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[SPOILERS] swance bitten, twice shy

(March 8th, 2024, 12:50)El Grillo Wrote: I'm very impressed with the planning to get exactly 750h into Taj, but why does it say the Temple of Artemis is giving +2 hammers in the second screenshot?

It's a BUG feature that lists what the effects would be from buildings you haven't build. Building ToA would give us +2 hammers due to the free priest specialist run though +150% modifier.

The exact hammers is all Amica though.
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

apostolic palace with greek polytheism as state religion?

wow! this is cool and frightening, reminds me of prebuilding wonders in civ3.... sounds like with optimal play the majority of (especially lategame) wonders should fall within a turn or two of discovering the tech....

we can't reeeeally do that with HG though as i think kirishima is too weak to actually produce multiple items between now and then. maaaybe it could make almost all of a settler, then whip an axe from 4/35 hammers, which i guess should accomplish the same thing? but there is also a cap on how much we can usefully accelerate it anyways - if we finish before currency (which will be no sooner than t97) then we can't found a ton of filler cities in the same turn, and i might rather have the failgold (for a MoM try) than HG on 9 cities. or ok, i wouldn't rather have the failgold per se but it seems like risk/reward favors trying for the super high-yield post-currency finish

edit: or we slow down the math bulb by like 1-2 turns to try to get kiri to size 8 to 4-pop whip the aqueduct

(March 8th, 2024, 13:09)ljubljana Wrote: apostolic palace with greek polytheism as state religion?

wow! this is cool and frightening, reminds me of prebuilding wonders in civ3.... sounds like with optimal play the majority of (especially lategame) wonders should fall within a turn or two of discovering the tech....

we can't reeeeally do that with HG though as i think kirishima is too weak to actually produce multiple items between now and then. maaaybe it could make almost all of a settler, then whip an axe from 4/35 hammers, which i guess should accomplish the same thing? but there is also a cap on how much we can usefully accelerate it anyways - if we finish before currency (which will be no sooner than t97) then we can't found a ton of filler cities in the same turn, and i might rather have the failgold (for a MoM try) than HG on 9 cities. or ok, i wouldn't rather have the failgold per se but it seems like risk/reward favors trying for the super high-yield post-currency finish

edit: or we slow down the math bulb by like 1-2 turns to try to get kiri to size 8 to 4-pop whip the aqueduct

It depends on how close the competition is (something you can tell by the late game when you've had to pick up Alphabet for Printing Press). If nobody is close on tech (or it's just not a wonder anyone else is likely to build) you can build the wonder more or less normally, chopping to accelerate as you're able. If it's a highly contested wonder (Oracle, MoM, Taj, maybe Kremlin or Sankore, or GLH/Colossus on a water-heavy map) and the tech race is close you better have a really strong micro plan or you'll be beaten by someone else that does. 

I probably wouldn't slow down Math, getting to Currency as fast as possible sounds better to me. Remember that Ginger and anyone else with EXP have half-price aqueducts so have an extra leg-up there. Swinging big post-Currency if it isn't already gone then is fine. It probably will be, but no harm done. Swinging at it pre-Currency when there's a strong chance someone's already ahead of us building it just seems needlessly risky in an opening that's already been pretty aggressive.

Turn 80 - Zululand

first of all, update on our MoM timing, should we decide to go that route:

this is assuming we DO get hanging gardens..... if not we can likely shave a significant amount of time off this through either failgold or just not expanding quite as immediately after currency. it does sorta suck that MoM's massive 10 culture is going to go to waste in the backlines like this.... a refinement of the plan would try to build it on the hill 4W of Babanango, to then dominate a huge region of the GT border (and stack up cultural defense in the border city). that city is also capable of stealing Hoshoryu's wheat to run specialists at some point, so the GPP would not completely go to waste either. although..... building it right on the GT border like that DOES have some risk of backfiring by presenting a very tempting target for a target strike to raze it, so maybe that's being too cute for our own good.

note also that, if we are chopping out the whole wonder on literally the turn we get Calendar tech, it does not matter that we are putatively racing Mjmd of IND/PHI..... i guess this is one reason why IND doesn't get picked much, huh? also of some note is the towering denial value that keeping MoM from those guys and PHI America (both of which look to be good picks to win the game as of now) would have

ok uhhh.... now to actually open the save LOL

omg you guys, nauf great engineered the Pyramids! holy shit, PHI america is SO strong.... they must have built one forge at, like, the very end of their GPP cycle to seed the pool. wow do i want to play this civ next game or what (the answer is yes i do). although that raises the question of.... if nauf is the one person with metal casting (according to KTB), why has IND/PHI Mjmd of "chop a billion wonders" NOT gone for it....

Kotozakura is finally not garbage! ignore all the "c" and "f" pins, those are just to remind me of the general principle that, when choosing between otherwise equivalent cottage vs farm locations, we should place the cottages where multiple cities are in range to potentially work them as whip cycles demand. do NOT ignore the "save for settler" pin (i mean, you can if you want...) - i was going to chop this into a worker after the ikhanda but it turns out that Kotozakura can barely 4-2 whip a settler in time to benefit from a potential HG play if we chop into the settler instead. see guys i save chops sometime i'm an environmentalist

whatever ginger chopped in constantinople this turn, it is apparently not the world's first instance of their unique building (if they had math 2 chops would have finished it). unless they chopped into some over thing that is supposed to finish this turn and overflow into the Hammam...... but if that's what's going on i'm a bit confused as there are not many items that two chops would not have finished over this last interturn. my best guess is that it's just a settler - i'd like to say that that's good news for the odds of them not going for HG, but it isn't really as their capital has a ton of forests still. most likely what they will do (as indeed is basically my plan) is math chop and whip a shitton of settlers and THEN chop the hanging gardens. that would fix their expansion problems at a stroke and honestly would make them kind of a front-runner overnight

oh and... i think ankyra might STILL not be connected by road to the rest of their cities.... if so that is quite the defense gambit they've been running wink

if ginger is about to spam settlers (i saw 4 workers chopping at the capital) i am a bit nervous for our horse + help work kirishima's cottages filler border city. it is hardly an amazing location in terms of snowball but it is pretty key strategically..... maybe key enough that i should be thinking about what we'd have to do to our micro plan to up the timetable on it. well, i am NOT sending the mitakeumi settler there as that would be disastrous from a worker efficiency standpoint and, as has been mentioned, leave us super uncomfortably vulnerable to greenline. but i'll think about it

oookay where the hell are rickety and gavagai? this giant backline full of decent-to-good land is troublingly nauf-adjacent..... getting pretty concerned that they're just going to IMP-boom past everyone with us having essentially no capacity to influence it

hi greenline

ginger sure is trusting about our willingness to not snipe their worker, which is unguarded, in range of our impi, and only a chariot can even reach it this turn from Ankyra as far as we know. i guess that says something about how seriously they take this cow-for-cow thing. it is good to have neighbors who adhere to standard conventions and can therefore be negotiated with. and yes, they are cottaging that riverside hill... which looks bizarre but i'm pretty sure is the right move. for them anyways, WE certainly have no shortage of plains-cottage-equivalents.....

you can see that i am starting a library in the capital, and will likely overflow into one in both Hoshoryu and Mitakeumi (maybe after one more impi in the latter case). we have a strict deadline of exactly t91 to get these up in our four core cities if we want to actualize this "currency literally as soon as possible" thing. you can also see that i have prioritized hooking up our "extra" ivory (which is actually our only ivory after the Ginger furs trade) for similar reasons

okay, i thought about the horse city thing a bunch and i think i'm not going to distort our gameplan over it. if we have to move that city W-NW into line with the rest of our border, it's actually not a disaster.... that city reclaims 3 tiles SE of Kotozkura that would otherwise to to waste, and can steal Mitakeumi's wheat and horse to get up to speed quickly, which may even make it the BETTER spot from a "work kirishima's cottages as quickly as possible" perspective

two more turns until GOLD GOLD GOLD.... the key micro move to getting to Currency asap seems to be to literally never come off this tile for even a second after Tobizaru hits size two, which is the main reason we reached soooo far out so early for this plant

also! is there a collated list anywhere of which great people can bulb which techs? this dumbass land has me contemplating what the fastest possible route to bulbing Biology would be.....

Ljub, being serious now, have you actually eaten or drank anything today? And are you back on the same ADHD Meds you were on previously or something new.

The GP bulb lists can be found here:
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

<3 thank you for checking in!

same meds as i was on previously, but a generic form of a slightly different formulation with the aim of getting around the stimulant shortage. but yes, i am REALLY hyperfixated on this right now to a degree that is very likely to be a side effect. i am going to log the fuck off now - thank you for asking that <3

yeah, okay. as part of my ongoing campaign to make RB less about gaming and more about blogging: my life is, like, meeega a mess right now. i got hit in the tech layoffs right around the same time as this stimulant shortage started, and have way too much free time and have been getting more and more depressed and avoidant and going WAY too hard at civ because, um, it is a little bit the only thing i feel good at right now

krill, thank you SO much for checking in, it means the world to me <333

(i would never drop out of a game that's already in progress [seriously if i ever stop playing my turns call my emergency contact] but i'm gonna reflect a little and try to keep this confined to the roughly-an-hour-a-day for-fun hobby that it should be. and if yall see me not doing that PLEASE call me out on that again)


(March 8th, 2024, 22:17)ljubljana Wrote: yeah, okay. as part of my ongoing campaign to make RB less about gaming and more about blogging: my life is, like, meeega a mess right now. i got hit in the tech layoffs right around the same time as this stimulant shortage started, and have way too much free time and have been getting more and more depressed and avoidant and going WAY too hard at civ because, um, it is a little bit the only thing i feel good at right now

krill, thank you SO much for checking in, it means the world to me <333

(i would never drop out of a game that's already in progress [seriously if i ever stop playing my turns call my emergency contact] but i'm gonna reflect a little and try to keep this confined to the roughly-an-hour-a-day for-fun hobby that it should be. and if yall see me not doing that PLEASE call me out on that again)


Keep in mind dedlurkers can sub for you if needed if you do need to take a break for a day or two. But you seem to be mostly enjoying yourself so far and not getting too burned out making micro plans?

What did you do before the tech layoffs? I'm a Software Engineer and luckily avoided any layoffs (though the company did stop hiring full-time replacements for a few years and we had contractors on our teams instead).

Ginger's building not completed by a chop - could be HG if he already has math, he could have been racing Nauf for Pyramids and lost, or some other wonder. It's not unlikely for chops to not all be perfectly in sync since you don't want to recall your entire worker force if you've prechopped (done 2 turns and then stopped) a bunch of forests pre-wonder.

Great Person bulbs - it's actually in the game too, if you go into the Research Menu the icons on the left side will tell you, though it's ICONs and not text, which can be painful.

MJMD strategy - it's unclear what his strategy is, but he didn't Oracle any of the typical things (MC, Monarchy), so he's either playing some kind of especially oddball strategy or he didn't have prerequisites he needed for anything better. Could he not have even had Bronze Working? It feels like overall the field has leaned heavily into competing over first-to things (religions, wonders) with some of them failing, which is good for those of us not trying those shenanigans.

IND and chopping wonders - IND gets bonus hammers from the chops too, so they have to chop less, meaning they can use some of those forests early for other tasks, or chop multiple wonders in the same city, so they have a lot of flexibility. They also build national wonders much faster, and cheap forges means you can put them in every city. But yes, the tendency of players to over-micro-plan very short build windows for key wonders means you don't generally take IND to get key wonders, because that's dependent on tech progress and IND doesn't help you much with that. You're taking IND for other reasons - to build some of the less desired wonders for a game plan, because you have a UB that's a Forge (Mali, for instance). I suppose you could also take Huanya Capac (FIN/IND) and have both competitive tech and more flexible/easier completion plans.

The GP bulb-paths are also included in the game, on the F6 Tech-screen. On the right side there's a list of all the GPs, you can hover over them to see their complete plan. They also show two icons: The top is the tech they would bulb right now, and the bottom is the one the would bulb when all your queued research is completed.
Playing: PB74
Played: PB58 - PB59 - PB62 - PB66 - PB67
Dedlurked: PB56 (Amicalola) - PB72 (Greenline)
Maps: PB60 - PB61 - PB63 - PB68 - PB70 - PB73 - PB76

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

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