October 25th, 2020, 14:08
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The defender is allowed to double move if he's not aware that he could be attacked.
October 25th, 2020, 14:11
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I can't remember when we ever had a problem with a short informative war dec PM.
October 26th, 2020, 00:35
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Mjmd offered back white peace and left my rice farm alone. Fine, let's consider that attack a -1 to relations instead of a -2 or -3. I'm of course still hoping to re-orient him towards superdeath in the long run, but Mjmd can be unpredictable.
Mathematics is in and I decided to go onward to Currency, due in 10t, which will be worth another ~25 commerce per turn in trade routes. I think I can manage on one happiness resource for the time being, and I don't feel threatened yet by anything my Archers can't handle for a bit longer. Trying to build the Mausoleum also feels pretty bad, since I don't think I can afford the raw hammers the wonder would take right now (no modifiers and no great site with enough forests), and I never found a third plantation luxury. I'm also skating by with far too few Workers which brings down the value of something like Iron Working, though we finally will be able to start 2-pop whipping more now that we have Granaries.
In foreign news, a Great Scientist was born which almost has to be CRE/PHI giraflorens, the scooter/naufragar war seems to have gone cold, and Miguelito continues to embarrass all of us with his CY. My circumnavigating Workboat is just a few turns away from defogging the eastern route to Elkad and naufragar which hopefully will cause those routes to fill correctly (the other trade route bug re: turn order was fixed, right?), and I offered OB to giraflorens as well.
October 26th, 2020, 00:39
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Turn order trade routes bug is fixed
October 26th, 2020, 03:47
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October 26th, 2020, 04:01
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(October 26th, 2020, 03:47)civac2 Wrote: What's that?
Luckily I just accessed the previous modders about that just recently:
novice Wrote:Charriu Wrote:Hi all,
I found the following code section in the RtR mod and was wondering why it was implemented in the updateTradeRoutes method?
Code: // RBMP fix trade route player order bias - always prefer internal routes if values are equal
if (iValue > paiBestValue[iJ] || iValue == paiBestValue[iJ] && (getTeam() == GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).getTeam()))
for (iK = (iTradeRoutes - 1); iK > iJ; iK--)
paiBestValue[iK] = paiBestValue[(iK - 1)];
m_paTradeCities[iK] = m_paTradeCities[(iK - 1)];
paiBestValue[iJ] = iValue;
m_paTradeCities[iJ] = pLoopCity->getIDInfo();
Does anyone remember, why exactly this was implemented?
Thanks Charriu
Because when assigning trade routes to cities, it's beneficial if internal trade routes are picked over international trade routes when the values are equal, saving the juicy international trade routes for where they give the most benefit. And this is what happens for player 0, and therefore it's always what happens in single player. But in multiplayer, this behaviour was only true for player 0. For the last player in the player order, the international trade routes were always picked before the internal trade routes, when the values are equal. This all meant that the larger your player id, the less benefit you'd get from trade routes.
In the patched code, the internal trade routes are always selected over international trade routes of the same value, making this behaviour the same for all player ids, and thus completely fair.
October 27th, 2020, 00:56
(This post was last modified: October 27th, 2020, 01:09 by El Grillo.)
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Another 2-turn day, hurrah.
Here's a tentative revised dotmap for the east, though the Workboat will finish defogging the coast before I get Settlers over there, and of course I'll try not to orphan any seafood. Wheat/clam would be first, then perhaps one of the northern coastal cities, and then the heavily jungled city once we have IW and enough Workers to chop out what will eventually be a very nice city, plus a canal between the inner and outer seas with a fort 1NW of the lake. There's a two-tile island in the inner sea that can exert a lot of tactical pressure on the area against superdeath and Mjmd, and I'd like to contest it if possible, though it might be a matter of conquest rather than building/getting boats in there.
It's too bad the barbs have researched Archery, I was tempted to upgrade into a W2 Axe if it had been Warriors.
Forgot to take a screenshot, but we'll be settling contested island city #1 next turn, as well as whipping out a Settler for another city. I'm honestly a bit surprised that so many people have agreed to Open Borders with us, but with island domestic routes we'll be fine even if half of them or more cancel or want compensation post-Currency.
Overall, I can't complain about the trade-offs I've made to have a strong tech rate into Currency, which I think I will be first to by a significant margin, but I certainly could've simmed more and optimized my Granary/Settler timings and perhaps saved a turn here or there and so on. It's looking like we'll be able to get to 10-11 peaceful cities and then it'll be time to throw a Golden Age and look to split superdeath with Mjmd and/or fully seize the contested island. Hopefully in the intervening period Ruff is amenable with the split, and superdeath doesn't decide he's going to just whip up 20 Horse Archers again.
October 27th, 2020, 21:28
(This post was last modified: October 27th, 2020, 21:29 by El Grillo.)
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Ruff whipped a big item recently with no power increase and asked for a peacetime turn-split (with him going second), so he's probably going to try and nab a second spot on the contested island. While obviously not ideal, this is pretty close to the outcome I expected way back when we first explored this land, as his capital is closer and he has those two strong sites on his side of the island, which matters a fair bit in the age of 2-move Galleys. I am a bit sad at not getting a second domestic source of ICTR, but this is fine. Hopefully, three real units should be enough of a deterrent that we can avoid a military buildup, whereas it would've been a bit dicey if we did settle a second city and needed more like 5 units to cover them, and Ruff found that unacceptable. I'm curious if he goes for the flatland spot with both clams first-ring, or the hill. Maybe he even wants ivory first-ring.
October 28th, 2020, 13:39
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Can you take ruff off the island?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
October 28th, 2020, 18:01
(This post was last modified: October 28th, 2020, 18:59 by El Grillo.)
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Not at the moment with tech parity, unless we commit a ton of whips to it or get really lucky in combat. Let's come back to that a bit later when we have Construction and HBR.
Ruff gave me another opportunity to escalate and I declined. C2 means the Chariot fight is 73-27 in my favor, plus I'd have the ability to clean up with the Archer if I lost, but killing a Chariot isn't serving our broader strategic goals. I offered Ruff fish-for-fish and am going to trust him to be reasonable and not take the 27% shot on burning Lunar Phases. We're at the point in the game where that would be a small injury, and you know what they say about inflicting those... also, our Galley could deposit another Settler next turn if he does burn the city and our Archer kills his Chariot. Really hoping it doesn't come to that.
If I'm reading Ruff correctly and he's okay with getting his two cities on the contested island and leaving me the one, then that means our next Settler is headed toward this area. It's currently looking like wheat/clam, unless there's a first-ring fish by the horse. Or maybe we just go straight for the copper-bearing island?
EDIT: And Ruff PMed to say that we no longer need a turn-split, so I presume there was no Chariot attack. Very good.