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T77 opened with a "offer" (message) from Mig.
I think he means don't attack me, let's fight together or something along those lines. Copper and Horse indicate some sort of fighting at least. Not sure why he chose my gold instead of horse. Anyway, I offered him back this.
I am trying to say: I'm fine with fighting on your side.
I wish he would cancel OB with Q as soon as possible (especially as Q just got Foreign Trade for extra routes)... but there's no way to signal that to Mig.
June 18th, 2023, 17:10
(This post was last modified: June 18th, 2023, 17:13 by Aurorarcher.)
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And my wish has come true!
And he also canceled OB with Q!
Those are not friendly units. Notice Iron Weapons (he built the Mines). Also gave me Iron for free (not that I need it but thanks).
Q is prepared here so I'm not sure if it's possible to take Norman. I mean, just by counting the units it is not.
Especially with Gilden in it. I am sending some troops this way, adept with Body I, 4-5 Fawns, Kithra and also my strong Satyr. I was debating whether or not upgrade one of my Fawns but decided to do it. Mesmerizing could be handy against Q's summoned Tigers. Hopefully Mig doesn't do anything to radical just yet. My units could help him a lot in 2-3 turns.
Meanwhile Q's eastern empire is probably very lightly defended as this pic shows.
I am sending a stack for a visit. Next turn I can scout the border city with my Griffon to make sure but this is what I planning to send in. These units can attack the border city in 2 turns.
I also have 2 extra fawns 1 tile in front of these guys. I also have attack workers under those that will road tiles next turn such that my Fawns will be next to his border on T80.
My scouting unit could check Q's defenses in Turei next turn.
I am actually hoping he gets a bit paranoid and it could distract some of his units here (I am not going to attack from this angle any time).
This city also could be attacked from the fog with Hasted Fawns.
Interesting times... Poisons will be a bit delayed but I have to act now as Mig is going in. Opening next turn will give a lot of info how to continue. I just hope Mig's stack is not dead, that would be the worst case scenario.
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T80 opened with great news. Mig had done some good damage, almost taking Q's city. And even killed Gilden, nice.
Q tried to offer me OB and something to maybe prevent me from attacking... it's too late now though.
Remember my scouting scout... doing not much, but look at this
. I think Q just didn't see my unit. Curious to find out after the game. Razed the city and deleted my scout.
Attack in Q's east is going well. Couple attack roads, killed one of his warriors and took 2 workers. Those will help me to road quicker towards him untill I can use his roads with Commando.
I have 3 Fawns in front of these guys + Kithra behind. These two cities should fall quickly.
June 23rd, 2023, 14:52
(This post was last modified: June 23rd, 2023, 14:54 by Aurorarcher.)
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T81 & T82.
T81 took two cities. Kept one razed the other.
The razing party:
The scout took and razed the city. I didn't anticipate a counter-attack so next turn Q killed all those 6 units. Flawlessly. But most of my units were injuried so that is to be expected.
Q also sent a scout just to die.
In Q's east I have kept two cities. Currently healing in Bradford. Q had evacuated it and also pillaged the road under Wheat. This means he wants to slow my attack to his capital. Which probably means he doesn't have enough units there yet to hold. I'm not sure how many units he might've there, might have to wait a couple turns to build roads back... or just send one Fawn/Scout to scout the area. I should have my Satyr here soon so that I can mesmerize his Tigers.
Notice I also fired my GA. I hope Bing doesn't use his WS now, that would be really annoying. Anyway, I revolted to Guardian of Nature to get rid of any WW issues. Also speeding my way to Poisons by 1t.
Power graph.
Q still is 2nd in power, haven't lost that many units. Also Tigers give no power and I know he has at least 6 of them... probably more. So there's that. Have to be careful still, and not do stupid moves with mini stacks...
Demos while in GA.
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Mig seems to be going for Donald. I should see his stack soon but I believe it's next to Donald.
On my attack front I was able to check Q's cap with my super fast Kithra.
Only 5 warriors, notice the mobility promotions. These means he has moved newish warriors from the other parts of his empire quickly here. Had he built the in his cap surely he would give them Hill defense bonus or even C1. If no more units appear next turn this stack should be able do it next turn.
9 Fawns, 2 Satyrs, Kithra, scout, 2 adepts.
I believe he has some units behind the city (I can check next turn better) but can't be that many. I hope some Tigers appear next turn so I can magically turn them to my side...
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Mig is moving back... not a good sign. I hope he is not considering peace with Q just yet. Let's check Donald defenses.
Ehh... That's scary. Good thing this stack is not in his capital! Though, I wouldn't mind capturing the tigers. 7 PoLs, and most of them strong with C3 or so. Also 7 Tigers.
Okay, if I go for the cap those Tigers and PoLs can reach this tile, so it's the capital tile. Definitely not keeping the capital by any means.
Q's capital, he added 3 PoLs. I think he remembers Mesmerize, otherwise he surely would've summoned some Tigers in the cap? I also checked the tile right NW from his cap. No units there.
So time to go in...
For some reason warrior popped as top defender against my Kithra so I attacked with Fawn first (losing at 60-70 % odds). Rest was pretty good. Lost also one 30 % odds against PoL.
Scout finished the job and city is razed. Q is now down to 3 cities. I don't think I can make much more progress for now.
I should pillage all the lovely cottages for cash. We shall see how easy that will be... Fawns can't pillage, only my Kithra + adepts.
My stack after combat. Some very injuired units but my Kithra full health and some Fawns also. Not many Donald units should be able to reach this tile (except Horsemen and Fawn) and I don't think he has much in the darkness... at least I hope so.
Also eot I got this guy...
Now the fun begins.
June 27th, 2023, 12:23
(This post was last modified: June 27th, 2023, 12:24 by Aurorarcher.)
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Q moved his Tiger out of Donald to avoid my Satyrs.
He kept other units in the city. I'm not going to attack there yet.
Instead I'm living on pillage gold. Raiders is so nice here.
I can build Hawks now to quickly spot where Q's (or anyone elses) units are. I'm also going to use the pillage gold to upgrade scouts to Hunters/Assassins maybe.
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Q almost dead, just razed Mig’s cap by using my WS (pretty cheap trick with hidden nationality but at least it was used to something useful…). Bing not doing much, no army of any sort or Priest of Winter. Man, the strongest early ”mages” not used. I guess Bing wasn’t very familiar with FFH stuff.
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My small stack failed to kill Q. Need more, grr…
Also, Mig this is for you after game. My Hunter killed Bambur with 0,5 % odds. I’m so sorry. But the unit gained 76 xp. I don’t think I have ever seen anything as unlucky to happen in combat.
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Here's the pic of the Hunter that killed Bambur. I forgot, it was also a flawless win...
Mig is now dead, GG man! Bing still has no army and is falling next probably, Q still hanging with one city.