4: Civilization
Scenarios Rome
Everlasting - A Fall of Rome variant in which the Eastern and Western
Roman Empires are playable. Chnages from the Fall Of Rome scenario: -
Update the scenario name and description - Change which civs are human playable
- Add locked alliance of Sassanids vs. Rome - Add locked alliance of
Celts, Anglo-Saxons and Vandals vs. Rome - Add locked alliance of Huns vs.
Rome - Allow colonies in desert - Change War Weariness from High to Low
for the Imperialism Government - Military police to 1 in Imperialism -
Harbor and Walls for Constantinople - Harbor for Alexandria Rome
Everlasting Discussion Thread 
Files (Epics
save files are available on each Epic's main page) T-hawk's
Japanese 20K Challenge - For more information, please see the game's discussion
thread. Zed's
Deity OCC Challenge
Mods RBDers
- Carbon Copy 