Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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my suggestion to the forum admin

Don't you think having 4 Civ top categories is a bit much?
Plz create one top categorie named "Civilization" and put all related sub-categories under it.
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."


The Civ section is especially busy these days with daily activity happening in all 4 categories. What happened was that the "general" discussion was buried on the Civ forum under all the subforums (if you click into the civ section you will see all the subforums, and they are heavily used).

When I made the change, I originally put the civ section under the general "games" section so that other players wouldn't have to scroll past all of the civ forums. But what happened was that it ended up under forums of games that don't have a lot of current participation. I still might end up moving it back down, if you (and others) are bothered by its placement.

I went in the admin section and try to figure out what went wrong with the forum, and maybe fix it. That was before I read this thread. Needless to say I am not a fan of the new look. Maybe there's a compromise somewhere?


RBCiv is generating 10 to 20 times the posts of all other forums here combined. No offense intended, but outside of some minor activity on the Master of Orion forums, the rest of Realms Beyond is practically deserted. I agree with Griselda that increasing the presence and visibility of the Civ section is something we should be doing to service the current needs of the community. Cramming a dozen different subforums together under a single "Civilization" heading was rather silly, given that 95% of the site traffic was heading to the same destination.

Honestly, I'd like to see direct links to RBCiv Pitboss and PBEM forums return to the overall forum menu. Our community is using them on a daily basis, unlike the forum links to Hellgate London (no posts in 6+ months) and Galactic Civ (no posts in 3+ years).
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How about this? I made the pitboss and play by emails act like a forum instead of a category, so the formatting looks better, but they're still on the main page. Is that better?


That's better - thanks Gris!
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Thanks smile


I like it now smile
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

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