Finish that library (4) before you turn your tech back on. Nice capital. Agree with beurcracy (so make that one of your tech targets).
This city should be working the cottages that it shares with Tombola. It's job is to grow those cottages to towns while spitting out workers and / or settlers.
Not a great hammer city ... but decent with the horses (unhooked - but you know that) and the copper. Commerce city while building useful units like missionaries / spies.
BTW - hook the horses and get some chariots into the south to scout. You have OBs with everyone(!) ... so make sure you use that for scouting. You don't need all of these OBs for trade routes.
I don't know what to make of this city. Probably needs a light house to help it grow and then help with cottages?
Military. Mine those hills and that metal and use this to build units. Right next door to the blue person (AT) so they won't have far to travel to the front. I am unsure about cottaging the flood plans ... I might have farmed them to help with growth.
Military - with out a doubt. Needs barracks and stables. And growth to work all of those hills. Definitely farm those grasslands.
Challenged on the growth front. Needs a lighthouse to benefit from those inland sea tiles.
Hmmm ... Moai statue?
Offshore commerce?
This might be a nice GP city. Maybe Globe for drafting (if the game gets that far).
No idea. This city might be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Nice little city ... main use is to hide navel units in the inland see. You can attack out, but others can attack you. You can get stuck there if you lose this city (and the other one at the other end of the inland sea).
No comment.
A blocker for the little red men. Will need walls and Longbows.
Hmm ... that certainly is a lot of jungle.