AGGressive- Free Promotions (Combat I) for Melee and Gunpowder Units
- -25% unit maintenance
- +100% production for Barracks, Drydock, Jail
I think the free promotion does more to deter others from attacking you than it enhances your own attacks.
Goes well with Zulu or any civ that has a melee or gunpowder UU.
Verdict: Pass, not interested.
CHArismatic- -25% xp for unit promotions
- +1 happy / city
- +1 happy from Monument, Broadcast Tower
- +100% production of Monument, Colosseum
This is one of my favorite SP-traits for super-promoted elite soldiers, which aren't quite as viable in MP. It will open up possibilities for producing fresh mass-promoted units though.
Goes well with your favorite warmongering civ; pairs well with Stonehenge.
Civs with Monument UB: Egypt, Ethiopia, Native America
Civs with Colosseum UB: Babylon, Greece, Maya
Verdict: Interested
CREative- +2 culture / city
- +100% production of Theatre, +50% production for Library
Free culture has two main benefits: You're less limited to planting with first-ring food and on smaller maps you can claim more of the border. Basically, it lets you
place better cities.
Civs with Library UB: Arabia
Civis with Theatre UB: Honestly, who cares?
Verdict: Interested
EXPansive- +2 health / city
- +100% production of Granary, Harbor, Aqueduct
The main benefit is cheaper granaries, which you want to build in just about every city as early as possible for faster growth, starting the snowball rolling earlier. Basically, it lets you
grow cities larger.
Civs with Granary UB: Inca
Civs with Harbor UB: America, Carthage
Civs with Aqueduct UB: Ottoman, Khmer
Verdict: Interested
FINancial- +1 commerce on water plots with 2+ commerce and land plots with 3+ commerce
- +100% production of Bank
Short form is extra commerce on coasts, cottages (of varying growth) and some luxuries. Very strong if you can funnel into technological advantage.
Civs with Bank UB: England
Verdict: Interested
IMPerialistic- +100% Great General Points
- +50% production of Settler
- +100% production of Stable
More cities! Which is always good, but you risk expanding too much. Oh, and slight synergy with horse-based UUs, as it's easier to spare the hammers on stables.
Civs with Stable UB: Mongols
Verdict: Interested
INDustrious- +50% production of wonders
- +100% production of Forge
The main draw for me is cheaper forges. Although the wonder bonus has been stealth-buffed through reduction of wonder resource modifiers, most wonders will go to whomever gets the relevant tech first. Early Pyramids is a possibility though.
Civs with Forge UB: Mali, Japan
Verdict: Maybe, depending on start and civ choices
ORGanized- -50% civic upkeep
- +100% production of Lighthouse, Courthouse, Factory
At first glance this seems very underwhelming, but the
passive economic is significant, and with courthouses being cheaper it's more affordable to build them more places. Lighthouses and Factories are also decent to get a saving on.
Civs with Lighthouse UB: Vikings
Civs with Courthouse UB: Aztecs, Holy Roman Empire, Sumeria
Verdict: I want to test this on a larger map, which this seems to be
PHIlosophical- +150% Great Person Points
- +100% production of University
The bonus translates into earlier Great People instead of more, as the cost for the next one keeps increaseing. To take advantage of this you probably need to have very good plans for bulbing techs or other good uses for the onces you get. Not something I plan to take advantage of.
Civs with University UB: Korea
Verdict: Avoid
PROtective- Free promotion (City Garrison I, Drill I) for archery and gunpowder units
- +75% domestic trade route yield (new)
- +100% production of Walls and Castle
Traditionally a pure defensive trait that got a new economic boost that's very strong in the early game, the defensive boost is not to be underestimated. Also combines well with any gunpowder UUs.
Civs with Wall/Castle UB: Celts, Spain
Verdict: Interested
SPIritual- No Anarchy
- +100% production of Temple
The bonus translates to making the most out of the civics available to you. I can see some great strategies with swapping to slavery/vassalage/theocracy and whipping out strong units before going back to more growth oriented civics. I don't think I can properly take advantage of this though.
Verdict: Avoid