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[Spoiler] Suboptimal's Next Attempt at Lurker Frustration

Turn 122

Open the save to find out that Gunpowder is complete. The armory at Truly is complete, which boosted the tech. At least that cleans up the overflow count. lol I start Square Rigging. Skirmisher attacked the swordsman and it will die in a little bit. I kill it with the swordsman and promote the quadrireme with Bombardment. Attention immediately turns to the cultural victory screen:

crazyeye lolfail. Yeah, that’s what I figured.

At Truly I move the citizen working the swamp over to the Encampment. I’m now working two specialists there for 2Icon_Production4Icon_Gold. I don’t need population growth right now. At 22Icon_Production per turn base the city can 4-turn a military engineer. I need two of them so I queue them up. I now go look at the Great Engineer situation. Woden took Bi Sheng. That works for me. I’ll have James of St. George in four turns barring anything funny. I’ll be back to the Great Person screen in a little bit.

I shift some units around; the last wonder chop at Auntie Wainwright will come next turn. I also see that Woden will likely take Recife next turn as the city has no walls and is down to 107/200 health. I doubt he’ll take the city but if he does I might intervene with my caravels.

Out at Marina I have to shift some units around to allow for the archer’s arrival. The city has grown to 6 population and will finish its granary next turn. That will allow the city to grow to 7 population in about 10 turns. The current loyalty situation at Wild:

I should note that this does not take into account Marina’s newest citizen. The city is calculated to be at +1.5 once that citizen is factored in. With population growth at Pearl & Compo, plus Amani being promoted in 6 turns, the city will go slightly negative. That’s when I could start the fun. If I’ve got the numbers right, two great works plus a Bread & Circuses project could bring the city down to -7.1 loyalty per turn and result in a 15 turn flip.

Now, Great People….here’s the situation:

I’ve calculated that Phoenicia would beat me to Yi Sun-sin by 2 turns at natural point generation rates. The remaining two Renaissance admirals are Santa Cruz (form an armada out of a naval unit) and Francis Drake (create a Privateer with one promotion level and military units get +50%Icon_Gold for plundering sea trade routes). The way it will shake out is that Woden gets one, I get one and then the last one is up for grabs. I was originally considering grabbing the ironclad. However, a caravel armada has a higher CS and better visibility than an ironclad and a privateer would be a Sea Dog and a nice addition to the fleet. Therefore, I’ll let Woden have first crack at the admiral and take whichever comes up. Once that happens I’ll need to decide if I’ll run a project. This is more likely if Drake comes up last.

At the other end of the screen sits Bhasa. Ichabod will claim him next turn unless I recruit for 350Icon_Gold. Is that worth it? Well, two great works of writing will generate 8Icon_Culture and 4 tourism per turn. The tourism, right now, doesn’t do much. The Icon_Culture, on the other hand, is a big enough boost by itself. Toss in the loyalty penalty at Wild and that looks like a good deal. The next writer would come at 120 points and I’d have slight chance to lap Ichabod for that one as well. Hit the button, Frank. Bhasa shows up in Howard with no movement. He’ll relocate to Marina next turn. Next up is Li Bai at 120 point cost.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 123

Open the save to the usual amenities complaint and a diplomatic offer from Kaiser.

Wines for incense, which I already have. Hmmm...looks like war weariness is getting to him a bit. This doesn’t do anything for me and he should know that. I decline.

Bhasa relocates to Marina. The city has finished its granary and is in need of a build. It’s got 16Icon_Production per turn and its options are an arena (10 turns), a project or units (horse in 5, catapult in 8, builder in 8, everything else > 10). A second catapult might be handy – the eureka for Siege Tactics requires two bombards. I don’t have a need for builder actions and I suppose a horse is OK as well (for courser upgrades). I’ll spit out a horseman first, then another catapult as I have no pressing needs for amenities. Chariot and archer swap places so that the archer is garrisoned. Hop up to Howard and reposition the builder for a banana plantation.

Out east I move the swordsman inland a bit. I’ll move to the wheat and fortify – that will give me max coverage on defoggin. Quadrireme heads back towards Nora Batty and the caravel and Magellan meet up. Check out the west coast of Brazil and I see that Woden has taken and kept Recife. The city is going to flip free in three turns. Fez is down to 6 turns. Hildegard moves to the coast and spots a Phoenician spearman just outside the city. She’ll disembark next turn and go running around for a bit.

Last but not least, the builder at Auntie Wainwright does its thing and chops a junge for 63Icon_Food63Icon_Production. There’d be a screenshot here of the end of the wonder movie but I didn’t get one. So there’s this instead:

That secures a normal age for me as well. One thing I’ve noticed and wasn’t previously aware of – the lake tile doesn’t get the Mausoleum’s bonus. Tha decreases the effectiveness of the location quite a bit. That sucks but I’ll live with it. With my Icon_Gold income over 100 per turn and growing (trader due in three) an occasional spend of Icon_Gold for some extra Icon_ScienceIcon_CultureIcon_Faith is likely worth the return. Yes, I’m aware the description in the Civilopedia says “Coast” but given that lake tiles show coast and the game’s tendency to lie….mischief.

Auntie Wainwright is now at 4 population. The first decision is the next build – walls or a lighthouse? I will put the city’s production into a lighthouse and go pasture the cows next. If I get James of St. George I’ll chop the jungle into the lighthouse and spend a charge on walls here. Otherwise I’ll chop into walls. I rearrange the citizens to work both whales, the cows and a jungle. The city will grow to 5 population in two turns (the chop put me 1 food short of 5 population and the city is at its housing limit). The first builder will be done at Cleggy next turn and is coming down here for farms and boats. The city now just needs housing. The farms and boats will gain me 3 housing and the lighthouse will get me another 3. More importantly the lighthouse will make all the coastal tiles 2Icon_Food. My plan is to encourage population growth and buy coastal tiles as the city expands.

I’m also not sure of my Icon_Culture yields right now. The main display in the upper left says 69.6Icon_Culture but the total in the tooltip is 68.9. crazyeye That’s confirmed on the report screen:

The loss of Recife has knocked Ichabod down by 4Icon_Culture and 17Icon_Science. The Campus adjacency there is only 3 which means that Woden isn’t currently running Natural Philosophy. Canada remains at negative income, now at -1 with 12Icon_Gold in hand.

Hit next turn, my name pops up in the box with the option to start turn or save game. :dubious. Hit start turn and get a notification that a trade route has completed and Artemsia and my caravel has movement left. I skip them so they stay put. It’s Marina’s trade route that has ended. Since it’s currently worth 3Icon_Food3Icon_Production I’ll want to restart that route for the production. However, instead of back to Foggy I’ll send it to Cleggy. That’ll connect Cleggy to the rest of my empire via road and still net 3Icon_Production.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Sorry that I didn't post here for long time, I got busy with other things, also I started to lose interest in civ 6, maybe in future rekindle, but who knows.

But you are doing good as I can see. Depending upon navyfleet you or Woden is favorite to win this PBEM. Kaiser is dark horse if he manages to eat Canada and Ichabod depeding how inland battle goes.

No worries, Allhambram...based on your WW posting it seemed like you had your brain full. nod

I think right now Woden is the leader, just because of the military situation. He seems to be giving Brazil a tough time of it. My big issue right now is that I only have three Campus districts and will be losing my dedication in about 15 turns or so. I'll need to get a couple of settlers out specifically for Campus districts, along with getting universities built in the cities that have them already.

In my pre-game planning I said that my strategy was slow to get moving - I've got the IZ's down and Truly's engineers will get my dams built. Then I need to get factories and get building some modern military. The plan remains to try to absorb Canada though that will be slow going. I expected my entire game plan to take 150-160 turns to get the ball rolling and I'm running "on time" except for science.

Naval power is not going to be worth much in this game as there are few targets on the coast. Most of Woden's coastal power seems to be on inland lakes or seas - he's got 7-8 Cothons but only three have coastal access. A coastal raid/attack on Kaiser is not out of the question - the issue right now is his city defenses. If I can get to battleships in a reasonable time frame I can launch a decapitation strike on his capital. However, that's at least 60-70 turns away. What I do know is that with everyone else engaged in warfare the longer I can stay out of war the better for me. I've got no war weariness and am basically using spare resources to feed amenities on both sides of the conflict.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 124

It’s occurred to me that despite having gotten Isidore it appears that Ichabod hasn’t done anything with him. This has me wondering if making a run at the Colosseum at Marina is feasible. I’d need an arena (10 turns at current production rates) and then a combination of city yields and Magnuschops to get the thing built. There’s not much to chop around there, though, as jungles will only get me so far.

Open the save to Woden finishing the Great Lighthouse but it’s not in my defogged map. That means he’s operating on an inland sea instead of lakes. I’ve also got an offer from Kaiser to set up an embassy in my capital. That’s an increased level of diplomatic visibility for him. I decline.

Take a look around the map. Wild has grown to 6 population due to a jungle chop. It’s completed its Commercial Hub as well. Woden has stabilized Fez’s loyalty at 30.5/100 at +0.8 per turn thanks to his capture of Recife. That city will rebel in two more turns. I wouldn’t mind seeing Fez become a free city at some point – I should have Frigates by then and liberating the city would be a nice boost in terms of Icon_Science from the free envoys.

At Marina Bhasa moves to the Theater Square and completes his first great work – 2Icon_Culture and 2 tourism for me, along with -1 loyalty at Bruins and Wild. The Aqueduct swordsman moves up to the bananas – the builder at Howard will be heading across open ground next turn and even though Canada can’t surprise declare I want to have an escort around. Said builder puts in a plantation for some Icon_Food Icon_Gold and housing. Back at Marina the trader starts the trade route to Cleggy.

Down at Pearl I consider sending the Holy Site horseman west. The issue is that the gap between Bruins and Kings is one tile wide and it’s second ring to Bruins. If the horseman gets cut off I don’t have a path back other than the long way around (or an open borders agreement with Canada). I do move it northwest of the copper and will run up to the river and return next turn. I think the scout needs to come back this way once it gets done probing at Brazil. It’s found a bit of a gap there so it’s got a few more turns of scouting.

Over near Fez I disembark Hildegard next to Woden’s courser that’s shown up. My navy rearranges itself a little bit and the swordsman near Nora Batty reaches the wheat and heal-fortifies. Auntie Wainwright’s builder moves to the cattle and Cleggy’s new builder heads south. The city starts a second builder – it will take four turns to complete. That will necessitate delaying Guilds by at least a turn (to keep Serfdom slotted) so I’ll have to dump a turn into Divine Right. I would like to get a third builder out since there’s some work to be done in the west.

I’m also not going to use the builder at Auntie Wainwright for that jungle chop – instead I’ll put a whale boat down to get some housing now. I’ve got my first military engineer coming out of Truly in two turns – I’ll use that for the jungle chop at Auntie Wainwright and three charges into the Dam at Foggy (which I place now to lock in at 343Icon_Production). The second engineer will put four charges into Truly’s dam and the third will chop a jungle at either Truly or Foggy (for a Theater Square) and complete both Dams. Engineers are now more cost-effective than builders for chopping unless it’s a free builder for a new city. Speaking of which I need to get my timings sorted out for slotting Colonization for some settlers. I think one each from Foggy and Cleggy (or two from the latter) might be worthwhile.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 125

Foggy’s library is complete and it starts the lighthouse. Pearl has grown in population and its river flooded. The tile to the SW of the city center gained a food but no population was lost. The new population is working the 4Icon_Food2Icon_Production tile to its west. The city is also above 75 loyalty now and is at full yields. Since I’m over here I move the horseman into the border gap and don’t see any Egyptian units in the area. The horseman moves back and I’ll contemplate what to do next, if anything. Up at Marina I retire Bhasa with his second great work. Towards Howard the sword and builder converge. The builder is exposed to Canada’s warrior but Canada can’t declare so it’s safe. I also note that Canada’s warrior is parked right on the only spot that can be settled. This is more likely to prevent me settling there than to reserve the spot for themselves – any city they’d plant there would flip very quickly as it’s within 8 tiles of five of my cities, including Foggy (which counts twice for loyalty).

Elsewhere I reposition some ships and pasture the cows at Auntie Wainwright. The builder coming down from Cleggy is going to stop at Truly to quarry the stone. Auntie Wainwright’s new citizen is working the coast tile and the city will pick up the other tile in four turns. The city won’t grow for a while (well, 220 turns lol) as it lacks housing. That’ll be almost solved in a few turns once the whale boats are in and the engineer chops a jungle into the lighthouse (fingers crossed, James of St George should be mine next turn).

Hildegard moves through Woden’s courser and finds Brazil right next door to Fez:

I spend the last movement point moving southwest to probe the frontier. There appears to be a border gap so I’ll move through that to explore the Phoenician path of destruction. Speaking of which, Recife will have rebelled the next time I open the save. That might also push Fez back into loyalty loss. I expect that Recife will take 5-6 turns after going free before it reverts back to Brazilian control.

Next turn I’ve got a trader completing at Nora Batty. I could send it to Geneva for 12Icon_Gold1Icon_Science. However, I have to give consideration to sending a route from Cleggy to Ed Mercer, the Egyptian capital. That’s worth 2Icon_Food1Icon_Production12Icon_Gold1Icon_Science but gives Kaiser 4Icon_Gold per turn. The route would eventually give me increased diplomatic visibility though that’s a good number of turns away (40-50).

Counting ducks before they’ve hatched, I think I’ll be using James of St. George on Cleggy, Auntie Wainwright, Compo and Nora Batty. That will secure all of my coastal cities with walls of some sort. In order to start boosting Icon_Science output I’ll have Nora Batty start on a 26-turn Campus next turn. I’m also rethinking that builder purchase. I could build one in Marina in 8 turns but only with 3 charges. However, that should be enough – mine at Smiler, lumbermill at Smiler and crab boats at Compo. Not purchasing the builder would let me grab the third ring tile at Howard (for the Entertainment Complex) and a tile at Cleggy (for a Theater Square). I’ve decided that Cleggy’s Theater Square is better placed next to Howard’s Entertainment Complex – that’ll get it an immediate +2 adjacency and then +3 once I can get Foggy’s built. Putting it in a triangle with Truly’s districts only works once Truly gets to 13 population and can build its own Entertainment Complex.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 126

Open the save to notifications that Recife has rebelled and I have a great person waiting for me. There are also some war declarations – Kaiser has suzerained Geneva and it’s declared war on Ichabod, Canada and Venice. I’d need two envoys to remove his suzerainty and three to take it back. I’d like to move Amani up there for two but I need her at Pearl. He’s also pushed his galley through and can now explore my coast, at least up to Howard’s borders unless he’s completed Cartography in the meantime. His science rate also jumped up to 130 per turn from 104. He must have quite a few universities in the fog (I can only see the one at his capital). Gossip also confirms that Bologna is in the game.

I go to the great people screen and James of St. George is mine. I recruit him and he appears in Truly. I relocate him to Cleggy where he’ll build walls next turn. James will then take a tour of the southern coast next, starting with Compo. Next up is Leonardo da Vinci – one random eureka from the Modern era and workshops generate +1Icon_Culture. Good to have, not good enough to chase.

Guilds is at 1 turn to completion but the builder at Cleggy is at two turns. Switch over to Divine Right. Ichabod is 81 points ahead of me in that race and we’re both currently at 6 GEP per turn. That’ll change over time. Truly has finished its first engineer and the trader at Nora Batty is complete. Since I have Magnus waiting for a jungle chop at Auntie Wainwright I send it in that direction. Once I get the chop done I’ll likely park Magnus in Foggy in preparation for a settler build there. As for the trader I decide to send it direct to Geneva from Nora Batty. I’m now at my trade route limit until Foggy’s lighthouse completes in five turns. Nora starts on a Campus, overwriting the unused plains farm next to the Harbor – 26 turns to go rolleye

Reposition builders and other units. Hildegard moves south along the Tocantins River and reveals Fortaleza’s borders and its 12Icon_Faith Holy Site. That’ll be a nice chunk of Icon_Production coming out of there as well. Check out Recife, it’ll rebel to Brazil in 9 turns. Its garrison is at 72/100 so I don’t know if Ichabod or Woden are trying to retake the city or if that’s just where it’s at for the time being. I send my caravel over to investigate:

Good to know that Woden has frigates available (and that answers that question). My guess here is that Woden will retake and raze the city on his next turn. IT’s also good to know that my two caravels, with an admiral in tow, can sink that frigate in two attacks if need be. I’ll be frigate-capable in two turns and could shift Cleggy into frigate production in five if need be.

My scout reveals the city of Manaus and the location of Æthelflæd. Looks like Ichabod ran a project. Also looks like Woden made a run for her since he just completed a 40-point project. Timur is up next in the general queue.

Unit moves complete I’ve got some management to do. Howard buys the plains hill and locks in the Entertainment Complex. It’ll finish the granary at the start of next turn and then it’s 11 turns to complete the new district. That’ll give the Theater Square a +2 adjacency (+4 with Aesthetics). I’ll buy the tile and lock in the neighboring Theater Square at Cleggy next turn (8Icon_Gold short this turn). I also look at my tech situation. Truly can complete a workshop in 8 turns, Compo in 4 turns. That will be needed to get the eureka for Industrialization. I switch Compo over to the workshop build. I’ll get Square Rigging and Mass Production complete then get Industrialization to eureka + 1 before working on the mid/bottom of the tech tree a bit.

Looking at civics I’ll complete Humanism in 13 turns (two turn dump into Divine Right, 1 to complete Guilds, 10 for Humanism). That’ll give me enough time to complete the following builds at my core cities:

Foggy: lighthouse + 8 turns into either the Intelligence Agency or a university. I need both but I think the university is the higher necessity.
Truly: two engineers and 5-6 turns into a workshop.
Cleggy: finish the builder, library, university
In that time I’ll also complete a catapult (Marina), Entertainment Complex (Howard) and a Theater Square (Smiler).

Coming up in four turns – we all get to vote in the World Congress. Hopefully the turn pace lets that happen before a real election a week from today…
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 127

Notification free turn start this time around. Howard’s granary is complete, start the Entertainment Complex. I also see that Kaiser’s galley is still stuck west of Howard. There’s another interesting development near Howard as well:

Since Geneva is at war with Canada its swordsman is doing me a favor and clearing that warrior from the lone city-available tile. I think I might need to consider taking advantage of that at some point. The builder/sword pair move back into my territory for a banana plantation next turn. Elsewhere in the empire some units reposition. The engineer will move to the jungle next turn for the lighthouse chop. I find it interesting that putting down a road uses a charge but a railroad uses no charge (but one coal). Better bang for the...pound...on railroad building. Up at Cleggy James of St. George does his thing and puts up walls. One down, three to go. The second builder will be done next turn so I resume Guilds.

Domestic movements done I take a look at Recife. Woden has again taken the city.

I bring Hildegard down to check for land units and don’t find any. I could, in theory, bring my northern caravel down and put the hurt on Woden’s navy right here. However, I think waiting is the better idea. I want to get a few Frigates out so that when the expected ironclad shows up I can deal with it. After that I’ll work on doing what I can from the sea against Woden (and perhaps Kaiser). For the time being I move the caravel one tile west – that keeps the city center in sight but me out of sight from Woden (unless/until he looks for me). I also bring Magellan in close enough to put the caravel within his aura but away from the Phoenician navy. I also note that The Grey Havens has claimed a crab tile in the northern passage so the eastern entry is cut off to me without open borders or war.

Next turn I’ll have Square Rigging complete and get a policy change. For starters, Serfdom is coming out and Craftsmen is going in. That’ll be worth 3Icon_Production at Cleggy & Truly and 2Icon_Production at Compo, plus another 4-6Icon_Production at each as Dams get completed. I think I may put in Press Gangs and take out Aesthetics. That’s only worth 4Icon_Culture right now and with Press Gangs I could build two frigates in 7-8 turns at Cleggy once the library and monument are complete. Professional Army can wait for a bit.

I’m also considering whether or not it’s more efficient to build or buy an art museum. It’d take 19 turns to build at Marina and 23 turns at Howard but only 10 turns of my current income to purchase. Buying one speeds up the run to the first great artist (it’d let me overtake Ichabod) and I could hold off on the second museum until I know if I’d need an art or archaeological museum. I’d prefer to use the latter and they can be filled faster once archaeologists are unlocked in...four civics. rolleye That bit never made any sense. I’m also taking a page out of Potato McWhiskey’s strategy for Theater Squares – only get an art musuem when you’re close to recruiting a great artist.

Another thing to keep in mind – at Mercantilism I’ll be able to build lumbermills on jungles. I’ve got a crapton of them that I could theoretically gets mills down on. I’d need three Serfdom builders to get everything milled up and I’ve got 24 turns (likely a bit fewer) to get ready for it.

Something else to ponder here...I could be in a position to upgrade horses and chariots to coursers and knights around the time that Humanism completes. I’d be able to field a group of six units (four coursers, two knights) plus Boudica. That might be enough to go on a pillaging spree in southern Egypt, especially if backed up by Canadian units.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 128

Square Rigging and Guilds complete. I start Mass Production and Humanism. I make the policy changes, taking out Serfdom and Aesthetics and putting in Craftsmen and Press Gangs. That costs me 4Icon_Culture per turn for now but Cleggy will be completing a monument shortly. I also give Amani the emissary promotion.

I have a deal pending from Canada. They want open borders. I accept as this will give me some flexibility in my decision-making on raiding Egypt in a bit. I see that they are likely to move their warrior into my borders to get away from Geneva’s swordsman. That’s fine.

Cleggy’s builder is complete. It was going to start a library but the overflow can get the monument out in one turn, so I’ll do that first. I also go back through my notes to remember what I was doing with this builder…I remember what I was doing, mark all the actions with pins and send it on its way. James relocates to Compo for walls next turn. I take this opportunity to buy the third ring tile and lock in the Theater Square. The city will build the library next and then get out two frigates. After that I’ll get the Theater Square and University built. Foggy will also take advantage of Press Gangs and get out a frigate after the lighthouse is complete. That lines up nicely with the completion of Humanism as well.

Builder at Marina moves to the grassland hill – no need for a banana plantation yet. Builder at Auntie Wainwright puts in whale boats as its capstone project and the engineer moves to the jungle for next turn’s chop. Up at Truly the builder moves to the stone and has two options – quarry for +2Icon_Production per turn or harvest 86Icon_Production into a workshop. I do the latter and then go back to the engineer build (complete in two turns).

At the Canadian frontier I start moving horsemen and chariots west, including my two chariots in the core. Those will head to Compo and then take the coastal route to Pearl. I’ll pile them all up at Pearl, consider my options and be in position to upgrade and advance if that’s the route I want to take. With open borders I can now send one horse ahead to see what’s going on around Bortus.

Out at sea there isn’t much change at Recife, other than Kaiser’s galley going past Woden’s mini fleet without Brazilian pursuit. Up north a quadrireme has come out of the northern passage but is too far to have line of sight on my units. I move west-northwest. That should keep me out of visibility range if the quad heads due SW. I could one-shot the quad (or come close) but war with Woden is not in the cards for now.

My scout has found the Pyramids and theTemple of Artemis at Rio de Janiero:

That Holy Site is +10 adjacency and sitting on top of niter.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 129

Recife has rebelled again and will return to Brazilian control in 8 turns. With only one caravel in the area there isn’t much to do. I can’t do enough damage to take the city in one turn with only one unit. I’ll keep an eye on things to see how they develop. North of here the Phoenician quadrireme has moved into the fog. I move SE to expose the coast from the fog and find it a few tiles NE of Fez. Woden’s got enough gold for a frigate upgrade as it passes through. In other developments, Woden has taken Porto Alegre from Ichabod. That’s the city directly east of Fez and stabilizes that city’s loyalty issues. Brazil’s borders have expanded and cut off my scout as well. I’ll try to get it out of the area and back to the coastline.

At Marina the horseman has completed and the city’s second catapult is started. The horses and chariots all move towards Pearl, at least, as far as they can go given the terrain. Builder puts down a mine, which takes two turns off the catapult. The chariots at Foggy continue heading for Compo. Speaking of which, the city now has walls. I’ll get the other two on this coast over the next few turns. Further east the engineer chops the jungle. Auntie Wainwright is now 6 population and the lighthouse is 4 turns from completion. The engineer will head for Foggy’s Dam for three charges into that. Second engineer completes next turn.

I’ve also taken another look at Auntie Wainwright’s growth in light of the fact that the lake tiles don’t get the benefit of the wonder. There are four more coast tiles the city could grab and the city will have sufficient housing and food to grow to them once the lighthouse is complete. That has me wondering if three farms are worth the charges – the builder is definitely going to put in the whale boats and then get the crab boats in at Nora Batty. However, after that I need to decide what to do, including just keeping builder charges handy. There is a jungle chop at Truly (available next turn) that I could use to clear for the city’s Theater Square. The production from that harvest would let me complete the workshop with no actual city production time spent. I move Magnus up here in preparation for that chop. I’ll loiter the builder up here until he establishes since the boats aren’t critical.

Horseman in Canada crosses the river and finds an escorted Egyptian settler:

I’ll be curious to see where that city gets planted, though it’s likely the near side of the river. It is going to complicate things, though, since getting through to Bortus and points north/west without detection will be a bit trickier.

I’ve belatedly realized that I’ve got Artemsia linked to a caravel and she is actually obsolete. I keep her around, though, since if the caravel (or another ship) in the area gets in trouble I can use her promotion to heal them.

In looking at my forces I need to give consideration to some upgrades in the interior. I’ve got a couple of swords and archers guarding everything. I should also build a few more land units at some point. To that end I take Marina off the catapult build and start a crossbowman.

Woden will claim Yi Sun-Sin in three turns. I’ll get whoever is after that in 5 turns. Once I have the frigates built and in the ocean I’ll need to sniff around to see if Woden immediately retires him for the ironclad. I’ve determined that three frigates and two caravels, in the company of a great admiral, would be able to sink the ironclad in one turn with no casualties. He will likely beat me to El Cid as well, also by two turns.

Next up, World Congress. The game has also confirmed the current age ends in 10 turns. Don’t think I’ll be able to rack up 11 era score in that time for a golden age. That would be sweet.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

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