- by Carbon Copy I
played a bit of random maps with Sirian's Vikings mod, and decided to actually
open up civ3edit and see what I could do with it. The results are as follows:
New Civ: RBDers (replaces Aztecs) Civ Traits: Religious/Commercial (Doh! I thought
that there wasn't one. Just happened that I forgot to include India when I was
drawing up my table) Unique Unit: Beyond Naked Mage. Replaces Knight, Atk
of 5, but def of 1, requires no resources. Has the Jaguar Warrior graphics for
now. Leader
Title: Scum Leader Name: the King of Pain. Who else could it be? Culture
group: none
Preferred gov't: Monarchy Shunned gov't: Despotism Aggressiveness:
Not very aggressive (MUCH less so than those Aztecs they replaced) City
Names: Diablo/Diablo II locations, mostly, as well as the names of Diablo variant
sites. It's actually longer than the Aztec list was Leader
Names: RBDers, Variant players, especially famous variant characters (Oof(BAR)
and Ember, for example). The list I put in there is quite incomplete, then again,
I highly doubt that people will EVER get more than halfway through it even if
they do nothing but warmonger from 4000 BC to 2050 AD. Other
changes: I
reverted a few 1.17 changes that bugged me. Whip/Draft penalties are back down
to 20 turns, and Oil and Aluminum appear on plains tiles again. No strategic resources

Download it
make the Beyond Naked Mage work, go to your civ 3 install directory, then go to
the Art/units/ folder, copy the Jaguar Warrior folder and rename it "Beyond Naked
Mage" (exact spelling minus quotations). Then go into that new folder and rename
"Jaguar Warrior.ini" to "Beyond Naked Mage.ini". You shouldn't have to do anything
else, I think, but if you don't do this, the game will crash if you try to build
a BNM. To play this mod, place the .bic in your Scenarios folder and select "load
scenario" from the main Civ 3 menu. I could place the BNM folder I modified for
download, but at 1.2 MB zipped, you'll likely be able to homebrew your own before
you could download mine. 