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Rebalancing Civ4: RtR Mod

Most recent version:

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GitHub repository for C++ DLL source code

Change log:

Change log


Financial: +1 commerce on all non-river tiles that have 2+ commerce. +100% production of Bank.

Expansive: +2 health per city. +35% production of Worker, Work Boat. +100% production of Market, Aqueduct, Grocer, Harbor.

Creative: +2 culture per city. +100% production of Theatre, Colloseum, Observatory.

Charismatic: +2 happiness. +1 happiness from Broadcast Tower. -25% XP needed for promotions.

Protective: Free CG1 promo for archery and gunpowder units. +100 production of Granary, Walls.

Imperialistic: +100% Great General emergence. +60% production of Settler. +100% production of Custom House

Aggressive: Free C1 promo for melee and gunpowder units. -25% city maintenance [Not shown in trait description. Bonus not shown in interface. Bonus is multiplicative with other maintenance modifiers. Final displayed city maintenance value is correct and includes this bonus.] +100% production of Barracks, Stable, Drydock.

Philosophical: +150% Great Person production, +100% production of University

Organized, Industrious, Spiritual: No change from BtS


America: UU is now Minuteman a Rifleman replacement with free Guerilla 1 and Woodsman 1. Mall is now a Grocer replacement that gives +1 happy from Deer, Sugar, Hit Musicals, Hit Movies, Hit Singles.

Arabia: Starts with Mysticism/Agriculture, instead of Mysticism/The Wheel. Madrassa cost decreased to 70 hammers from 90.

Byzantium: Starts with Mysticism/Fishing, instead of Mysticism/The Wheel. Cataphracts are 11 strength instead of 12, and are first strike immune (like normal knights).

Carthage: Cothon cost decreased to 80 hammers from 100 (now costs same as Harbor). Numidian Cavalry changed to a HA replacement with free C1.

Celts: Dun now gives G2, not G1. Dun civilopedia updated to list unit classes that recieve G2 promotion.

France: Salon +1 free specialist, -1 free artist.

Germany: UU is now the Kanone, a Cannon that costs 80 hammers instead of 100. Assembly Plant now available at Steam Power.

Inca: Terraces now give +1 culture instead of +2. Quechua loses combat 1.

India: Starts with Mysticism/Wheel instead of Mysticism/Mining. The Fast Worker now has Mobility (-1 Terrain Movement Costs), but does not get an extra movement point compared to normal workers.

Japan: UB is now Pagoda, an Observatory replacement with +10% hammers.

Korea: Starts with Agriculture/Minging, instead of Mysticism/Mining.

Portugal: Feitoria now costs 120h, from 180h.

Rome: Praetorian changed to a Swordsman replacement with +1 strength. Forum increased to +35% GPP generation from +25%.

Russia: UB is now Research Institute, a university replacement with +1 scientist specialist.

Vikings: Trading Post gives naval units Flanking 1


Kublai Khan: Leader traits are now Charismatic, Creative, changed from Aggressive, Creative.


Police State: Now Medium upkeep.

Vassalage: Now provides free support for military units as well (meaning Pacifism is cheaper), and is Medium Upkeep.

Slavery: 30h for the 1st pop, 20h for the 2nd pop and subsequent pops. So, 30/50/70/90. On Quick speed, that's 20/33/46/60.

Serfdom: +75% Worker Speed, +1h for Watermills and Windmills.

Free Market: No longer provides -25% Corporate Costs. Now provides +25% Trade Route Yield.

Environmentalism: No longer provides +25% Corporate Costs, or +2 commerce to windmills. Provides +1 gold per specialist, +1c to farms and pastures, +2c to forest preserves, and Low upkeep. Swapped with Free Speech. Now available at Liberalism.

Free Speech: Now Low upkeep, swapped with Environmentalism. Now available at Scientific Method.

State property: Now Medium upkeep

Wonders, Projects:

Wonder Resource Doublers: All wonders that had +100% production with a specific resource now only have +50% production with that resource.

Rushmore: Now -50% WW, (from -25%).

Red Cross: 200h.

West Point: 550h, +5XP. Now requires a lvl 5 unit (17XP/13XP for Charismatic).

Great Lighthouse: Now +1 trade route instead of +2 trade routes, enabled at Masonry, but needs lighthouse and Sailing (no functional change in the tech requirements but makes F6 look less cluttered).

SoZ: no WW effect. Now +3XP, 200 hammers, no building prerequisites. No longer gets +100% production from Ivory.

The Internet: Now a wonder. 2k cost, +15% beakers in every city, +2 scientist gpp, double production speed with copper. No longer a project.

Cristo Redentur: +100% SPI production, -50% Anarchy instead of -100%.

SDI: Removed from the game

Base unit changes:

Scouts: Require no tech. Every player starts with a scout instead of a warrior.

Swordsman (and all replacements): +50% city attack

Archer (and all replacements): +30% defence against Swordsmen.

War Elephants: Now 7 str, +50% vs. Mounted units.

Trebuchet: Now requires Machinery, instead of Engineering.

SAM Infantry: 75% interception chance (up form 40%)

Destroyer: Now enabled at Artillery (not Combustion) (requires Oil OR Uranium)

Transport: Now enabled at Artillery (not Combustion) (requires Oil OR Uranium)

Mobile Artillery: Can now load guided Missiles and Tac Nukes (as Submarines and Missile Cruisers do). No longer require oil.

Gunships decreased to 3 moves.

ICBM: No longer unlimited range, but long enough so that they will out distance your army and navy easily, and they can be rebased. Loses the nuke tag. Does not need Manhattern project to be built.
  • iCost: 450h
  • iAirCombatLimit: 75
  • iAirCombat: 160
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 12
  • iAirRange: 36

Tactical Nukes: Now S80 1shot units that can bombard units, cause collateral damage to 5 units, cannot be intercepted. Loses the nuke tag. Does not need Manhattern project to be built. Full list of changes:
  • iCost: 200h
  • iAirCombatLimit: 75
  • iAirCombat: 80
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 5
  • iAirRange: 4

Guided Missiles: Can bombard units, tiles and cultural defence, cause collateral damage to 2 units, cannot be intercepted. Full list of changes (underline means original stat, for comparison):
  • iCost: 60h
  • iBombRate: 16
  • iAirCombatLimit: 75
  • iAirCombat: 40
  • iCollateralDamage: 100
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 50%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 1
  • iAirRange: 4

Flanking: Flanking strength (used to calculate damage from flanking strikes) or all units reduced by 50%.


Barracks: increased cost to 60 hammers, +1 culture.

Jails: now -50% War Weariness.

Castles (and replacement UB): no longer decrease bombardment rate of catapults or trebuchets.


Known Tech Bonus changed to 50.The known civ bonus is multiplied so that it is based on the era that the most advanced player is in with following equation:

Total known team tech bonus = HighestPlayerEra*TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER


Hunting: Enables pastures, cost increased by 50% from 40 to 60. No longer enables camps.

Animal Husbandry: Enables camps. No longer enables pastures.

Archery: Base tech cost decreased by two thirds, from 60 to 40.

Astronomy: Requires Code of Laws as mandatory prerequisite in addition to Calendar and Optics. No longer requires Paper.

Metal Casting: Cost reduced to 300.

Alphabet: No longer enables tech trading, allows Open Borders. Cost reduced to 250.

Writing: Enables Map trading, no longer enables OB.

Paper enables Tech Trading. Requires Metal Casting as mandatory prerequisite.

Renaissance era technology prices increased by a percentage of base BtS tech cost as follows:

  • Education: +25%
  • PP: +25%
  • Nationalism: +25%
  • Gunpowder: +25%
  • Astronomy: +25%
  • Economics: +50%
  • Liberalism: +50%
  • Replaceable Parts: +50%
  • Military Tradition: +50%
  • Constitution: +50%
  • Chemistry: +50%
  • Democracy: +75%
  • Rifling: +75%
  • Corporation: +75%
  • Military Science: +75%
  • Steel: +75%
  • Steam Power: +75%
  • Artillery: +100%
  • Assembly Line: +100%
  • Scientific Method: +100%
  • Railroad: +100%

Cost of all subsequent techs increased by 100%

All medieval and earlier techs are untradeable:

The untradeable techs are as follows: Fishing, The Wheel, Agriculture, Hunting, Mysticism, Mining, Sailing, Pottery, Animal Husbandry, Archery, Meditation, Polytheism, Masonry, Horseback Riding, Priesthood, Monotheism, Bronze Working, Writing, Metal Casting, Iron Working, Aesthetics, Mathematics, Alphabet, Monarchy, Compass, Literature, Calendar, Construction, Currency, Machinery, Drama, Engineering, Code of Laws, Feudalism, Optics, Music, Philosophy, Civil Service, Theology, Divine Right, Paper, Guilds, Banking


Switch Civic, Switch Religion, City Revolt,Counter Espionage, and Destroy Production spy missions removed.

Costs of all active spy missions doubled.

Discounts to spy missions due to religious effects removed (owning holy city, religion present in city).

Spies now spawn with "Secretive", and cannot see tiles except the one they're standing on.

The No Espionage game option now works properly:
  • GSpy points are converted into Great Merchant points.
  • Espionage no longer gets converted into culture.
  • Cultural expansion now happens at normal values.
  • Spies cannot be built.
  • Graphs are always visible on contact.

Tile Changes:

Watermills: +1 base hammers, no longer receives +1h at Rep Parts.
Workshops: +1 base hammers, no longer receives +1h at Chemistry.
Mines: +1h at Rep Parts.
Quarry: +1h at Rep Parts.
Whaling Boats: Enabled at Sailing, not Optics. Otherwise unchanged.

Game Mechanics:

The Draft: Rifles now cost 2 pop to draft. A city must now end a draft at size 6 instead of size 5 (So size 8 to draft a rifle, size 7 to draft a musket).

Corporations: Completely removed from the game.

Culture required to achieve legendary border pop on Quick Speed changed from 25000 to 33000


The following events have been removed from the game:

Negative Events:
1. Forest Fire
5. Washed out
10 Careless apprentice
11. Famine
12. Slave revolt
15. Farm Bandits
18. Fugitive
19. Pestilence
21. Faux Pas
22. Joyous Wedding
23. Wedding Feud
24. Left at the Altar
26. Tornado
29. Looters
30. Brothers in need
31. Hurricane
32. Cyclone
33. Tsunami
34. Monsoon
35. Blizzard
36. Volcano
37. Dust Bowl
42. Clunker Coal
43. Sour crude
50. Mining accident
52. SetbackS
54. Great depression
55. Bermuda triangle
70. Influenza
71. Solo Flight
77. Ancient olympics
78. Modern olympics
80. Earth day
92. Cigarette Smoker
93. Heroic Gesture
94. Great Mediator
99. The Huns
100. The Vandals
101. the Goths
102. The Philistines
103. The Vedic Aryans
104. Holy ritual
132. Spoiled grain
135. Industrial fire
155. Slave revolt warning
160. Defecting agent
161. Jail
162. Spy discovered
163. Nuclear protests
165. Broken Dam
169. Toxcatl
170. Dissident Priest
172. Rogue station
174. Impeachment

Remove (Too good):
9. Hymns and sculptures
20. Marathon
28. Bards tale
64. Federal reserve
139. Partisans
167. Golden Buddha

Quests (Too good):
13. Blessed sea
121. Harbomaster
125. Sports league
149. Guns Butter
151. Overwhelm
152. Corporate expansion
153. Hostile takeover


Coastal Blockade now has a range of 1 square around the blockader, instead of 3 squares.

AP Resolutions: Declare War (on a non-member), Force Peace (between two members), Religious victory, and Assign City are no longer eligible resolution actions.

Fail-gold: You never get fail-gold if you also completed the wonder somewhere else (so no National Wonder fail-gold, or doubling up on a wonder to guarantee yourself a paycheck. The game still informs you that you received "0 gold" from your hammers).

Hut techs: Can only gain techs from the first three rows of the tech screen:

Fishing, Sailing, Wheel, Pottery, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Hunting, Archery, Mysticism, Masonry, Priesthood, Mining, Bronze Working, Writing.

Toroidal maps: Now return city maintenance as if the map were Cylindrical.

Maximum number of players is now 40, up from 18.

Included additional bug fixes:

Trade route turn order bug.

Foreign trade route cities lost permanently when your city using those routes is destroyed (fix is taken from BTS unofficial patch).

Build culture double production.

Build wealth/research/culture + production automation double production.

Proposed trades including cities, where the cities no longer exist to be trades, are not cancelled (note: I consider this a bug because proposed trades are already cancelled if a player lacks the requisite e.g. resources/gold. could be considered not a bug).

Production decay counter on a type of build (e.g. axeman) is not reset after completing one if the next item in the queue is of the same type (fix is taken from BTS unofficial patch).

Feature growth/disappearance rates, and bonus discovery (mine pop) rates, do not scale with game speed.

No changes to corporations?

Not yet...figure out a way to balance them, then post it here. Personally, I'd prefer it if corps were small wonders, so everyone could get them, but neither me nor Cyneheard are, well, great shakes at coding...
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Sounds promising. smile

Suggestion: Come up with a unit or Promotion (prereq: Sentry?) that can see Spies.
(It's been done before, see the Defense(?) mod that comes with BTS)

Any thoughts of adding a small bonus to Pikemen defending vs WEs?
The Str numbers on defense may be the same as Spearmen, but the hammer costs aren't.

One thing to consider with corporations:
In SP play, it's relatively easy to get large numbers of resources in trade.
This is a rarer problem in MP play. Also, MPers will charge full value for their resources, either directly, or indirectly via alliances.

Option 1) Increasing the opportunity cost of spreading a corporation.
This can be done by increasing the cost of an executive, increasing the cost of spreading the corporation, something like that. These are relatively easy to do, but don't really solve the problem that corporate bonuses can easily be too big.

Option 2) Limit the corporate bonuses per resource. Not sure if this is an XML fix or not.

Option 3) Buff State Property.

Option 4) Making Corporations National. Needs a ton of coding to do right.

pocketbeetle Wrote:Sounds promising. smile

Suggestion: Come up with a unit or Promotion (prereq: Sentry?) that can see Spies.
(It's been done before, see the Defense(?) mod that comes with BTS)

Need to try and figure out what the entire point in spies is, in an MP environment. I'm not entirely sure they even have a place: you make them visible, but are they killable or not? If they are, they are just another combat unit and get killed because they can't have a military escort. You make them immortal, and what are you supposed to do when you see them coming? Maybe make them hidden nationality? Same problem as above. Never mind the entire spies as a sentry net problem...

You need just so much coding, development and rebalancing to make spies worthwhile, that using spies as units in a small mod is nigh impossible. And the whole point of this mod is to have just a few small tweaks where possible to rebalance the really bad shit, and add a bit more life back into C4.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Quote:We wanted to tweak Slavery. How would we do that? Well, the plan was this:
Whips would now give 20 hammers, but slavery would give +10% hammers to all forms of production. THIS WAS NOT DONE IN THE MOD. I do not have any experience with working in Python, and it doesn't seem to be an XML value. If a lurker could either make the slavery change, or walk me through the python, that would be greatly appreciated (I can add the +10% hammers, since that's an XML change).

Elaborate upon the exact changes you want. I've dorked around in the SDK and python before, so I might be able to help you track it down.

1. Slavery gives +10% hammers (Done)
2. Whip gives 20 base hammers at normal speed (Undone)
3. You don't need to run slavery to do whips (Undone)?? This seems to be implied by the whole statement (you can always whip but slavery improves that with hammer output) - but I may be completely misreading you and you only want points 1 & 2.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Points one and 2 are correct. Point three is not correct, you should still need slavery to whip. The production bonus idea is there to not completely screw early game production - you could go to slavery, but leave a high production city working hills and making use of the 10% bonus hammers.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

I really like the idea of this, as I am not averse to playing slightly-modded versions of games. Also, I should be able to to any necessary coding - I've made complex mods before.

In terms of designing it though... I think we need to be a bit more deliberate. Specifically, the critical first step is to agree on what aspects of BTS's current state are undesirable and worth changing. I'm guessing you already have some understanding of that with Krill, but it needs to be explicit if you want this to be a good mod (and a community mod).

It's important to be careful in defining what you want. For example: as we all know, slavery is pretty good. One of the three main goals of "balance" mods are to make more strategies viable, and currently, early slavery for a long time is much more viable than alternatives. So a pretty obvious goal is to make slavery worse, or competing civics better, such that you have a harder time choosing between them.

However! Another important consideration in balance mods is to make the strategies that people choose interesting to play and skillful. In this case, before nerfing slavery, we should ask whether the fact that it's part of the best strategy is actually improving the gameplay. Arguments in favor could include: Slavery benefits the defender in wars, and the result is a better balance in emphasis between economy and war; slavery allows for interesting and skillful city micro; slavery allows a greater variety of city sites to be viable by allowing food to hammer conversions; slavery allows the benefits of new techs to be gained more quickly, which rewards clever beelines. (Keep in mind, this is an EXAMPLE. I am not making any claim about whether I believe those or not. Don't try to debate me!) So it's possible that we would look at slavery and conclude that while it's disappointing that other labor civics don't get used, the net result is a more interesting game. Or not.

(The third thing a balance mod tries to do is make the game fairer for players with different initial conditions (i.e. leaders and civs). This is more straightforward.)

The second step is to come up with changes that accomplish those goals, and justify that they do accomplish those goals without screwing up other things. It's useful to explain what you believe the old strategic balance was (certain options being shut out) and what you believe the new balance will be.

Throughout all of this there will temptation to throw in insignificant changes to things that annoy you personally. Maybe I'm underestimating the impact, but I think the vassalage change might qualify. Does that GPT really matter that much? There are lots of things that are dumb in the game; the question is always whether it will significantly improve the game.

Edit - One other comment: It's my personal preference to keep things "elegant". I would call the spearman's bonus against war elephants "not elegant". I can't tell you exactly why, but you know, it's adding more separate things. Why not just reduce the War Elephant strength instead? However, I'm not sure if there's a legitimate reason for this preference. Also by the way, I will comment on specifics, but right now I have something else to go to, and maybe you will elaborate on things in the meantime anyway.

NOTE: I forgot to mention this earlier (and will promptly edit in the OP): Pikemen get a 25% bonus against WE.

We're trying to remove some of the "one right answer" decisions that Civ4 has.

Issue #1: Slavery + Cottages is king for commerce (as intended), but it isn't all that weak for production. I think that's one thing Civ5 has gotten right, that it does attempt to improve the balance between 2/0 and 1/1 tiles. If pop growth wasn't so crazily expensive, and if Maritime States didn't exist, then I think Civ5 would actually have that balance about right.

Hence, the Tile and Civic changes.

The slavery change is definitely a big one, and maybe we're better off seeing what the changed Workshops et al do for allowing other production options.

But I don't think it solves the Cottage Economy Is King On Land issue.

Right now, non-HE cities basically get a few farms to get to a +5 to +7 food surplus, and the other grassland tiles are cottages. This works really well, because a 2f tile doesn't hurt production: grow on cottages, and then whip away population for hammers at about a 1f:2h conversion. A 2f cottage is worth almost as much production through the whip as a 1/3 grass hill mine! And it provides a nice pile of commerce. Another option is to nerf the granary, but I KNOW that will have a massive number of side-effects, and is worse than the disease.

For micro, I think this moves a lot of the micro decisions from the city screen to worker management, so I don't think it's a huge loss of skill there, just a different focus.

We don't want to kill the cottage economy, or the ability to slave population. And I think we definitely need to look at this on water maps.

The other changes are a lot smaller in scope.

Vassalage: This was meant to work with Pacifism. If someone wants to run Pacifism in an MP game, well, they can't without breaking the bank. This doesn't make Pacifism an easy choice, but a viable one (at least for Spi players), when they want to spit out a GPerson or two.

Drafting: Rifles are incredibly dominant units to begin with. Grenadiers kind of counter them, but Grenadiers can't be drafted, are in an awful tech, and only work when attacking the riflemen. Add in the fact that a rifleman (110h) can be drafted for about 15-20 food (and some unhappiness, unless it's the Globe city), and all of a sudden there's a hole in the game begging to be abused.

On Normal Speed, a Globe City is incredibly map-dependent. This isn't an issue on Quick Speed: Just about any city can be irrigated to the +10 food surplus at size 5: Corn + 4 grass farms. I know in PB3 that was going to make a big difference: I didn't have a chance of getting a 1t drafting farm until Biology (and I'm not even sure then), while the Maya could run a pile of floodplains and be good to go.

The Trait tweaks are from looking at PBEM10 (7 Pro civs "chosen" as being awful, out of 12 picks), and some of the other games that have banned either Fin/Phi or Fin/Exp. The granary bonus seemed like an easy way to fix two of those

Terraces needed something of a nerf. An Expansive Inca player gets, for 30h, a monument and a granary, and another culture? Granted, the Quechua isn't much an MP UU, but I think Krill's shown clearly that the Terrace's free culture makes a huge difference. And this at least makes the Terrace more like a combination Granary/Monument, instead of Granary/Creative.

The UUs, I'm not terribly happy with our choice of nerfs for the Praetorian. Cataphracts act too much like Cuirassiers, who are several techs beyond Cataphracts. What beats them? Nothing. Pikemen? A similarly-promoted Cataphract wins, because his Combat promotions are more useful. Similar situation for WE. Knights? Definitely not. At least now Pikemen and WE might have a chance.

After PB1, we've banned WE from all RB games. So that's why we felt something needed to be done about them. Something like 6str, +100 vs. Mounted units merely turns the War Elephant into a Mounted version of a Pikeman, available earlier and with a different resource. A weaker WE becomes unable to counter Knights, who would otherwise only lose to Pikemen and LB inside cities. I think those choices end up being a lot less elegant than adding the anti-WE bonus of Spearmen (and Pikemen), although on paper they look a little more elegant.

I don't think anything more needs to be said on the Civics and Religion missions.

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