphant? return; mostly just get asked about "The List"

I'm a fan of work boat starts for the extra early commerce as well.

So I've noticed that we are currently at zero dedlurkers, which is well below our previous average of 3.4 dedlurkers. To make up for this, I demand more action in the lurker thread! I want to see more posts per day in the lurker thread than all the big Pitbosses. Make it happen.

Doing my best. I'm asking them for ways to screw up the map
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(September 1st, 2020, 14:33)NobleHelium Wrote: So I've noticed that we are currently at zero dedlurkers, which is well below our previous average of 3.4 dedlurkers.  To make up for this, I demand more action in the lurker thread!  I want to see more posts per day in the lurker thread than all the big Pitbosses.  Make it happen.

Well, we've finally irritated everyone else sufficiently so that nobody is left to dedlurk us. #missionaccomplished
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I'm way too busy helping Gaspar get distracted by running Werewolf to distract him with inane comments here.

Pregame Recruitment Chat Wrote:Serdoa
I've also seen that no one has played Werewolf in a long time... I wonder if there is still interest or if that game has run its course
there may be werewolf interest. people are playing codenames

[Image: plan-meme.jpg?raw=1]

One worker continuations, compared at EOT28

FIN: BW 32/179, 10t remaining
No FIN: BW 14/179, 12t remaining

IMP: Settler 98/100, 1t remaining
No IMP: Settler 82/100, 2t remaining

[Image: continuation-1worker.jpg?raw=1]

I am not happy with the two worker continuations. (I'm actually not happy with the one worker ones either, but that can't be helped because of the forests and the resources being on the opposite sides of the city.)

[Image: continuation-2worker.jpg?raw=1]

With Victoria, we can get two settlers done by EOT36 but still don't have Pottery and the workers aren't in position to improve the third city. Nor do we have a road going there, wherever it may be.

The main thing I'm getting from these attempts is that BTS Joao would work wonders for us.

(September 1st, 2020, 23:05)NobleHelium Wrote: [Image: plan-meme.jpg?raw=1]

rolf This makes my day.

Noble edited three posts in a row.

I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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