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[PB76] Strange women lurking in ponds and distributing swords

He was working grassland copper and should have worked fish so shouldn't it be +3 food and -4 hammers? IE not 4 food but 3.

In any case sounds like vote is in favor of reload or Ramk fix.

No they start with lighthouse so the fish is 6f. I had to keep reminding myself that seafood is boosted on this start.

I'm off to bed if someone else can announce and pm Ramk?
Playing: PB74
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Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
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There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

FWIW im always pro reload when no new information was revealed or players already made choices in response. These games are emotionally pretty involved, and I'd like my experience and others' to not be cheapened by "leaving the queen hanging". Everyone should get an early micro mishap freebie. The delays the game argument doesn't hold water if you fairly limit how many reloads an individual can have.
Peace is non-negotiable

scooter found some sea cows.. wrong ressource (should it be seafood?) or misplaced cows?

I'm assuming Tarkeel will see once he wakes up and can ask Ramk to fix to whatever it should be (poor Ramk).

Fingers crossed we can keep 75 from needing anything! nod

I will have to check my full map later, but I think it should have been a seafood... One of the very last minute balancing acts I did. Sigh.

(February 22nd, 2024, 23:06)scooter Wrote: I feel the need to discuss the barbarian cities. It seems like they are souped-up uber cities, but I'm a bit annoyed by this. Mainly because look at this one. Tell me who it's closer to? With the little bay between the Cow and Gold, this city is actually incredibly far from me, relative to Thoth. Ok, so maybe they're supposed to be closer in one direction, so let's check the other side.

There is actually a very similar bay on the other side as well, but scooter can't see that as clearly.
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

yuris125 Wrote:Capital is now working two improved food resources. Its third tile will be the unimproved deer for now, and the 4th citizen will be a priest (2 workers are now on a forest to finish the temple with a chop). Copper will be improved in time for the 5th citizen. I should have a temple and a galley finished before the capital grows to size 6 and starts a settler. Still trying things in the sim to figure out if I want it whipped, and whether it should be a 2- or 3-pop whip

I'm no expert on Medieval starts and I definitely haven't taken the time to sim out this opening... but I'm reasonably sure that not working the grassland copper tile at the capital until size 5 (while building a non-resource grassland farm!) is not the correct play here. Poor Yuris - I don't think this is going to go well for his leader/civ pairing.
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I dunno, he has a point that the deer generates more food (+1 food, 4 worker turns v 3 hammers and 1 commerce), and it's only for a small number of turns anyway. With imperfect knowledge he doesn't know how quickly he needs the prophet for his plan. What's the cost, 18 hammers or so if it's a 6 turn delay? Looks closer than it perhaps feels when lurkers are calibrated to consider ancient era starts.
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(February 24th, 2024, 19:18)pindicator Wrote: Center island of goodies that we all fight over.  Classic.  The question is whether or not it's worth circling the island if that costs my work boat to be a turn or two late to hooking up my clams.  Probably not ... I have a good idea of what I see.  It is good to know that there is some space in the middle:  the farther away Thoth is the better.

Is this the sort of scouting deficiency that you guys are talking about? What's the value of scouting all the way around the center island compared to a couple turns of clams?

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