[SPOILERS PB71]Krill: By the numbers, when the walls fell (on everyone else)
Table of contents, to be developed as time progresses.
Pre-game events:
Relevant game information PB71 Tech costs Goodhut outcomes for Monarch Tech Tree Unit naming Names of scouts Game updates Turn 1: hut pop 1 gives scout Turn 6: hut pop 2 gives Mysticism and meet Pindicator (Qin of Japan) Turns 11 and 12: decision to go Pottery before Settler implemented Turn 26: met every player Turn 33: World map, with copper and horse locations Turn 43: superdeaths' graphs Turn 53: Bings' graphs Turn 56: Commodore completes Oracle Turn 57: World Map Turns 65 and 66: Finish Great Wall
First comments on this game: We are all going to get rolled by mack, so just enjoy the show until he turns up.
Second comment on this game: we are all going to get rolled by mack, but I am the player with the best leader/civ pairing so I should fair worst in the lurker evaluation.
I am very excited to see mack back rolling people here like old times
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player
The sign ups are all old school: the "newest" player is SD and he holds to record for most PB games. Add in sequential removing any turn timer shenanigans and it should be a pretty interesting game if the map holds out.
Forgive me for being optimistic - even a random, low yield map is not an issue so long as one player doesn't have both great land and is relatively insulated compared to everyone else. Unless it is SD, in which he would likely squander it, and mack, who could be given desert and peaks and would still pull off a HA rush to take out two players.
Question for lurkers, are we likely to see the starting g screenshot before the game starts or are we going in blind? Either is fine just wondering if I need to put time aside this week for simming or not.
You'll see.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.