Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB78] Dreylin boldly goes

T234 -

Sssla fell; not sure what my miscalculation was on the assumption it could hold for a turn against that stack. I have taken the lesson though; no more sitting back and letting Donovan dictate the terms of our engagement. Planning underway.

Rolled the turn and Superdeath scored a Great Engineer. I wonder what he's planning to do, save it for a Corp. HQ, or use it to rush e.g. SoL. He finished Physics last turn, so I don't think has a bunch invested yet but I have lost tech visibility on him so he could have put turns into Democracy already and just been waiting to finish. I've started saving gold post-Astro on Industrialism, but Democracy is a 4t tech and now have McCoy's Ironworks putting out ~100h/t so I could make a play. We'll see what he gets up to - esp. since he's supposed to be joining this war in 5t....

T235 - Documenting Superdeath diplo

I'm mostly doing this so I can ask him after the game how close I got.

[Image: aucOB8L.jpeg]

I think this means "I'm going to attack in this area":

[Image: djIJeCd.jpeg]

It also probably means he's doing it amphibiously, and his declaration on Magic Science this turn is a smokescreen.

I'm also stacking up to make a move - while trying to manage vulnerabilities to amphibious hits.

T236 - win some, lose some.

Superdeath disappoints me:

[Image: StIuVU5.jpeg]

I guess his secret attack plan was covered? You know what I haven't seen yet from him ... Airships. I'd have thought he'd be churning them out as soon as he got Physics - esp. as a way to crack Magic Science's island. I can see his ships parked there, which now has me vaguely paranoid that he's going to betray me and land them at Khaaaaaaaan. I guess I have to shuffle some defenders down there now.

Donovan is trying something:

[Image: 2Y5Z4bj.jpeg]

Getting past the Rifles in the Forest was painful, but the rest was easily dealt with:

[Image: 7A6yjgl.jpeg]

I leave a Machine Gun on the forest to deter a retry, and retreat most of the rest of the stack back to center mass - I'm going to want to heal up for a couple of turns before I contemplate pushing forward.

I want to send this back to Superdeath:

[Image: 0MB1Wyh.jpeg]

But I know that's signaling so I take the cities out and just send the 240/War. I also send Donovan a peace offer for Sssla; he is showing MilSci as next tech - I assume for SoL - whereas I will start for Assembly Line next turn, due in 4t. Another turn before I can revolt and I might just have to go back to Slavery and Police State ... but I should probably put it off until I have AssLine secured.

T237 -

Last turn I left a couple of small naval stacks in range of Donovan's ships:

[Image: Vo6V32F.jpeg]

Excellent, 1-for-1 trades where I paid just 2/3 the hammer cost he did /and/ I have more ships incoming to take out survivors. I killed 3 more Frigates, while losing one more of my own to an unlucky roll and now I am edging towards control of this lake again.

T238 - Placeholder turn

Donovan is regrouping with only the few battered ships in Sssla in sight. My land stack is healing from the encounter. 3t to Assembly Line.

I finish a 6th round of Drafts and then revolt - back to Free Speech, and adding Slavery to keep the flexibility. I have 28 Workshops, but have drafted off some of them, so if I whip once each turn I'm making more hammers and I think some Factories will need to be whipped in. The only city running a CS Specialist is Sulu, which has no Theatre to support Artists ... but it's also sandbagging the next GP behind McCoy, so doesn't need to push right now.

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