Succession Games
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Succession Games

Adventure Twenty - Desert Domination

Sponsor: Sullla
Opening Date: Monday, June 11
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Script: Oasis
Game Speed: Normal

Difficulty: Noble
Civilization: Arabia
Leader: Saladin
World Size: Small
Opponents: Four Non-Spiritual Civs
Victory: Domination (all enabled)

Version: Civ4 v1.61

Scenario: The last Gentle Adventure was designed to be a peaceful builder game. This time, all victory conditions will still be turned on but your goal will be to win by Domination! With limitations on key city improvements (see below), acquiring territory on this map will have to balance economic squeeze against religious income. Can you lead Saladin to mastery over the desert sands of this Oasis map?

Rules: You are never allowed to build courthouses! These are off limits for this game.

Markets, grocers, and banks may ONLY be constructed in Holy Cities. All other cities are prohibited from building these improvements.

The use of Merchant specialists is also forbidden. Try to do the best you can to prevent the AI governors from hiring these specialists, should the situation occur. If you do get a Great Merchant, via wonders or the Economics tech, you may not use him as a super-specialist. You may still use him for trade missions, new technologies, and Golden Ages.

Strategy: With a goal of Domination and most of the ways to generate gold taken off the table, players are strongly recommended to make use of the monk economy. None of the AI opponents begin the game with Mysticism, so at least one (and possibly several) early religions are there for the taking. With Saladin being Philosophical, it should be relatively easy to generate Great Prophets for shrines. How much value can you get from the likes of Priest specialists, Spiral Minaret, and shrine income? We’ve had several requests from newcomers for a game emphasizing religious spread, so here’s your chance!

Results will be listed according to fastest finishes, with defeats listed in reverse order (those who survived the longest listed first).

Closing Day: Monday, July 9. Reports due by the end of July 10, your local time.

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