Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB64] Lurking Randomly


Have you ever seen a pushier sonofabitch? I mean, he makes Mjmd seem reasonable!  neenerneener

For Mig, Van, and Nauf I SWEAR I AM!!!!

Like think about the spot that Amica's settling because Amica thinks Nauf is crazy for having that city there even though its super close by sea. I might be the right strategic move mind you, but that doesn't sound like all of Amica's motivation. BORDERS ARE HARD!!!! and its very easy for people to see them  differently.

I'm not going to lie I thought about offering to take SDs empire when I saw all those stable queues. Broke my little Vicky heart. But having actual perfect map knowledge and being thoroughly spoiled I knew it wasn't the right thing.

(May 18th, 2022, 11:21)Mjmd Wrote: Nauf, "What am I doing with this extra worker"

Also Nauf, "I'm not settling for a new food resource and btw I built a road towards an at best T150 filler city instead of my copper corn city that would also have helped a chop".  shakehead


If I lose this game, it's this city's fault. I was a colossal idiot and founded my second city for no new food resources. This damaged my growth curve by some inestimably huge amount.


Amica isn't actually expanding that fast. Its not bad for a random map, but its not like a civ on 9 cities on T100 is unbeatable. Its just that Nauf slowed self down along with barbs. 3/6 were in early wars and Commodore had a slow start and also some expansion decisions.

Amica also had barb problems
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Some, but not as bad and not at as crucial times. But yes, like Nauf I blame a lot of his state of the game in choice of 2nd city.

As always all the data can be found here: PB64 Tracking

Before we start some notable observations:
  • You will notice that in general development is way slower compared to other PBs. That's because the map isn't as lush as our usual custom made maps.
  • I'm not tracking anything that the players got from a hut. I tried to backfill gained techs as best as possible, but here I mostly rely on the players reporting.
  • Game-wise the game got a lot hoter. We saw Gavagai playing with his neighbors to their delite
  • Meanwhile Amica, Commodore and naufragar enjoyed peaceful development
  • Most importantly Ginger started a so far successful campaign against Commodore.
  • The first wonders appeared in T56 (Stonehenge, SD), T72 (Oracle, Ginger), T77 (The Great Lighthouse, Amicalola) and T81 (Colossus, Commodore)

Now there is no new data compared to PB61, but I was able to fix the production trackings. Here a brief explanation of the new stuff:

Actual gold/science: This works like the previous science and gold tracking, but this time the slider setting is included. Therefore we know exactly how much everybody produced in those areas.
Production and TotalProduction: I thought about how to better judge all the hammer bonuses for buildings, units and wonders and thought that tracking the actual production might be a good metric to track. The production metric is somewhat useful though.
Tech Tracking: Similar to wonders and great persons I'm now also tracking when each player researched each tech. Small downside, I'm not tracking which tech the players choose from Oracle or Liberalism and tech tracking. The former should still be easy to guess in the context of other techs researched and the last is only used in diplo games in the past, so I didn't bother so far.
Tracking all the civics: I already tracked the labor civics in use. So why not track all of them.

General state of the game

First of all the city count

  1. Amicalola = 9
  2. naufragar = 9
  3. Ginger (IMP) = 7
  4. Commodore = 6
  5. Gavagai = 6
  6. Superdeath (IMP) = 5
And here are the current amount of pop across those empires at the T100 mark:
  1. Amicalola = 26
  2. naufragar = 25
  3. Ginger (IMP) = 20
  4. Gavagai = 18
  5. Commodore = 17
  6. Superdeath (IMP) = 17
These numbers are a fairly good example of how lush our usual maps are. Ginger may have 3 cities, but that third city was founded just this last turn, so everybody was at max at 2 cities for the last 5 cities. On our usual maps most people have 8 or 12 cities at this time. Commodore probably whipped for the war already at this point in time.

Like I already said in the beginning I'm also tracking the actual gold and science output of the players. But some additional info is needed. Like in previous PBs the gold number does not include maintenance cost of any kind and the science output does not include KTB and prereq bonuses from other techs. Reason is that I want to compare these numbers to the commerce output to see the effect of modifier buildings and in case of science I want to be able to compare the science output between players and KTB and prereq bonus are a distraction in this case. Both numbers do include extra gold/science from specialists, modifier buildings and other stuff I haven't mentioned so far. These actual numbers are most interesting when we add up all the numbers of each turn. For the current turn and the players potential income the virtual numbers are still more useful. These virtual numbers were my previous tracking and they treated the slider as always being on 100% gold or science. At first I want to look at the current turn numbers of the virtual gold income (all players running 100% gold):
  1. Amicalola (PRO) = 82
  2. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 77
  3. Commodore = 73
  4. Superdeath (FIN) = 72
  5. Ginger (PRO) = 50
  6. Gavagai (AGG) = 47
Here we see the major difference between peaceful development and early wars. Keep in mind that Superdeath receives a good chunk of gold from Amicalola.
Of course things get more interesting if we take maintenance into account. FYI info this is the sum of all maintenance factors (city, unit, supply and civic).
  1. Amicalola (PRO) = 76
  2. Ginger (PRO) = 59
  3. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 46
  4. Gavagai (AGG) = 45
  5. Superdeath (FIN) = 30
  6. Commodore = 27
ORG is already contributing a good chunk for naufragar, if you compare him to Amicalola. Ginger and Gavagai are running huge militaries costing them 16 in unit maintenance. Add to that 7 unit supply for Ginger and you know why he is high on the list. Most dangerous for Commodore, he only pays 3 in unit maintenance.
With the maintenance at hand we can now include that into the gold income to see how much gold everybody could make this turn:
  1. Commodore = 46
  2. Superdeath (FIN) = 42
  3. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 31
  4. Amicalola (PRO) = 6
  5. Gavagai (AGG) = 2
  6. Ginger (PRO) = -9
Ginger looks to be living on capture gold for a while. Once again we also see that ORG can carry you a good way.
Now let's see how good the player did across the whole span of 100 turns. For this we look at the accumulated actual science numbers, which I already have described above:
  1. Amicalola (PRO) = 1986
  2. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 1801
  3. Commodore = 1755
  4. Ginger (PRO) = 1592
  5. Gavagai (AGG) = 1267
  6. Superdeath (FIN) = 1090
naufragar's position is certainly better then he thinks. Here we also see the impact of the early wars between Ginger, Gavagai and Superdeath.
But what exactly did the players do with all those beakers. Well fear not here it is:

It should be fairly self explantory. It's all the techs the players have researched so far. The number in front is the turn the players acquired the tech. So far Commodore and Amicalola are the only ones who have Currency.


Now next I want to turn to my new production tracking, but before that I have to explain in more detail how I collected this info for this PB. With this tracking I iterated through every city and added up all the hammers being produced this turn including forest chops and whips. It does include extra hammers from whipping, chopping and of course overflow. The only thing it is missing right now is hammers put into building wealth or science directly, but we are far away from that yet. I've also split the tracking into two categories Production and TotalProduction. Both work the same way but the important difference is that TotalProduction includes modifiers from buildings (forge, factory) and traits (All traits who have production bonuses). Now it's a bit sad that I can't divide it into more detail, but you can imagine that it will be very difficult for example to differentiate which extra hammer came from a forge and which from EXP granaries. Here are the accumulated total production numbers across 100 turns with the non-modified production numbers in parenthesis:
  1. Ginger (IMP, Forges) = 3469 (3222)
  2. Amicalola (EXP, PRO) = 3296 (3072)
  3. Gavagai (AGG, EXP) = 2975 (2651)
  4. naufragar (ORG) = 2504 (2253)
  5. Commodore (CHA, Forges, Copper/Colossus) = 2294 (2093)
  6. Superdeath (IMP) = 2083 (2033)
As you can see I also added the relevant traits in there based on what buildings are available by their tech. This for example is the reason why I did not mention PRO for Ginger (he is missing Masonry). With this in mind we can say for sure that the traits produced the following amounts of extra hammers:

ORG (naufragar) = 251
EXP (Amicalola) = 224
EXP or AGG (Gavagai) = 324 due to lack of reporting I can't determine, where the extra hammers went. Most likely more towards granaries and therefore EXP)
IMP (Ginger) = 150
IMP (Superdeath) = 50
Colossus copper bonus ( Commodore) = 83
Forges production bonus (Ginger) = 97
Forges production bonus (Commodore) = 50
CHA (Commodore) = 44
Unaccounted either forge or monument (Commodore) = 24

Ginger made good use of IMP so far. We also see how much of an impact forges can make in roughly 20 turns or so. We also see that EXP gets ahead in pure production bonus compared to IMP on this map.

Financial Bonus

Last time this statistic was boring, but no more. But first I have to explain how this works for the new players.

Here I collected all the extra commerce a player (would) have gained if he was working Financial tiles. For example if you worked a river hamlet tile you normally gain 3 commerce and 4 commerce with FIN. In this case my tool notes down 1 extra commerce. You will also find that I am tracking the CtH implemenation of Financial as well as the normal BtS implementation for comparison. Keep in mind that we are playing with the newest FIN nerf, which was that water tiles only give extra commerce with a lighthouse present.
The current turn numbers are still not that interesting due to slower development on a random map. Therefore I would like to jump straight to the accumulated numbers:
  1. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 294
  2. Amicalola (PRO) = 172
  3. Commodore = 101
  4. Superdeath (FIN) = 80
  5. Gavagai (AGG) = 71
  6. Ginger (PRO) = 38
We see that Superdeath numbers improved since the last time. But more importantly naufragar is getting a huge boost from both his traits allowing faster access to the FIN water tiles.

Some players may ask themself, how much would the players have made without the lighthouse-FIN-nerf. For this it is worth looking at the numbers from the previous FIN version, which did apply extra commerce for land tiles at 3 and water tiles at 2. Here the accumulated numbers with the lighthouse variant in parenthesis for comparison:
  1. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 351 (294)
  2. Amicalola (PRO) = 339 (172)
  3. Commodore = 368 (101)
  4. Superdeath (FIN) = 85 (80)
  5. Gavagai (AGG) = 221 (71)
  6. Ginger (PRO) = 253 (38)
We see that Superdeath avoided working water tiles mostly. We can also see that naufragar is less affected by the lighthouse-nerf.

Lastly how sever is the recent nerf at the moment. Here the comparison for this lighthouse implementation compared to BtS (delta, reduction in percent):
  1. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 120 (28.99%)
  2. Amicalola (PRO) = 246 (58.85%)
  3. Commodore = 299 (74.75%)
  4. Superdeath (FIN) = 226 (-73.86%)
  5. Gavagai (AGG) = 252 (-78.02%)
  6. Ginger (PRO) = 236 (86.13%)
Now keep in mind that only two players are incentivized to work towards improving FIN numbers. We see that naufragar is a lot less affected by all the FIN nerfs, while Superdeath suffers a lot more from the nerf. This is most likely because he has some more 2 commerce tiles, which under BtS would get the extra commerce.

Protective Bonus

Let's look at the current turn numbers first:
  1. Amicalola (PRO) = 15
  2. Commodore = 8
  3. Superdeath (FIN) = 6
  4. Ginger (PRO) = 6
  5. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 2
  6. Gavagai (AGG) = 0
We see that Amicalola is profiting from the great Lighthouse. But how much is it in total accumulated numbers:
  1. Amicalola (PRO) = 373
  2. Commodore = 185
  3. Superdeath (FIN) = 150
  4. Ginger (PRO) = 163
  5. naufragar (FIN, ORG) = 150
  6. Gavagai (AGG) = 158
Yep, that's more then double what the others make.


I'm tracking a lot more but there is not enough information there to justify an own paragraph. Therefore a little summary here:
  • Only one great person (merchant) was created so far (Commodore)
  • Since last time Gavagai also switched into slavery in T53
  • The barbarians are the most progressive nation when they were the first to abolish slavery in T97 for tribalism lol
  • Other then slavery no other civics are active.

Comparing traits

The main goal of all this tracking of course is to compare the economic traits related around commerce income or maintenance reduction. So let's do this:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Gavagai managed to be the first player to bring AGG in 1st place between all the eco traits. Golfclap
We see that PRO is still going stronger compared to ORG and FIN. This mostly due to normal development on a random map. On our usual lush map we see that ORG and FIN already dominate at this moment.

Stay tuned for the T150 report.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Let's see, Comm researched MC, which would have meant he could get earlier HA or cats. He can't build WE even with all of the tech, so no way does he have a stronger unit that the Xbow.

If he doesn't build Colossus and the forge he could have 4 more cities so...with growth, let's say that's 10 units, good units not archers.

So probably could have defended but not exactly sure how doing this would have helped him win given this land layout?
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

I like the colossus play. I don't like him building a mine instead of going down to improve cow at 3rd. 3rd should have built 2nd worker not another city. He settled a city for no new food as well (with plans for more a lot of 2nd ring food cities). While the early GP was cute to try to bulb machinery himself, I can't help but feel that cost him at least 1 or 2 settlers. It looks like he was building forges in other non capital cities and praying a gust of wind didn't appear. Building Gaelic swordsman instead of just producing archers until he could get to HA. Once the tension with Nauf died down he probably should have just stuffed his Ginger border city with archers to get them to full fortify.

(June 24th, 2022, 13:31)Mjmd Wrote: Ya if I was Nauf I would be going for construction instead of Calendar..... Vultures backed up by cats will do just fine.

Or declare war while teching calendar. Good old Nauf.

Even Commodore's GP incoming aside.... I HATE that Ginger peace treaty form Gingers end. Like taking the Colossus alone is worth a sizeable chunk. He now HAS TO go back to war or eventually lose the city he took. His stack was there with Commodore obviously caught flat footed. I don't understand.....

(June 27th, 2022, 09:06)Mjmd Wrote: Even Commodore's GP incoming aside.... I HATE that Ginger peace treaty form Gingers end. Like taking the Colossus alone is worth a sizeable chunk. He now HAS TO go back to war or eventually lose the city he took. His stack was there with Commodore obviously caught flat footed. I don't understand.....

Yeah I didn't get it either.
400 gold or Colossus really doesn't seem like a hard choice (+capture gold, and if he really needs cash fast he could even pillage). Now he didn't show the capital garrison, but I have a hard time imagining what could have stopped that stack. The city isn't even on a hill, so archers are pretty mediocre, and there's no Dun either yet.

But Ginger is very happy with the result, so if everybody's happy why should we complain smile ?

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