
27th 2005(Reporter): Hello, everyone, this is your action news reporter with
all the news that is news across the nation, on the scene at the Merchants' Row.
There seems to have been some disturbance here. Pardon me, sir, did you see what
happened? (Witness): Yeah,
I did. I's standin' over there by the tomaters, and here he come, running through
the pole beans, through the fruits and vegetables, nekkid as a jay bird. And I
hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it's too late,
she'd already been mooned. Let
the adventures begin...
Hawkmoon - 02 Oct 2005 The
seasons were definitely turning toward the close of the year, Arty thought. Though
the sun still warmed his bare skin, it was riding low in the sky, and soon would
only show its face briefly each day in this northern clime. He lifted his head
from his couch, glancing at his companions. Our sunbathing schedule is going
to have to be put on hiatus for the year, I think, in the near future. Sanskirt
cracked open one eye. Perhaps for you, O dabbler in mundane magic, but for
me never. You know that exposing myself to the divine rays is part of my
worship. I shall continue to lie here, in holy contemplation, on the roof of our
guild hall each and every day. She paused. Though perhaps short sessions
of meditation will be in order as we approach Years End. From
the couch on the other side of the monk, Jill muttered something that Arty couldnt
quite catch, though part of it sounded like meditate while snoring.
Sanskirt started to sit up, clearly preparing to take umbrage, but at that moment
all were distracted by the clicking of boot heels on the roof tiles. Ember, on
Artys other side, sat up abruptly with a hissing intake of breath. Before
the other three sunbathers could lever themselves up, the voice of SoulFlayer,
their guild leader, shattered the peaceful afternoon. Realms
Beyond recruits, ATTEN-SHUN! Arty
almost flew off the couch in his haste to comply. Acutely aware of how out of
uniform he was, he could feel his cheeks beginning to burn as his superior looked
them all up and down. SoulFlayers
lip curled. Youre in luck, recruits. Ive got just the assignment
for you, one that your
will fit nicely. At the mystified
look from the sunbathers, he continued, Ive just received an urgent
message from Warmaster Tydus in Ascalon City. It seems hes finally
woken up to the fact that all the other, more mainstream, guilds are interested
in is fighting each other, rather than pushing back the Charr. So now hes
asked me to send Realms Beyonds finest. Well, youre a mess, but youre
the best damn recruits Ive got and youre going to prove to
Tydus that ignoring Realms Beyond was a mistake! Arty
exchanged a nervous glance with his companions. What was their guild leader going
to get them into now? They had barely finished their basic training in their chosen
professions! Maybe it wasnt such a good idea to start this sunworshipping
club after all its gotten us noticed. SoulFlayer
went on, to the increasing alarm of the four recruits, Youre going
to upstage them all! Youre going to go in there armed with nothing but your
skills! Show them what real magical prowess is about! Youre going to go
in there exactly as I see you before me now! What?!
SoulFlayer couldnt really be implying what it sounded like, could he? Some
of his shock and confusion must have shown in his face, because the guild leader
went on, nodding, Yes, youre going to Ascalon City clad in nothing
but your undergarments. Well, I guess you ought to wear our guild capes, though
just so everyone knows the identity of our illustrious but unfairly
ignored up till now guild. Arty,
Jill, Sanskirt and Ember could only stare at one another in horror. | |