{God! I hope this is the right place to post this! - I followed the redirector from here :/}
Guild name and tag: High On [LIFE]
Guild leader (contacts): Our leader is Martyr Dienekes, but I have been made leader whilst he is indisposed for a few weeks in RL, so ... Bruver Marauder [IGNs = Bruver Marauder/Snotty Kid/Spoilt Little Brat/Mark Currie] [MSN = MarkCurrie@NTLWorld.com]
Guild size: 22 members
Guild site/forum: A temporary forums has been set-up here, after our last one 'died' :/
Tell us something about your guild: We are in the main remnants of the now defunct 'Seraphim Martyrs [BURN]', the guild I first created with a few friends of mine (Richard = Martyr Dienekes, Adam = Balric Ironhide and Kevin - Rain Walker), during the October 2005 BWE (wow! that long ago! sheesh!).
Quite a few of us then joined ZoS, where we stayed for some considerable time. After certain events beyond my control, some members, incl. myself left for differing reasons (some RL, some not), I found myself 'guildless' and accepted an invite from the now phoenix-like resurgance of most of the BURN members, who had formed themselves into LIFE.
We are in the main an American guild, on the American Territory, but a few of us (incl. my wife, myself and Richard) are resident in the UK. We are mostly a PvE guild, though enjoy FUN GvG/TA/AB etc.
That's about the long and short of it.
Why do you want to join this alliance? Apart from being invited by some ex-members of ZOS, and therefore once more being 'hooked-up' with some great folks that we used to love gaming with, we are a lone guild, but have been looking for a suitable Luxon-aligned alliance, with which to enjoy our gaming with.
Peace out,
Guild name and tag: High On [LIFE]
Guild leader (contacts): Our leader is Martyr Dienekes, but I have been made leader whilst he is indisposed for a few weeks in RL, so ... Bruver Marauder [IGNs = Bruver Marauder/Snotty Kid/Spoilt Little Brat/Mark Currie] [MSN = MarkCurrie@NTLWorld.com]
Guild size: 22 members
Guild site/forum: A temporary forums has been set-up here, after our last one 'died' :/
Tell us something about your guild: We are in the main remnants of the now defunct 'Seraphim Martyrs [BURN]', the guild I first created with a few friends of mine (Richard = Martyr Dienekes, Adam = Balric Ironhide and Kevin - Rain Walker), during the October 2005 BWE (wow! that long ago! sheesh!).
Quite a few of us then joined ZoS, where we stayed for some considerable time. After certain events beyond my control, some members, incl. myself left for differing reasons (some RL, some not), I found myself 'guildless' and accepted an invite from the now phoenix-like resurgance of most of the BURN members, who had formed themselves into LIFE.
We are in the main an American guild, on the American Territory, but a few of us (incl. my wife, myself and Richard) are resident in the UK. We are mostly a PvE guild, though enjoy FUN GvG/TA/AB etc.
That's about the long and short of it.

Why do you want to join this alliance? Apart from being invited by some ex-members of ZOS, and therefore once more being 'hooked-up' with some great folks that we used to love gaming with, we are a lone guild, but have been looking for a suitable Luxon-aligned alliance, with which to enjoy our gaming with.
Peace out,