Before I start discussing the traits I first want to address the issues that Miguelito brought up namely:
- Forts
- Nukes
- Paratroopers
- Plane bombardment
- Culture after conquest
1. Forts
As others have shown you can do quite a lot with forts. I also believe that the +25% defense it provides are more then enough. Pumping this number up will never solve the biggest problem of forts: Their immobility. This of course is an unsolvable problem. Ramk has also shown that you can use them on the defense in a good way. So what about the proposed changes.
Make enemies use the defensive bonus. I agree with others that this will lead to fewer forts being built as they will be a liability for the defender.
And here is what I want to do with them
Reduce the build time from 10 to 5. This may be too much, but then again it is no problem to increase that with later versions. I think the long build time is one - if not the biggest - issue keeping defenders from using them. It just takes to long to construct them.
Forts can be used as channels under open borders. I was surprised to see that you can't use the channel function in foreign culture under open borders. To me this looks like a bug or oversight, since you can use all the other modes of transport with open borders, so why not channels.
Forts can be used as channels if you control the tile. This includes neutral areas and enemy territory. I think this might be the most controversial point. This change means dropping the majority of units on the tile gives you control of the channel, but only if you are at war with the owner of the tile. There are some edge cases that I have to iron out namely. What happens with ships in the channel when the control of the tile changes?
2. Nukes
I wondering if the cost increase was the wrong change. It leads to the biggest players being the only players, who can afford to build them. Maybe there is some worth in everybody having nukes for MAD purposes. But for now with only one game I would still like to keep the cost up. What are the in-game solutions to massive nukes so far:
- Usage of nukes increases global warming (but we disabled global warming)
- Usage of nukes increases war weariness in a bigger way leading to more unhappiness (but meta is developing towards no war weariness)
- Bomb shelters reduce the damage
- SDI shoots down missile (Tactical nukes are less affected)
- Nukes can be disabled completely via UN resolutions.
Unfortunately the first two points are more or less ineffective nowadays. I also want to briefly talk about the last one. My guess is that it might have been possible that players in PB59 voted in favor of that. The problem is that it only needs one player to defy the resolution to stop it. Now there is a consequence for defying and that is massive unhappiness in the defying nation. But looking at Amicalola's empire in PB59 I guess that the unhappiness could just be ignored for him. Am I right here?
What about proposals so far:
Reduce nukes range while loaded on a boat. This has to be coded and explained in a meaningful way in-game. Because of those two I'm hesitant to implement that for now and would like to use already provided solutions so far.
Reduce movement for boats loaded with nukes. This has to be coded and explained in a meaningful way in-game. Because of those two I'm hesitant to implement that for now and would like to use already provided solutions so far.
Remove immunity to nukes from ICBM. This might only be a feeling, but I would guess that the bigger problems with nukes are the tactical nukes and not the ICBMs. After all they cost more and can be shot down by SDI.
This leaves me with the following changes I want to implement:
Reduce the blast radius for tactical nukes to the impact tile itself. What are the consequences of this. It reduces the range of the nuke by 1 more or less. It also leads to fewer fallout and of course most importantly it affects fewer units. Of course the last point also means that it is harder to extend your SDI shield to other players. This would also leave the ICBM as the more damaging weapon, but you also have better defense against those.
Remove Range promotions for tactical nukes. I'm not sure if tactical nukes can even take those promotions. If yes this would be a simple change to reduce their range.
3. Paratroopers
The proposal here was to enable them to attack in the same turn they drop. civac provided some good example for why not to do this namely. Dropping nukes until a city is undefended and then move in with a paratrooper. I think for now we can leave with them the way they are. I don't think their purpose was to start massive invasions with paratroopers, but rather to disrupt enemy supply lines and prepare the field for an invasion. I would opt to no change so far.
4. Bombarding via planes
Two proposals were made here. The first was in regards to bombing strategic resources. I think if I understood Miguelito correctly then he had an issue with defending players being able to more or less immediately reconnect those resources. Therefore it was not possible to take away all uranium resources from Piccadilly. I don't think this warrants a change though, not because the proposal is totally bad, but rather because it would be mainly ineffective. Aside from the actual resources there are two more ways to get resources that can't be pillaged, which would circumvent the need to reconnect resources. The first one is to get that resource via a gift as it so often happens in our games, when the defending player is supported with copper, iron and later other resources. The other way to circumvent that is with the later corporations like "Standard Ethanol" and "Aluminium Co." which generate oil and aluminum.
Now the second proposal is more interesting and I would implement:
Bombarding enemy road networks via planes. This could be interesting as you have said and more effective in disrupting the enemies defense. You can already pillage roads with ground troops. I'm interested to hear what people think of this.
5. Culture after conquest
I would love to fix this, but as of now I probably do more harm here then good. I would first need to take a deep dive into what exactly is happening here and understand it, before I propose any change or fix for this.