you apply please take the time to read a little about each guild in this alliance
and see if you will fit in. Below is an outline how we will handle the application
process - 1/
Upon application, a thread would be posted in the Alliance Application Evaluation
sub forum for a period of 3 days. There's no need to post unless someone have
any objections to let the applying guild into a trial period. 2/
The applying guild would be invited into the alliance for a 2 weeks trial period.
Please make an effort to get to know them. 3/
As soon as the vote is opened, we will put an announcement up in game (and leave
it there for the duration) that a new ally is under consideration, and refer them
to the required forum to comment and vote.
A poll will start after the first week of the trial period, and ends on the last
day of the trial period. 5/
The applying guild will be a permanent ally, or kicked, based on this one week
poll. Majority rules unless there are grievous oppositions. 6/
All threads in the Alliance Application Evaluation will be deleted before the
applying guild is accepted as a permanent ally, and given access to the sub forum. Please
get your guild members involved, the more involved the better.
To Apply Follow THIS
LINK to our forum and start a new thread (you will need to be registered for
the forum) giving us the following information: Guild
name and tag: Guild
leader (contacts): Guild
size: Guild
site/forum: Tell
us something about your guild: Why
do you want to join this alliance?