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[Spoilers] Ibuprofen and Eyeglasses: Thoth plays a Middle Aged game

This is CtH, so 14 amphib swords.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

(March 26th, 2024, 17:09)Krill Wrote: This is CtH, so 14 amphib swords.

You have forgotten the lessons of Attacko.  nono

Amphibious war elephants.
Participated in: Pitboss 40 (lurked by Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 45 (lurked by Charriu and chumchu), Pitboss 63 (replaced Mr. Cairo), Pitboss 66Pitboss 69, Pitboss 74
Participating in: Pitboss 78 (lurked by GT), Pitboss 79 (lurking giraflorens)

Criticism welcome!

(March 26th, 2024, 17:43)Magic Science Wrote: Amphibious war elephants.


There are two 9 xp charismatic war elephants on board.  smile 

They probably won't get used amphibiously unless Yuris makes a major mistake.   But we'll see. 

Speaking of Charismatic:   I'm getting 28 hpt out of my Heroic Epic.  My highest xp unit is 9.   I'm getting great value out of the trait even if I do miss the flexibillity of Spiritual or the raw commerce of Financial.

t 78:  Yuris didn't attack out or unload his boats.  So I unloaded mine.


Wow damn, that's a lot of units. Funny how everyone was saying a medieval game was all about a knight rush, and yet the player making a big enough attack is one who doesn't have them.

I'm not 100% sure it is big enough but I'll find out tonight. Barrage 3 cats should deliver enough collateral to make it doable I think (whipped castle might change that but I'm not sure Yuris can dry whip a castle). I'll have my first Beserker on the board at eot 79 (next turn) so the rest of the war should be more straightforward as I'll have close to parity in military tech. Yuris still has land movement advantage thanks to Engineering but his production is low, his units expensive, and his cities are small and heavily whipped.

Commodore's knight rush seems to have come up short against Scooter and I'm pretty certain that Pindicator is gearing up for either a bulb fest or an extended Golden Age after completing MoM and heading for a Conquistador rush. I don't know how Scooter stymied Commodore's rush but I'm guessing it was catapults and elephants. Elephants ofc are much more common with CtH/RtR than BTS due to nerfing and relaxed resource requirements which makes knight rushes more difficult than in BTS with elephants banned.

1) Catapults have much much lower collateral damage caps than I remember.  I could only damage maces 40%.  frown
2) My Xbowmen had horseshoes inserted in intimate places.  4 of them won at 45% odds.
3) The rest of the fights that I won were at 90+% odds.
4) I've now ganked and kept 7 workers this game.
5) It wasn't an amphibious war elephant that took the city but it was a unit off a galley.
6) I had 2 units to spare (hence the ganked workers, covered by HA and Longbow)

Pics to follow.

hmmm. Imgur is being a pain and not loading the upload images page. frown

Ending turn finished Civil Service and produced my 1st Beserker (Scooter can see it with a scout). I can produce a Zerk a turn for 4-5 more turns out of Bec de Corbin thanks to some accumulated overflow. After that I can alternate 1t Cat/ or HA/ or LB with 1t Zerks. Yuris has Feudalism so I can expect to see some whipped defensive longbows after I cut of his strategics. I'm out of catapults right now but I'm aiming to pressure his new capital with what I can put together from promoted xbows and wellies. It's currently guarded by a spearman but he's got a pike and 2 wellies in Engineer and a maceman covering his remaining worker mining a hill near Engineer and he'll be able to whip a unit or two at before I can assault with more than a single horse archer and sentry chariot. Unfortunately, while my Crossbowmen were lucky, my Horse Archers went 0/4 on retreats and so my mobile forces are depleted for the moment.

Both Commodore and Pindicator were spectators to the battle via a Mongolian Caravel and a Spanish Scout respectively.

Two other things: I'm 1 GG point away from my next GG and Yuris left his navy in his former capital so it was destroyed on capture.

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