Goal: Introduce the game to greens, learn new CK3 mechanics for vets
Players: Anyone can join in. Only base game is required.
- You need claim the save first before playing.
- Don't claim the save if you don't know whether you'll have time to play in the next few days.
- No minimum or maximum in-game time limit for your turn.
- Reporting is required, style is your choice. Would be good if it's readable by new players.
- When you're done with your turn, post the save.
Tip #1: Screenshot key is F11. Folder is This PC > Documents > Paradox > CK3 > Screenshots (roughly translated).

It's year 867. We start as Chieftain Mugron mac Mael-Cothaid of Connacht. 59 years old. He is shy and impatient, but content in life.
Luckily we already have a heir, so we don't need to worry about our dynasty ending with our death.
As for Game Rules, we are playing with everything at Default.
We are however playing with Ironman Mode on. If our dynasty ends, so will our game.
Don't worry about "messing things up". It only makes the game more interesting.
Tip #2: Disable Cloud Saving. The save will then be in the "save games" folder.

We are not too great at anything. However, interestingly we are rather fond of... torture. I feel sorry for our future prisoners.
We have a claim on High Chiefdom of Meath, from a past marriage I would assume. It consists of the two counties East of us: Athlone and Dublin. However..

Dublin is part of a more powerful realm. They also own the Hebrides, Argyll and The Isles. Not something to be messed with!
Athlone is another story. Maybe pushing that claim and conquering the county will be our first major goal. For now, let's focus on the life of Chieftain Mugron mac Mael-Cothaid (that's us!).

We chose Intrigue as our Lifestyle. This screen (new to CK3) looks intimidating, but it's really simple actually.
You choose one of the five major categories to focus on, then choose one of the three paths to focus on. You will gain points and can pick perks when reaching certain thresholds.
A few example perks:
Dark Insights: "When you torture someone: 50% chance ot gain either 1 Intrigue or 1 Prowess (Max 5 each)".
Mortal Adoration: "Your Lovers are less likely to join Murder Schemes against you. Lovers are more likely to save you in case of attempted Murders".
Kidnapper: "Enables the Abduction Scheme".
We chose the Intimidatino Focus.
Next, let's find a wife!

Ah, now there's a fine lass! We are mainly looking for someone with high stats to help us rule. I don't expect any more children at this age, though it can happen. That is not always good though, two words: Succession crisis.

We also gain an alliance with Ormond. That will gain us security against invasions. The feeling is mutual, so they are likely to accept. Let's send out the proposal!
Tip #3: To show counties, click the + button on bottom right, then choose Counties. It would have helped if I had that on for the last few screenshots for clarity. Sorry!

Here's our only son and heir, Muiredach. He is a coward, not someone you would want to be leading troops in the battlefield.
He is also Trusting, which makes his education in Intrigue a sham. That man should not be our Spymaster. We'll get to that in a bit.
Most distressingly, he is also unmarried, though only 20 years at age. Let's find him a wife, and perhaps the next generation will be the one to lead Connacht to glory.

Maybe this Deceitful, Sadistic and Lustful lady from France could whip our son into shape.
Sadly, she is just out of reach due to the unpopularity of, well, us.

Instead I berothed him to this baby. Before you yell at me, this is the medieval way! It is not by far the worst thing you can do in this game.
They'll have to wait until she's 16 to confirm the marriage, but for now we have an alliance with Oriel.
We also kicked our son from our Spymaster's position. He'll be mad at us, but better mad than dead.

Here's our Council. It consists of our Spouse (she has not arrived yet), Bishop, Chancellor, Steward, Marshal and Spymaster.
You can set them on various tasks. I set our new Spymaster Ben-Laigen to find secrets about the Chieftain of Athlone. Perhaps we'll find out something we can use against him!
Now let's turn on the flow of time and see what happens.

It is at this point I realize that I married our son to my future wife instead. Damn clerical errors!
Well, good for him. I'll need to find a new wife.

Meet Samthann, a lowborn woman. She is, however, quite capable. And Chaste. We are okay leaving everything to our son.

We were lacking on good Champions (previously Commanders in CK2). They command your armies on the battlefield and their skills and traits will make a difference.
I fired the bad ones and got the option to invite more at cost of some Prestige. Prestige is what you'd expect. You gain it from many things, and can spend it as a resource.
Our Spymaster returned. She didn't find any Secrets and doesn't think she will. Well, didn't expect much to be going on in Athlone. Ah well.
What do Secrets do? Not sure! It's a CK3 addition. I assume we can leverage them somehow when we uncover one.

Uh oh. Athlone has become a vassal to Ailech. No longer an easy target.

Maybe we need to act while we still can. Let's conquer Breifne. To attack you need a Casus Belli, a cause for war.
Breifne is de jure part of the Duchy of Connacht. Since we hold half of it, we have justification to grab the other half, although the title of Duchy of Connacht does not yet exist.

We called in our ally to the war. We'll need em too, as our army looks to be smaller than our enemy's.

So begins the Battle of Birr. We should have this thanks to our allies.

It's a victory. We lost 69 men to their 178, and gained +22% War Score (represents how the war is going, if we reach 100% we have won. Starts at 0%. At -100% we lose).
Now to march towards their lands and siege their towns! Oh, wait, we are still Tribal. Villages, then.

We won another battle and started the siege. Our allies are spazzing out, wanting to follow the enemy army, but canceling it out and then starting it again. New game, new bugs!
There's also a random raiding army who just landed in Breifne. They however seem to be only passing by.

Our siege was successful, and we even captured the Chieftain's wife. Our warscore shot up to 100%, we can now end the war and enforce our demands.

Ha, loser!

We are now the Chieftain of both Connacht and Breifne. Thank you Ormond, we are sure to remember this.
And this seems like a good place to stop.
It has only been a little under 2 years since the beginning. In future games I expect turns to be much longer, but reporting takes a while when trying to introduce concepts rather than just focusing on the very interesting bits!
Anyone feel free to claim the save and play. If no-one up for it yet, I'll play again in a few days.
Tip #4: Pack the save to a zip file to be able to attach it to forum posts here.
ua_Briuin_Ai_867_01_01.zip (Size: 4.5 MB / Downloads: 5)
Players: Anyone can join in. Only base game is required.
- You need claim the save first before playing.
- Don't claim the save if you don't know whether you'll have time to play in the next few days.
- No minimum or maximum in-game time limit for your turn.
- Reporting is required, style is your choice. Would be good if it's readable by new players.
- When you're done with your turn, post the save.
Tip #1: Screenshot key is F11. Folder is This PC > Documents > Paradox > CK3 > Screenshots (roughly translated).

It's year 867. We start as Chieftain Mugron mac Mael-Cothaid of Connacht. 59 years old. He is shy and impatient, but content in life.
Luckily we already have a heir, so we don't need to worry about our dynasty ending with our death.
As for Game Rules, we are playing with everything at Default.
We are however playing with Ironman Mode on. If our dynasty ends, so will our game.
Don't worry about "messing things up". It only makes the game more interesting.

Tip #2: Disable Cloud Saving. The save will then be in the "save games" folder.

We are not too great at anything. However, interestingly we are rather fond of... torture. I feel sorry for our future prisoners.
We have a claim on High Chiefdom of Meath, from a past marriage I would assume. It consists of the two counties East of us: Athlone and Dublin. However..

Dublin is part of a more powerful realm. They also own the Hebrides, Argyll and The Isles. Not something to be messed with!
Athlone is another story. Maybe pushing that claim and conquering the county will be our first major goal. For now, let's focus on the life of Chieftain Mugron mac Mael-Cothaid (that's us!).

We chose Intrigue as our Lifestyle. This screen (new to CK3) looks intimidating, but it's really simple actually.
You choose one of the five major categories to focus on, then choose one of the three paths to focus on. You will gain points and can pick perks when reaching certain thresholds.
A few example perks:
Dark Insights: "When you torture someone: 50% chance ot gain either 1 Intrigue or 1 Prowess (Max 5 each)".
Mortal Adoration: "Your Lovers are less likely to join Murder Schemes against you. Lovers are more likely to save you in case of attempted Murders".
Kidnapper: "Enables the Abduction Scheme".
We chose the Intimidatino Focus.
Next, let's find a wife!

Ah, now there's a fine lass! We are mainly looking for someone with high stats to help us rule. I don't expect any more children at this age, though it can happen. That is not always good though, two words: Succession crisis.

We also gain an alliance with Ormond. That will gain us security against invasions. The feeling is mutual, so they are likely to accept. Let's send out the proposal!
Tip #3: To show counties, click the + button on bottom right, then choose Counties. It would have helped if I had that on for the last few screenshots for clarity. Sorry!

Here's our only son and heir, Muiredach. He is a coward, not someone you would want to be leading troops in the battlefield.
He is also Trusting, which makes his education in Intrigue a sham. That man should not be our Spymaster. We'll get to that in a bit.
Most distressingly, he is also unmarried, though only 20 years at age. Let's find him a wife, and perhaps the next generation will be the one to lead Connacht to glory.

Maybe this Deceitful, Sadistic and Lustful lady from France could whip our son into shape.
Sadly, she is just out of reach due to the unpopularity of, well, us.

Instead I berothed him to this baby. Before you yell at me, this is the medieval way! It is not by far the worst thing you can do in this game.
They'll have to wait until she's 16 to confirm the marriage, but for now we have an alliance with Oriel.
We also kicked our son from our Spymaster's position. He'll be mad at us, but better mad than dead.

Here's our Council. It consists of our Spouse (she has not arrived yet), Bishop, Chancellor, Steward, Marshal and Spymaster.
You can set them on various tasks. I set our new Spymaster Ben-Laigen to find secrets about the Chieftain of Athlone. Perhaps we'll find out something we can use against him!
Now let's turn on the flow of time and see what happens.

It is at this point I realize that I married our son to my future wife instead. Damn clerical errors!
Well, good for him. I'll need to find a new wife.

Meet Samthann, a lowborn woman. She is, however, quite capable. And Chaste. We are okay leaving everything to our son.

We were lacking on good Champions (previously Commanders in CK2). They command your armies on the battlefield and their skills and traits will make a difference.
I fired the bad ones and got the option to invite more at cost of some Prestige. Prestige is what you'd expect. You gain it from many things, and can spend it as a resource.
Our Spymaster returned. She didn't find any Secrets and doesn't think she will. Well, didn't expect much to be going on in Athlone. Ah well.
What do Secrets do? Not sure! It's a CK3 addition. I assume we can leverage them somehow when we uncover one.

Uh oh. Athlone has become a vassal to Ailech. No longer an easy target.

Maybe we need to act while we still can. Let's conquer Breifne. To attack you need a Casus Belli, a cause for war.
Breifne is de jure part of the Duchy of Connacht. Since we hold half of it, we have justification to grab the other half, although the title of Duchy of Connacht does not yet exist.

We called in our ally to the war. We'll need em too, as our army looks to be smaller than our enemy's.

So begins the Battle of Birr. We should have this thanks to our allies.

It's a victory. We lost 69 men to their 178, and gained +22% War Score (represents how the war is going, if we reach 100% we have won. Starts at 0%. At -100% we lose).
Now to march towards their lands and siege their towns! Oh, wait, we are still Tribal. Villages, then.

We won another battle and started the siege. Our allies are spazzing out, wanting to follow the enemy army, but canceling it out and then starting it again. New game, new bugs!
There's also a random raiding army who just landed in Breifne. They however seem to be only passing by.

Our siege was successful, and we even captured the Chieftain's wife. Our warscore shot up to 100%, we can now end the war and enforce our demands.

Ha, loser!

We are now the Chieftain of both Connacht and Breifne. Thank you Ormond, we are sure to remember this.
And this seems like a good place to stop.
It has only been a little under 2 years since the beginning. In future games I expect turns to be much longer, but reporting takes a while when trying to introduce concepts rather than just focusing on the very interesting bits!
Anyone feel free to claim the save and play. If no-one up for it yet, I'll play again in a few days.
Tip #4: Pack the save to a zip file to be able to attach it to forum posts here.