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The Realms Beyond Alliance 

This alliance is founded on enjoyment of the game and while we don't maintain a strict code of conduct we request that all parties conduct themselves in such a way as to avoid conflicts and allow fellow players their full enjoyment of the game. Play legitly and treating your peers with respect.

We have pledged our alliance to the Luxons. The Realms Beyond alliance consists of, in alphabetical order:


Archons Ascendant [Arch]

Guild Leader: Sciros - (IGN) Sciros Darkblade

High On [Life]

Guild Leader: Mark Currie - (IGN) Mark Currie


Realms Beyond [RB] is a community, spread across the traditional lines of game titles and who are like-minded on several key points...
... to seek challenge and fun, not simply "high score' or 'the most elite stuff!"
... to excel is virtue
... to look to become friends with those you play with
... to treat others with respect, whether you agree with them or not
... to steadfastly avoid cheating
To find out more about Realms Beyond...Read On

Guild Leader: KingOfPain -(IGN) King Of Pain I


  Apply to join the Realms Beyond Alliance 

Before you apply please take the time to read a little about each guild in this alliance and see if you will fit in. Below is an outline how we will handle the application process -

1/ Upon application, a thread would be posted in the Alliance Application Evaluation sub forum for a period of 3 days. There's no need to post unless someone have any objections to let the applying guild into a trial period.

2/ The applying guild would be invited into the alliance for a 2 weeks trial period. Please make an effort to get to know them.

3/ As soon as the vote is opened, we will put an announcement up in game (and leave it there for the duration) that a new ally is under consideration, and refer them to the required forum to comment and vote.

4/ A poll will start after the first week of the trial period, and ends on the last day of the trial period.

5/ The applying guild will be a permanent ally, or kicked, based on this one week poll. Majority rules unless there are grievous oppositions.

6/ All threads in the Alliance Application Evaluation will be deleted before the applying guild is accepted as a permanent ally, and given access to the sub forum.

Please get your guild members involved, the more involved the better.

How To Apply
Follow THIS LINK to our forum and start a new thread (you will need to be registered for the forum) giving us the following information:

Guild name and tag:

Guild leader (contacts):

Guild size:

Guild site/forum:

Tell us something about your guild:

Why do you want to join this alliance?


 Each Guild Is Required,  

once you are a permanent ally, to put up pertinent alliance information/links on your site/forum, such as the top half of this page, and links below:

The official alliance forum

Access to the "Alliance Application Evaluation" sub-forum. Apply to gain access to this private forum to be able to vote on applications.

Other helpful links:
Create a Guild Page at the official GW Wiki site. Examples:
Feel free to ask for help in setting one up for your guild.

This page - so you know where to direct guilds interested in joining this alliance.

Encourage your member to introduce themselves to the alliance - Hello and Welcome






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