Succession Games
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Succession Games

Adventure 40 - The Illuminati
Sponsor: Sooooo
Opening Date: Monday, September 28
Duration: Four Weeks
Civ: Rome, Augustus Caesar
Map: Custom continents (2). Standard size.
Difficulty: Monarch
Game Speed: Normal

Variant Rule: After 0 AD, you must reduce your science slider to 0%. It must stay at this setting for the rest of the game.

Scenario Concept: Science is outlawed! Official funding for scientific research will be banned at 0 AD. Your task, as the head of a covert pro-science cult society, is to ensure that the Roman civilization can survive (and thrive) despite this archaic ruling. Through any means necessary you must ensure that your civilisation cangain access to the technology it needs. Though the official sciencerate must remain at 0% to satisfy the authorities, anything else is fair game. Secretive scientists in cities, research siphoned off from production or obtaining it from other civilisations (by fair or foul means!) are all possibilities. All victory types are enabled and there is no scoring for this adventure. Get to it!

Closing Day: Monday, October 26. Reports due by the end of October 27, your local time.

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