Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Please take (3) above seriously because if I don't get an answer that satisfies me there is a chance there will be no more screenshots from me in my civ reports.

Yes, you need to change something in the settings. Win11 changed Print from screenshot to snipping tool.
I‘m not sure where to change it anymore, but I founded it after a google search.
After that, you can continue to use Print ingame.

(February 7th, 2024, 03:41)xist10 Wrote: Yes, you need to change something in the settings. Win11 changed Print from screenshot to snipping tool.
I‘m not sure where to change it anymore, but I founded it after a google search.
After that, you can continue to use Print ingame.

Thanks! I'll look around unless someone comes up with a more specific answer. But good to know that there is a solution.

I remembered that MigGinger also pursued monk economy in PB66, with less success though. Its like Plemo and his Paya builds.

Settings->Accessibility (I hope, 3rd from bottom)->Keyboard->Using the Printbutton to open the screen recording -> OFF

Since you got peace with GT; what now?

(February 7th, 2024, 06:52)xist10 Wrote: Settings->Accessibility (I hope, 3rd from bottom)->Keyboard->Using the Printbutton to open the screen recording -> OFF

Thanks, it worked perfectly! Now I can show you my prize:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2132934&aut...height=800]
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2132935&aut...height=800]
The city will whip a worker next turn as my demand for workers suddenly jumped up. But even in this state, it pays for itself already.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2132933&aut...height=800]
Top five cities just before you probably didn't see it for a while. Ginger and Mig built Sancnore because of course.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2132932&aut...height=800]
The big story of the last ten turns is Plemo's rapid fall from grace. He used to have almost twice my pop and now he is not even on the charts. Something clearly has gone wrong for him.
I actually opened borders with him. Mostly because I stumbled upon Pindicator's warrior in GT's territory. That's a big tell that all people with whom I don't have contacts are somewhere on my continent, just blocked away by Plemo. If it's true, it would change my perception of the game quite considerably, so I really need to figure out what's going on. Also, I need contact with Commodore ASAP. He is my main rival in Liberalism / Taj race and I want to see his techs and know what he is up to.

(February 7th, 2024, 09:12)Mjmd Wrote: Since you got peace with GT; what now?

Come back with Knights in about ten turns.

(February 7th, 2024, 15:42)thrawn Wrote: Greenshot. Press a button and get an imgur link in the clipboard.

Thanks! Already figured out a simpler workaround though, thanks to xist.

Ok, I have a technical issue that is much more serious than screenshots. Civilization does not want to launch.
I had to buy a steam version for my new computer (see my thread in civgeneral for details) and for the first couple days it worked fine. Then suddenly it stopped working without any apparent reason, the game crushes after "init engine" stage. I restarted the computer and it initially fixed things but then the game stopped running again and this time a restart did not help. Reinstalliing the game did not help.
Any tips? It goes without saying that I have it installed outside the program files, in fact, I have a separate logical disc where I store my games. Does it make sense to try buying GOG version instead of a steam version? I can do that but I would feel stupid if the issue persists.

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