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Armaments - A collection Guild Wars items 
Bow // Axe // Hammer // Sword // Dagger // Spear // Scythe
// Wand // Focus // Shield


Half Moon Bow - also:
Short Bow

Flat Bow - also:
Long Bow, Ascalon/Diessa Bow

Long Bow

Long Bow - also:
Half Moon Bow

Horn Bow
This one found in Pre-Searing

Dead Bow - also:

Horn Bow

Recurve Bow - also:
Composite Bow

Shadow Bow

Eternal Bow

Vabbian Longbow

Storm Bow (animated arc)

Stinger (unique) - also:
Ivory Bow

Drago's Vampiric Flatbow (unique)

Caged Bow

Spiked Recurve Bow

Stoneshard Hornbow

Bladed Recurve Bow

Tundoss' Shortbow (unique)

Poisonous Nevermore Flatbow
Game of the Year Edition Bonus Item

Ithas Bow
Prophecies Bonus Item

Darksteel Longbow
GW:EN Preorder Bonus

Bow - Weapon Spell


Tribal Axe

Spiked Axe

Great Axe - also:
Ascalon, Double-bladed Axe

Sephis Axe - also:

Battle Pick - also:
Piercing Axe, Battle Axe

Summit Axe


Serpent Axe

Krytan Axe - Also:
Hand Axe, White Scythe

Ancient Axe

Winged Axe

Gemstone Axe

Avian Axe

Crude Axe

Morning Star Axe

Barbed Axe

Icy Blade Axe (same as Morrob's Axe w/ white grip)

Chaos Axe

Axe - Weapon Spell

Runic Hammer - also:
Shining Maul

Foehammer Hammer - also:
War Hammer

Ascalon Maul - also:
War Hammer

Ball Hammer

Righteous Hammer

Twin Hammer

War Hammer - also:
Giant Slayer Hammer
Swamp Club

War Hammer - also:
Break Hammer, Dwarven Hammer

War Hammer

Summit Hammer

Magmas Arm - also:
War Hammer

Mursaat Hammer

Barrel Hammer

Granite Hammer

Plagueborn Maul

Rhino's Charge
Game of the Year Edition Bonus Item

Hammer - Weapon Spell


Long Sword - also:
Short Sword

Long Sword

Brute Sword - also:
Long Sword

Long Sword - Reward item from:
Viggo (Piken Square), Rurik & Pitney (pre-searing)

Tribal Blade

Wingblade Sword - also:
Butterfly Sword

Barbed Ascalon Razor of Charrslaying
From Collector

Fell Blade (animated shadow)

Spatha - also:
Forked Sword

Fiery Dragon Sword (animated flame)

Icy Dragon Sword (animated frost)

Shadow Balde

Vabbian Scimitar

Ornate Scimitar

Bramble Blade

Aerowind Blade

Broadblade Scimitar

Tattooed Scimitar

Glacial Blade
GW:EN Preorder Bonus

Sword - Weapon Spell


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