Are defender double moves allowed?
[spoiler] Civac fixes it (again)
If they haven't declared war, you played 2nd last turn and the turn has rolled, then you can freely play IMO.
There are some caveats, like don't camp the turn timer to ensure this, or don't double move past an enemy controlled area when he would have the chance to attack in a sequential game, but I doubt any of this applies. And GL with the dogpile, you've played a great game to unite the whole world against you.
Thanks for the nice words.
Gavagai didn't advance. Of course, he doesn't know that my defenses in the west consist of left-over praetorians and bluffs. I slightly shifted my stack there. I want to force him to trudge through my culture with his one-movers and then retreat when he gets close. For this to work I need to shield my cities from his horse archers. Lewwyn also didn't move. He may be waiting for reinforcements or for Amicalola to move in. I have enough in the east now to be able to stop Amicalola's stack and probably both of them depending on how many units Lewwyn has I didn't see. Steel coming in 3 turns. I should be able to complete 15 cannons on that turn with trebuchet prebuilds. Of course , they then still need to be wheeled to the battlefield.
Commodore wants to play too.
The island may hold. He has another galley coming which could enable attacks from the boat. If it does hold I will be able to draft a musket and reinforce with a longbow. Coldwhipped a castle this turn too. If it does not hold the Moai city would be in immediate danger and I would lose a lot of vision. Commodore's main stack would be almost trivial to clean up if not for Amicalola's force further north. He has 27 knights now that I can see and is the more dangerous threat. I may have to abandon Diegesis to Commodore and focus on Amicalola and Lewwyn. Some cannons will be available in this area via prebuilds in 2 turns. Gavagai's stack continues to grow to more absurd proportions. He could saunter in and take whatever he wants. Praise be to his lack of information. I also badly need a superhealer but that certainly won't be a problem.
I missed the possibility of Commodore blitzing Diegesis with his knights. I upgraded two more of the archers there. He does have a reasonable chance of success if he uses his Great General.
Edit: Redoing the simulation more precisely his chances are very low. Not enough promotions on his knights even with the general. Of course, there are a lot of permutations and there is stuff I don't know. I upgraded one of the axes in Diegesis to a macemen which may have been a mistake because with all the upgrades and incoming whipping next turn Steel finishing is starting to look close. And I could lose a city to throw the calculation off. If Steel doesn't finish all my prebuilds come out as trebuchets and I'm rightfully f*cked. I asked SD for a loan. I have been trading gems vs gold with him for ages even though I don't need gems anymore and gifted him iron also for a long time. Maybe he will accept.
SD agreed to lend me 300 gold for 36 gpt repayment charges.
The island city fell as I'm sure you know. I did not draft in the city last turn which may well have made the difference. None of the drafts on the mainland was urgent. On the other hand, Commodore didn't lose any units except for the two siege units. This is completely out of line with my simulations. Either I messed those up or he got very lucky indeed. Commodore will be able to threaten my coastline now. I will need to whip some triremes. On the mainland both Commodore and the Amicalola/Lewwyn coalition split their armies. Their numerical superiority seems to have made them light-headed. Amicalola main stack advanced on Litterateur. He split off a strike force of knights which were joined by Lewwyn's knights and horse archers. Further south, Commodore pushed his knights and the general past Diegesis. His stack of one movers of course couldn't follow. (Lurker question: Are they any promotions granting additional movement to land units which do not have an associated warlord?)
The only ones fitting that criteria are Woodsman II and Guerilla II, but those are dependent on terrain.
Mods: RtR CtH
Pitboss: PB39, PB40, PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer Buy me a coffee
I bombard Amicalola's stack with 15 catapults which were standing off Literatteur.
They all die at 2-3% odds. After that my elite knights from Legerity go in to break the most formidable defenders, some pikes, elephants and the knights that survived the siege barrage relatively unscathed. My first attempt, to promote to shock, is thwarted by the defender switching to an elephant or knight. So I use combat 2 knights from cities with stables and then combat 2 + formation knights from Legerity once the pikes are dead or cippled. Once the most healthy knights and other strong defenders are dealt with the elephants, muskets, macemen and praetorians join the slaughter too. Same procedure in the south. I manage to kill most of Commodore siege units with flanking attacks. Against Amicalola this did not work. I damaged them heavily but I'm not sure I killed a single catapult or trebuchet with flank damage. I had to clean them up with my defensive units. Of course, they were low enough even the archer could kill one.
Left-overs of Commodore:
The knight + general stack is still a headache. He will be able to retreat it to the forest S-SE of Diegesis and cover it with pikes. I won't be able to kill it without horrendous losses. Not sure if he can reach Duende in some way with the general. That would be a terrible blow. Left-overs of Amicalola: I should have enough in Conurbation to hold with him having to attack over the river. But they can retreat cleanly. I did not bother to try to defend Disquisition. It is my weakest city but I did grow a bit attached to it. I hope the culture in the area won't end up in a stupid place. If they had not split their stacks I likely would have had to abandon Diegesis. This was a very successful battle. I feel I lost way less 70% and 80% battles than I should have. In particular very few knights died. First cannons are done next turn. Still, in the long run this is not sustainable. Both Commodore and Amicalola/Lewwyn will be able to escape with a significant force. The economy is starting to hurt from the whipping, drafting and loan payback. I will have to expend yet more resources to stem the bleeding at the southern coast and both Amicalola and Commodore will whip more units. Above all, there is Gavagai's 125+ unit stack still unaccounted for. I still have one GA in hand and will try to reach Rifling, possibly after one or both of Optics and Theology. |