Opening Date: Friday, May 8
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Script: Tectonics
Settings: Earthlike world, Normal climate
Game Speed: Normal
Civilization: Egypt
Leader: Ramesses
World Size: Large
Victory: Any (except Domination, all on)
Other: No Tech Trading, No Vassal States
Beyond the Sword v3.17

We're returning to a modified version of one of Civ3's most popular
variants, the Five-City-Challenge. How well can you stand up against
the Emperor AIs with a limited number of cities to work with?

You may only have seven cities, period. How you acquire them is
entirely up to you; they may be self-built, captured from other
civs, flipped by culture, whatever you like. There is a hard limit
of seven, however: once you have seven cities, you must raze all
cities acquired in war and refuse all culture flips.
you lose one of your seven cities to an AI civ, you are allowed
to recapture it. Should one of your cities be razed, however, you
are out of luck and must play on with the remaining six.
Seven was obviously chosen because it is the number of cities that
open up the national wonders on the Large map size. There is quite
a lot of land available in this game, so expect to see some very
large AI empires. How best to deal with them will be up to you to
determine. All victory conditions are in play for this game, and
the player can theoretically win all but Domination. Please note
as well that tech trading is turned off for this game.
There is no scoring for this game. However, results will be listed
by victory according to fastest finishes, with defeats listed in
reverse order (those who survived the longest listed first). Those
who wish to do so can unofficially compete in this fashion.

Date: Monday, June 1. Reports due by the end of June 2, your
local time.
Download Adventure Thirty-seven!
