Jabah Wrote:What are your plans right now?
Are you planning to build a few more cities in the emptiness between you and slaze (or rebuild the razed city). From your last SShot, there seems to be a lot of (river) grassland, but not that much bonus food.
I usually don't make very long term plans. However short term I want Oxford up and running on our capital and then beeline towards Steel or Rifling with the aid of running lot of specialists on our farmed cities. This hopefully takes care of our economy and enables strong enough troops for our protection until someone gets Infantry or MGs. Currently I'm still thinking we should go towards Steel since Chemistry is quite useful to us.
I'll try to fill the void as soon as it seems economically feasible. Actually I just founded a city on the island east from us, but I feel we shouldn't rush too much.
A bit longer term I really hope we could get some of the food/production corporations, but it might be we're teching too slowly for them + getting Engineer isn't that easy.