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PBEM4 - Email and Technical Issues

I am spoiled for this game, but I don't mind following instructions and taking pretty pictures for a turn or two if needed. smile

My available slots are around noon and midnight GMT if that helps.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

SleepingMoogle Wrote:I am spoiled for this game, but I don't mind following instructions and taking pretty pictures for a turn or two if needed. smile

My available slots are around noon and midnight GMT if that helps.
Sounds good man, thanks.
I'll post instructions on my thread and PM you the password for

EDIT: Nevermind, I can't tell you the civ password.
I guess we'll just "pause".

Isn't there a way to change your civ password?
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Does the Civ password even matter? I've played a few turns on my girlfriend's laptop and it never asked for it.

For the Vets game, I'm filling in for Kylearan for a week or so. I'm unspoiled other than his thread. I've got the save for 1180 BC but it will be a while until I get home to play it (might not be until midnight US Eastern, 9 hours from now.)

Argh, I can't load the save to play for Kylearan. Mod problems. Civ flashes a message about "the save file is protected" and then hangs on the blank opening screen. Yes I have the mod installed under the Civ4 directory and not My Documents. The symptoms are exactly the same as Kyan described here and below in the thread:

It's the regular CD version, not Steam. Patched to 3.19.

I have Ruff's mod from:

Ruff's test save from here does the same thing:

I know this can happen if you have customized files, and I did have a few (like the field of view slider), but I removed all of them. I can search the entire Civ 4 directory for files modified more recently than 5/14/2009 (BTS 3.19) and find nothing except in the Mods folder.

Any idea how Kyan resolved that? Did the greens game just dump the mod entirely?

I found and ran the HOF Civ 4 Assets Checker from here:

It reports that 20 files are missing from the Shaders\FX directory under BTS. That directory doesn't even exist. There is a Shaders\FXO directory in the same place. Copying FXO to FX doesn't work - AssetsChecker reports that the files are different and some are still missing.

Any idea how the Shaders\FX directory could go missing? Could that cause the protection warning on the PBEM4 save? Anyone able to zip it and email it to me?

Well, I copied and zipped my BTS Shades/FX file, and I'll e-mail it to this address: erik at since it was listed on your site. Hopefully that will work, otherwise, it's beyond my league.

Edit: OK, can't send it in g-mail because the file contains an executable. Hm.

I've attached it here. Hopefully that's OK? Let me know when you have it so that I can take it down.

Thanks Whosit. Got it. It satisfied that AssetsChecker, but unfortunately did not help the original problem. Still can't load the save. banghead

Bingo! Figured it out! Turns out that you also have to delete any OTHER extra files under Assets. I had backup copies of my customizations as names like "CIV4DetailManager.xml custom". Even though such a file goes completely unused by the game, apparently the file validation still sees them and fails.

The turn will be on the way shortly to whoever's after Kylearan. smile

Edit: Turn sent to Krill via the pbemtracker site. Let me know if it doesn't get there.

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